Blog Posts

terça-feira, 3 de novembro de 2015

Maker's Marks! E Ímanes na Educação, um Planador espectacular, e o Crumblebot

Isto é mais um sonho tornado realidade...
Dica do nosso amigo Eddy Ridder: 
Moldem o que quizerem, ponham-lhe umas Etiquetas auto-colantes, ondue querem os componentes, e o scanner e o programa fazem o resto...
Um Objecto 3D, com a caixa já feita e a caixa já com tudo preparado para os Componentes!
Depois, é só imprimir em 3D, e montar!
Muito bom!

Makers' Marks: Physical Markup for Designing and Fabricating Functional Objects
Berkeley Institute of Design

To fabricate functional objects, designers create assemblies combining existing parts (e.g., mechanical hinges, electronic components) with custom-designed geometry (e.g., enclosures). Modeling complex assemblies is outside the reach of the growing number of novice “makers” with access to digital fabrication tools. We aim to allow makers to design and 3D print functional mechanical and electronic assemblies. Based on a formative exploration, we created Makers’ Marks, a system based on physically authoring assemblies with sculpting materials and annotation stickers. Makers physically sculpt the shape of an object and attach stickers to place existing parts or high-level features (such as parting lines). Our tool extracts the 3D pose of these annotations from a scan of the design, then synthesizes the geometry needed to support integrating desired parts using a library of clearance and mount- ing constraints. The resulting designs can then be easily 3D printed and assembled.

Aqui está uma boa maneira de usarem os ímanes de neodimio, em Aulas divertidas sobre o Tema do Magnetismo, para a criançada:

Magnets in Education
A few of us here at K&J Magnetics recently had the opportunity to present magnetic topics in the classroom.  One has a daughter in elementary school working on her first exposure to magnetism and electronic circuits in science class.  Another had an invitation from a friend who's a teacher.  It was a huge amount of fun playing show-and-tell with magnets to excited kids!
We've known that magnets are fun for years.  If there's one thing we learned in our recent school visits, it's that magnets in a classroom setting can be seriously engaging.  Adding interactive and hands-on stuff to science class really gets students involved and excited.
This article provides a brief description for the many magnetic demonstrations we presented.  Regular readers of the K&J blog might recognize a number of demos from earlier articles.  We thought listing them all together here might help answer some common questions we receive:
What kind of science experiments can I do with magnets?
My kid wants to use magnets in their science fair / project. What should they use?
What magnets are good for the classroom?
For some of these ideas, we use some fairly powerful magnets for good effect.  Please use magnets carefully and responsibly.  Some of these experiments are best conducted with adult supervision. 

Para quem se queira deliciar com a Maravilha que é o Voo, só é de aplaudir este magnífico esforço de Alexander Shevchenko, ao combinar, de forma genial, a Economia do voo de Asa Delta, com a Rigidez de Planadores mais seguros, usando a bem económica Esferovite, ou Isopor, mas Laminada, de forma a garantir muito mais segurança a um preço que é mesmo para qualquer um.
E também se poupa na Manutenção! 

This Glider Design by Alexander Shevchenko Costs Less to RepairJen Chae Ukrainian designer Alexander Shevchenko’s Delta glider design keeps the frugal in mind. Mostly made of laminated foam, this sailplane costs significantly less to fix or replace compared to others in the market. The design is composed of thoroughly researched materials keeping the theme of efficiency in mind. The resulting effect delivers similar quality while promising less repair costs.

A Mindsets oferece-nos este Kit Didáctico, facílimo de programar, montar e operar, Cheio de Sensores e botões, ainda por cima, é acessível a 24 Libras:

CrumbleBot Robot for Crumble Controller 
The CrumbleBot is an ideal way to introduce young (and old) children to robotics using the fantastic Crumble controller.
All programming with the Crumble is extremely easy: drag, drop and click is all that is required to accomplish hundreds of simple and more complex tasks With this robot kit you can do experiments for: Basic movements (forward, reverse, left spin, right spin)
More complex turns (by moving one motor slower than the other)
Line following using the built-in line sensors with indicators
Light seeking or light avoiding using the built-in light sensors
Using the built-in Sparkles to give indications of what is happening
Use the built-in push-button switch to start the program, change mode or anything else you want

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