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sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2015

MakePrintable não pára! E Modelos 3D à borla, Nylon condutor, mais uma Impressora 3D feita de E-Sucata

Há mais capacidades da MakePrintable, que repara e faz tudo o mais pelas vossas Impressões 3D.
E eles querem a vossa opinião, por isso, vão lá ver as novidades:

MXD3D Launched the public beta of its cloud-based 3D Files healing and repairing service “MakePrintable.” The release includes integrations with Shapeways, Box, and Google Drive. In addition to future Plugins for Blender and Sketchup design softwares.
Most of 3D content is not printable and usually faces common printing errors when users try to print them. The root of the problem is that most 3D content is usually prepared for visual representation and not for 3D printing, leading to the most common 3D printing errors.
The process of healing a 3D model requires a lot of manual work and know how of the process involved for each 3D printer and the material used. The available healing and fixing solutions are very costly and only solve basic's related to 3D printing errors. They are also focused on industrial printing, and too costly for the Maker community.
MakePrintable’s platform is easy to use by 3D design experts and novice users.
MakePrintable addresses all common 3D errors like non-manifold, flipped faces, boundary edges, intersecting objects and solidity issues as well as more complicated issues such as wall thickness making 3D model repairing simpler, faster, automatic, and more enjoyable for all hobbyist and professionals.

Dica do nosso amigo Helder Paulo Fernandes, têem aqui uma lista de nada menos de 25 Sites donde podem extraír ‎Modelos 3D, e muitos deles, Grátis, para as vossas Impressoras 3D...
É bom! 

3D printers are going mainstream, as more consumers warm up to and adopt the idea of 3D printing. The Micro, for example, is a Kickstarter project for a 3D printer for consumers. It was funded in mere minutes. But you can’t start printing once you get your printer. You will need to get the materials and more importantly the blueprint to printout your product.
If 3D modelling sounds difficult to you, fret not, the Web is filled with sites that offer users free 3D models to print on their printers free of charge. In this post, we’ve compiled 25 websites that you can use to search and download free STL models for 3D printers. Hopefully you will be able to find what you are looking for in these spots. 

Não me ocorre para o quê, agora, mas é claro que ocorrerá a quem precisa, aprendam como sintetizar o vosso Nylon, não Isolador, mas Condutor de Electricidade!!!

Synthesizing Conductive Nylon
Nylon is a popular fiber used to make everything from parachuting material to tights. Maybe you've hear Nylon referenced as a popular thermoplastic or thread. Regardless of how you use it, Nylon is a versatile material that can be made in the lab.
In this experiment, I added some bells and whistles to Nylon by synthesizing fibers with graphite to make them conductive. They're a bit crumbly and highly resistive, but will register on a continuity test at about .2kohms resistance per centimeter. 

E mais uma pequena maravilha, esta Impressora 3D feita para quem não podia comprar, mas pode é fazer esta, com Sucata!
E vem com uma Páginna no Facebook, e tudo, por isso vão lá ver:

Curiosity 120$ eWaste Educational 3D Printer
Please join our Facebook group in order to enable more and more people into the world of 3D prototyping:
Introduction & Vision
Co-developed with the Poly University of Hong Kong, the Curiosity is an easy-to-assemble educational 3D printer which offers a super low-cost platform for educational purposes. 3D printing closes the gap between an idea or inspiration and the first prototype and enables people of all ages and backgrounds to make the leap to become an inventor!
However, since most 3D printers still cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars, the price has remained a huge barrier for most schools, parents, educators and kids. The Curiosity tries to close this gap! By up-cycling eWaste such as old DVD drives and PC Power Supplies, the Curiosity not only costs less than USD150 (we hope to reduce this to around 100USD once we can bring this project up to scale) but also educates children and adults about eWaste, environmental issues, recycling and up-cycling while learning everything about 3D printing!
Similar to what “one laptop per child” has done, I would like to open-source this technology and encourage educators around the world to adopt this platform and use it in their classrooms, i.e. “one 3D Printer per child”.
I could also imagine a Kickstarter/Indiegogo campaign, where people can buy a kit for themselves for let’s say $250 while sponsoring at the same time a child somewhere in the world who can’t afford it. 

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