Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 7 de abril de 2017

Imprimir A CORES, na vossa Impressora! E o Zero Terninal, tricotar a 3D(!), um Sistema de Segurança Pi, e rodízios retractáveis!

Uma das tais ideias que são simples...
Mas só DEPOIS de se lá chegar!
Dica de Helga Pushkina:
Imprimir a cores, multi-materiais, numa só cabeça de Impressão, sim, sem mais do que uma Cabeça de Impressão, com a Impressora que já compraram?

Se se cortar, e enviar, por sequência, de N Bobimas de filamentos diferentes, uma série de segmentos, conforme a impressão decorre!
Tempo para levar a mão à testa e dizer, "porque é que eu não pensei nisto?"

Palette takes up to four filaments and combines them into a single filament strand. This strand is then fed to your printer, enabling your one extruder printer to create multi-filament prints! 


  • Drive: Palette’s all-metal drive systems, inspired by those on industrial FDM machines, accurately controls filament to ensure the right lengths are driven from each input.
  • Cut: A rotary cutter system slices filament to ensure a clean, low-resistance cut, time after time.
  • Connect: Palette’s patent-pending splicing system connects filaments together end-to-end before passing them through a machined Teflon channel and splicing them together.
  • Cool: Combining both active and passive cooling systems, your newly spliced filament is re-hardened to ensure it keeps tight dimensions before being passed to your printer.
  • Calibrate: Our patent-pending synchronization systems continually monitor and adjust for filament usage, allowing Palette to modify filament lengths to ensure perfect calibration over thousands of feet.

Para os Geeks e Coders, ora aqui está um belo dum Projecto a seguir, acessível, e um Computador portátil por mérito próprio, com Linux lá dentro:

Zero Terminal is a Tiny Linux PC in a 3D Printed Case
Bulent Yusuf 
The Raspberry Pi Zero W is a computer with wifi and Bluetooth that’s the size of a stick of gum. It’s cheap, cheerful, and staggeringly significant in democratizing computing. But you still need to hook it up to a monitor and keyboard to make use of it.
Enter the Zero Terminal, created by a mysterious character known only as “Node”. This homemade project combines the Pi Zero W with a slide-out QWERTY keyboard, touchscreen display, and a 3D printed shell. The result? A small, all-in-one computer that’s both portable and usable.
The PC runs stock Raspbian, which is a Linux operating system for the Raspberry Pi. The limited processing power of the Zero W means operations like running a web browser are slower than molasses. For basic tasks like working in the command line, meanwhile, or even word processing and running games in an emulator, the Zero Terminal should be adequate.

Mais uma ideia insólita, tricotar em 3D!
Porque pode tricotar em CNC, de forma a imprimir uma Camisola, por exemplo, e não só linearmente.
Vai ter futuro...

Ready-to-knit meets ready-to-wear: Kniterate is the new 3D printer for knitwear

Kniterate, the 3D printer for Knitwear, has taken Kickstarter by storm with its new crowd-funding campaign. The digital knitting machine, which first crossed our radar back in June 2016, has recently resurfaced, catching the eye of design bloggers, knitters, and knitwear enthusiasts alike. And all the buzz may be just what Kniterate needs to hit the market: with almost $250,000 already pledged, the Kickstarter campaign has more than doubled its initial goal of $100,000.

E se já estão sem mais ideias sobre o que hão-de fazer com um Raspberry Pi, que tal, um Sisteme de segurança para as vossas casas?

R-PiAlerts: Build a WiFi Based Security System With Raspberry Pis

While working at your desk, suddenly you hear a distant noise. Did someone just come home? My car is parked in front of my house, did someone break into my car? Don't you wish you got notification on your phone or at your desk so you can decide whether or not to investigate? Well question no more! R-PiAlerts is here!
What is R-PiAlerts?
R-PiAlerts is a Raspberry Pi3 based security system built around Firebase's Cloud. If movement is detected, the system will notify the user of a potential break-in with a text message and a blinking LED display (silent visual alarm of sorts). Once user receives a notification, he or she can investigate. All detected movement will be logged to the Firebase database. Besides viewing the movement log on a web browser, the user can also access the movement log via an iOS app. I decided to build this due to the recent rise in break-ins to both vehicles and homes around my area. 

...E termina-se com este Projecto, que vos permite construírem os vosso próprios rodízios retractáveis, para mesas que podem re-colocar em qualquer parte, mas que ficam fixas, quando no sítio que querem, mas também podem apreciar um pouco da metodologia que este nosso amigo usa para fazer estas e outras Engenhocas:

How to Make Retractable Casters!

Like many makers, I have a lot of everything except space. To make things more accessible, I put everything on wheels. My tablesaw was a real problem until I saw retractable casters on a work bench. Once I saw how easy they were to make, my mission was clear. 

3D, auto-suficiência, faça você mesmo, faz você mesmo, home made, fabricação, fabbing, Impressoras 3d, raspberry pi, instructables, tecnologia,

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