Blog Posts

terça-feira, 10 de novembro de 2015

Protolabs, é bom saber! E Portugueses Ganham Prémios, 5 Robots impressionantes, e um Top de CAD

Apresento-vos a Protolabs, nos EUA, na Europa, e no Japão, que forneçe serviços rápidos de Prototipagem, e Producção em baixas quantidades, para quando a vossa Invenção está mesmo avançada, e ainda nos oferece um Pdf sobre qual a melhor Técnica a utilizar para os vossos Protótipos, caso a caso:

 A Empresa:

"Proto Labs was founded as The ProtoMold Company in 1999 by Larry Lukis, a successful entrepreneur and computer geek. Larry previously was co-founder of a successful $100 million company that wanted to design a better printer—and was floored at the time and money it took to get injection moulded parts. His answer was to develop an automated process for producing injection moulded parts in a fraction of the time and cost it had taken before. With a stated mission “to radically reduce the time it takes to get prototype injection moulded plastic parts” and “to make plastic injection moulding a practical option for products not requiring large quantities of parts” Protomold was off and running. 
With a rapidly growing customer base demanding more, we pushed the technology envelope to produce bigger and more complex parts, introduced the Firstcut CNC machining service, opened up manufacturing facilities in Europe and Asia, and changed the name of the company to Proto Labs to reflect our growing capabilities. In 2012, we decided to take the company public and became one of the most successful initial public offerings of that year. As the world’s fastest provider of machined and moulded parts, we take pride in providing customers real parts really fast." 

O Pdf, um de muitos, vejam também os outros: 

Prototyping Processes White Paper
Whether you're a newbie, expert or in-between, our Prototyping Processes white paper will help you choose the best process for your project. It's packed full of excellent info on strength, finish, material properties, and more.

A science4you tem ganho uma data de prémios por toda a parte, e por isso está de parwabéns, cá vai a Notícia, para animar todos os outros que, se Deus quizer, um dia, lá chegarão:

Queria partilhar 3 novidades que têm marcado a Science4you em 2015:
1) Ganhámos mais 7 Prémios! Desde a Condecoração do Presidente da República aos Independent Toy Awards no UK!
Mais info:
2) A nível internacional, iniciámos vendas na TESCO, Toys R Us, John Lewis, no Reino Unido, e na FNAC,em França.
3) Aumentámos o Capital em 7.180.000€ reforçando assim financeiramente a Science4you. Este ano pretendemos faturar 10 milhões de euros, duplicando praticamente o valor obtido em 2014.
Mais info:
4) Estamos a lançar novos produtos para a época do Natal: Smart Monkey, Fábrica de Chocolates e Fábrica de Rockets são apenas algumas das novidades! 
Obrigado pelo tempo dispensado!
Até brev

São impresionantes, estes cinco projectos de Robótica, que podem bem seguir, haverá smpre um que tenha mais a ver convosco:

5 Impressive Robotics Projects You Don’t Want to Miss
Gareth Branwyn  
Over the years, Make: has featured some amazing robotics projects. I decided to go back through the archives and find a few projects I thought were particularly special and worth making sure current Make: readers knew about. Here are five of my favorites.
You’ll notice that all of these robots, while being reasonably affordable and moderately difficultly to build, all have a lot of character designed into them. Amateur robot builder I-Wei Huang believes that building this kind of character into a robot is something of an evolutionary driver; make it cute, make it funny, make it characterful and people will want to interact with it more and read more sophistication into its behaviors (and will be more motivated to build their own). There may be something to this. I didn’t choose these five with that design aspect in mind. I only realized this commonality once I had put the list togethe 

E eis outra Lista bacana, Dica de Claire Chabaud, da Sculpteo, se, como eu, andam sempre à cata de Software CAD Grátis, têem aqui 19(!) Programas, à escolha!

Tanto para os  Iniciados, como para os mais Avançados, vão ver:

TOP 19 of the best free CAD software
Claire Chabaud 
To make a 3D print, you need a 3D file, but to get it you don’t need to be an expert or have a significant budget; you can download 3D files from dedicated marketplaces or try to create it by yourself using 3D CAD & Modeling software.
Last week, we introduced you to various professional CAD software, but these might not be the best suited for you if you are an individual user or if you want to give 3D modeling a try. One of the main advantages of free modeling software is that they are often more intuitive than professional software, and are user-friendly for all experience levels.


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