Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2016

Uma dobradeira sem soldadura! E como guardar Componentes, os 4 números para a Impressão 3D, uma Forja de carvão, e um Contador Geiger!!!

Uma dobradeira, para dobrar Chapa Metálica em Ãnguloscertos, e sem maus resultados, nem dedos golpeados, é uma necessidade, mais cedo, ou mais tarde, para qualquer Engenhocas...
E assim como aqui vêem, é sem sequer recorrer a Soldadura!
É bom.

Simple Sheet Metal Brake: No Welding

I love working with metal, but I've always struggled to get perfect 90° bends. Generally, I'll stick the piece to be bent in the vise and smack it around until it's bent. Since it almost always bends crooked, I end up rebending - and generally just making a mess of it.
For my next project I was going to need to bend some cardboard, which inspired me to first tackle a bending brake. Since I knew I would end up bending things much harder than cardboard in the future, I designed the brake to handle thin aluminum and steel.
Inspiration for the design came from several other DIY brakes, such as this one by Improbable Construct and one by the Youtuber JDCD Design. Since I don't have easy access to a welder (and also try to avoid welding as I'm not terribly great at it), I modified the design to make it weld-free. 

Ter uma data de Peçinhas ou Componentes electrónicos, ou ambos, e gastar uma eternidade a procutrá-los dunas latas, é uma trapalhada, que só se evita...
E aqui está um Móvel mesmo feito para isso:

Electronics Components Storage

Alex in NZ 
Electronics is great fun, but you do end up with lots of different types of components which need to be stored individually.
I kept mine in a series of small plastic divided cases (Tactix brand), but the cases themselves were getting a bit out of control.
I liked J-Po's cabinet design but my cases had slightly curved edges which meant that they would not be held securely by the method J-Po had used.
Jesper75 had built a cabinet for the same style of cases, but I didn't want to have to cut, paint and fit the number of shelves which I would have required.
The requirements for my solution were to have as little space between the cases as possible and to use timber which I already had.
I decided to use aluminium extrusion to make holders for the cases, and since it would have been annoying to fit these once the carcass was assembled, I also decided to finish the surface before assembly. Unusual, and probably not an experiment which I will repeat, but a method which worked "well enough." 

Cortesia da Sculpteo, há 4 números que devem sempre ter em conta, para produzirem uma boa Impressão 3D, e aqui seguem, para terem sempre um bom resultado final, sem desilusões nem desperdícios:

Never fail a 3D Print again: the 4 key numbers of 3D printing 
Missing faces, bad quality, printing rejection and production delay? When you design and send your 3D file for 3D printing, some issues can happen frequently. But don’t worry! If you keep the following 4 numbers in mind while designing, these issues can be easily corrected before you 3D print or order on a 3D printing service.
Which are those key numbers for 3D printing?
1-   The number of polygons
2-   The size of your 3D file
3-   The dimensions of your product
4-   The number of volumes and parts in your file 

E que tal, uma forja, com Carvão de Churrascada?
Ora aí está algo de acessível, e empolgante para qualquer Geek Engenhocas que se preze, e ainda por cima, algo que pode-vos fazer ganhar uns cobres, nas horas vagas...
Por isso, cá vai Instructable!

Charcoal Grill Forge: Become a blacksmith on the cheap

To me, backsmiths are freakin' badasses. The roar of the fire, and the ping on the hammer striking glowing metal; it's almost mystical. They are legendary figures that have been around since the Romans, manipulating the elements to create long-lasting, useful and desirable stuff. Since the industrial revolution and modern technology, this has become a lost art.
However, this is one hell of a survival skill. I'll show you how to make a forge on the cheap to get started. I encourage you to try it out.

Para ainda serem mais radicais na nobre Arte da Engenhoquice, (e sabe-se lá se não vai ser preciso, um dia), não há como terem o vosso próprio Contador Geiger.

Mais que não seja, para terem a certeza que a Tralha sem nome que vão apanhando, NÃO é radiactiva...


E até vem com uma explicação simples de como os Contadores Geiger funcionam, por isso, é também um Projecto Didáctico.

Simplest Geiger Counter

Have you have ever wanted to test the radioactivity of your smoke alarm, or have you ever wanted to be extra prepared for that nuclear apocalypse that is always being spoken about? If you have, then this instructable is for you. In this instructable, I will show you how to build a very simple and cheap Geiger counter that can be built with salvaged parts and still get the job done. The video below will compliment this instructable with a verbal explanation of all the steps. Lets get started! 

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