Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 22 de março de 2017

Makerbot acelerada? E uma Multi-ferramenta, o Xilofone Mecânico, filmar a Estratosfera, e um Guia de Impressão 3D

Uma maneira de acelerar as Impressoras Makerbot?
Ora aí está algo de interessante...
Vão ter um modo de Impressão que vos vai facilitar muito a vida, digo eu:

MakerBot says its new print process reduces times and costs by around 30 percent

Brian Heater  
MakerBot’s MinFill arrived quietly last night as a firmware upgrade for existing customers, and the company is already calling it a “big benchmark in speed and widespread adoption of 3D printing.” Many are understandably a bit cautious around such grandiose proclamations from players in this space, particularly when it comes to something as unabashedly unsexy as infill — the support structures inside a model that keep it from collapsing.
At a bare minimum, however, the newly released MinFill setting boasts some potentially impressive numbers. The technology, designed in-house for the company’s Print software, runs an algorithm that determines the minimal amount of material required to create sufficient infill for a model, saving on material and print costs — both major sticking points in the technology’s adoption.
“You can imagine as you print a complex shape, you get a lot of interesting internal geometries that support the shape in the right places,” the company’s VP of Engineering Dave Veisz tells TechCrunch. “The net effect is that it’s going to reduce the amount of filament used and reduce the print time. So, you’re printing less to get your finished product.”
The time and cost savings varies, naturally, from project to project, owing much to different sizes and shapes of objects, but Veisz says the savings to both average out around 30 percent, effectively cutting the amount of material required to print an object by nearly one-third. Really geometrically complex objects, on the other hand, can have savings of upwards of 80 to 90 percent.

Eis uma Multi-Ferramenta, 7 funções, que podem fazer em casa, é algo de muito Geek, por isso, toca a fazer uma!

Multi ToolPricklysauce 
What every pocket needs...a Multi Tool
Follow along and make this easy to make multi tool...
M4 to M12 spanner
Hex screwdriver holder socket
Flat screwdriver bit
Set square
Tin opener
Bottle opener...for that well earned beer at the end of a hard working day..

Isto é uma maravilha, que faz a felicidade de qualquer Engenhocas, só de ver, e o melhor é se inspirar a Malta a fazer algo de parecido....

Mechanical Xylophoneneilmendoz 
This Instructable will actually show you how to make a mechanical glockenspiel as the keys are metal rather than wood (xylophone is a far better word though featuring very underused letter X). This instrument was a part of The Rock Band, composed of instruments that make music with rocks by throwing them through the air, slapping them and making them vibrate. The project was created at Autodesk's awesome Pier 9 digital fabrication workshop as part of their artist in residence program.
The rock parts of this instrument are the small pebbles that are launched at the keys. However, any small hard object would probably work. The aluminium keys were fabricated using a water jet cutter. If that tool is not available to you, then wooden keys could be used instead provided that the rest of the design is updated to accommodate their design. The xylophone will be controlled by MIDI so it is possible to control it to using most common music composition software, e.g. Logic, Cubase or Ableton.

Divertido à brava!
Mas que podem fazer, e fácilmente, com um Arduino, ora eis algo para todas as Universidades tentarem, um Balão de Altas Altitudes, para toda a espécie de Experiências e recolher toda a espécie de Dados...

The Easiest Arduino High Altitude Balloon Data Logger

High Altitude balloons are effective tools in conducting experiments and measuring data in the stratosphere. A successful launch can cost less than $200 and give insight and video of how our planet functions.
For hundreds of years, humans believed the Earth to be flat. High altitude weather balloons prove the Earth is in fact round. The idea of high altitude balloons or HABs is to mount a payload on a giant helium balloon. The balloons are then released, flying to heights of 100,000 feet. Once at these altitudes, the balloon pops and uses a parachute to float back to the ground often many miles from where it was first launched. HABs are great vehicles to get footage from the stratosphere, conduct science experiments, and collect data from high elevations. 

E se têem dificuldades em imprimir nas vossas Impressoras 3D, que tal, um Guia, para não perderem a cabeça, e apreciarem os vossos Objectos, mesmo bem-feitos?

3D Printer Buyers Guide

Alastair Jennings 
Frustrated with Fused Filament Fabrication? Read our 3D printing troubleshooting guide to the most common 3D printing problems and their solutions.
It’s amazing what your 3D printer can produce. But we’ve all had those infuriating moments when, despite everything, a seemingly simple model just refuses to print successfully.
You’ve checked the model, seen countless others make it without issue, but try as you might it just won’t print. What is it that keeps going wrong?
Here at ALL3DP, we’ve had our fair share of print failures. But the upside to those failures is that we’ve become finely tuned to recognizing and solving many common 3D printing problems. 

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