Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 11 de outubro de 2010


...Se não fosse a notícia, punha esta imagem aqui, à mesma, mas como também a notícia é boa, vai tudo...
Atenção, os Nano-Giroscópios, NÃO são estes!

Nano-Gyroscopes Will Let Cell Phones Navigate Indoors, Underground

By Julie Beck Posted 10.07.2010 at 12:16 pm

Israeli researchers have created the tiniest-ever optical gyroscopes, as small as a grain of sand, but still maintaining the keen accuracy of their counterparts hundreds of times larger. Optical gyroscopes are generally used for navigation in airplanes, ships and satellites, in which they track movement without reference to external navigation points, by measuring the vehicle’s rotation rate and linear acceleration. This is called inertial navigation. It’s extremely accurate but, up until now, only possible in gyroscopes and weighing two to three pounds.

A NASA vai mandar Aviões para explorar Marte...

NASA Moves Ahead With Robotic Plane to Take Mars Exploration to the Skies
By Clay Dillow Posted 10.07.2010 at 4:15 pm
As a general rule, when NASA flies a scientific mission all the way to Mars, we expect that mission to last for a while. For instance, the Spirit and Opportunity rovers were slated to run for three months and are still operating 6 years later. But one NASA engineer wants to send a mission all the way to the Red Planet that would last just two hours once deployed: a rocket-powered, robotic airplane that screams over the Martian landscape at more than 450 miles per hour.

ARES (Aerial Regional-Scale Environmental Surveyor) has been on the back burner for a while now, and while it's not the first Mars plane dreamed up by NASA it is the first one that very well might see some flight time over the Martian frontier. Flying at about a mile above the surface, it would sample the environment over a large swath of area and collect measurements over rough, mountainous parts of the Martian landscape that are inaccessible by ground-based rovers and also hard to observe from orbiters.
...E futuros Metamateriais que vão mudar as propriedades ópticas dos Painéis Solares, conforme o tempo que está a fazer:

Tunable, Stretchable Optical Materials
Active metamaterials might be used in solar cells that change properties with the weather.

By Katherine Bourzac
The field of metamaterials has yielded devices that seem to come from science fiction--invisibility cloaks, highly absorbent coatings for solar cells and ultra-high-resolution microscope lenses. Metamaterials are precisely tailored to manipulate electromagnetic waves--including visible light, microwaves, and other parts of the spectrum--in ways that no natural materials can.

With few exceptions, however, these materials work in a very limited range of wavelengths of light, making them impractical--an invisibility cloak isn't very useful if it only redirects light of one color but can be readily seen under others. Now researchers at Caltech have shown that by mechanically stretching an optical filter made from a metamaterial, they can dynamically change which wavelength of infrared light it responds to.

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