Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 17 de setembro de 2018

Fresa CNC duma Impressora? E Filamento reciclado, Metamoldes, CNC feito em casa, e rádio-controle!

Podem cortar Placa, se tiverem uma Impressora 3D!

Usam-na, assim para terem 2 máquinas, onde tinham apenas uma, usando a vossa Dremmel caseira...

Cut Acrylic with a 3D Printer

Convert your 3D Printer into a light duty CNC mill! Here I show cutting acrylic with a Dremel style rotary tool attached to my HyperCube 3D Printer.

No último post, falei-vos de reciclagem de plástico, desta vez, vou falar-vos de Filamento 3D feito em pástico re-aproveitado:


Spools of 3D printing filament are currently sourced from scratch, but CLP has developed technology to produce this material from everyday plastic waste instead. Compared to other recycling processes, making filament from plastic waste (think cups or packaging) is small-scale, quick, and low-energy. CLP will make 3D printing more sustainable by bringing high-quality recycled filament to a growing market of consumers.
CLP manufactures ready-to-use 3D printing filament spools in Irvine, CA. The current product line includes PS, and we are actively working towards ABS, PP, PLA, and PETG. CLP sources the waste plastic from local Materials Recovery Facilities as well as direct waste generators such as local resorts and university campuses.

Moldagem em Silicone é do melhor que há, em preço e facilidade, e torna-se uma maravilha, se este Projecto continuar, um Programa que vos habilita a produzir moldes bem complexos, em 2 partes, a partir da vossa Impressora 3D!

Metamolds: Creating ideal 3D printed silicone molds faster and cheaper

Silicone molding is an affordable production method that can allow you to make a series of identical objects for prototyping and functional testing. Until now, however, fabricating molds for casting complex objects required a lot of experience and also involved manual work, which made the process slow and expensive. Scientists at the Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI-CNR) and the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) have developed a new tool for fabricating digital objects through reusable silicone molds. The tool automatically finds the best method to design the molds, and also delivers templates for so-called "metamolds": Rigid, 3D printed molds used to fabricate the optimized silicone molds.

...E se não quizerem usar a vossa Impressora 3D, para fazer uma Fresa CNC, como ali acima, bem, podem fazer esta máquina, de raiz e só para isso, com peças feitas em casa, impressas, algumas:

Homemade CNC with 3D Printed Parts - Redesign
Leon van den Beukel

This is the second version of my DIY homemade CNC. It's a complete redesign because of some issues that I've had with the first one. The main issue with the first version was that the wooden Y axis was getting warped (by moisture I guess). Also the bearings were too small and the aluminium X rails were not strong enough to carry the weigth. That's why I've switched over to use 20mm x 20mm square steel tubes for both Y- and X axis. I've designed the 3D printed parts with Fusion 360 and used Inkscape for the Y axis drilling template. To control the machine I'm using an Arduino UNO with GRBL firmware and an Arduino CNC Shield. There are plenty of tutorials to find on how to connect and use it so I did not show it in the video. Here are some useful links:

E para terminar por hoje, um Instructable para tele-controlarem o que quizerem, usando o Arduino, ou o Pic, ou qualquer outro Micro-controlador!

RF Transmitter and Receiver

In this project, I will use RF modules with Pic 16f628a. It will be a short tutorial about rf. After you learn ho rf modules communicate with each other you can use these modules with pic microcontroller, ardunio or any microcontroller. I controlled RGB LEDs but If you can control many thing motors or relays.

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