Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 19 de abril de 2018

DesignSpark brilha! E um micro-relé, uma Prensa Hidráulica reversível, Um Gato-mealheiro 3D, e Projectos prá Criançada!!

Hoffman Engineering, é uma página do Youtube onde se podem passar horas a ver coisas incríveis...
Das quais destaco, apenas a nível de exemplo, esta análise do DesignSpark Mechanical, onde eles descobriram as capacidades mais incríveis, para um Programa grátis, ainda por cima!
Por exemplo, embaixo, na imagem, está uma criação radial, em que uma peça individual é repetida à volta dum cilindro, e tudo intuitivo, e tudo fluído, um espectáculo!

The Best Free CAD Program - DesignSpark Mechanical
Hoffman Engineering

his is DesignSpark Mechanical, and it is the best free CAD program that I have personally used. Many of the free CAD alternatives are clunky and hard to use, DesignSpark is the first one that truly impressed me. So download it, and give it a try!

Já que têem uma Impressora 3D, porque não usá-la para fazerem componentes electro-mecânicos como este Micro-relé?
Vem com o ficheiro 3D necessário para além das explicações, é claro:

3D Printable Robotic Actuator

Upon research for an upcoming project, I discovered this simple way to make very tiny magnetic actuators. RC enthusiasts have been using these for some time now, but they don't seem very well known. I think there are a lot of useful applications for these little actuators, and they are simple enough to be designed by anyone, which means easy to implement in custom projects. Follow along in the video as I show you how to make the one designed and I will explain how it works. Although I have provided the files to 3D print my design, I encourage you to try and design your own!

Eis uma Prensa Hidráulica que tanto pressiona para baixo...
Como para cima!
Para vários trabalhos diferentes, onde seja necessária uma força exercida numa dessas direcções.

Versatile Press / Brake and More..
Tuomas Soikkeli

This is my instructable about making a press. And some usefull attachments for it.
Instructable includes plans. Structure is tested with 8 ton jack.
With 6 ton jack, frame keeps it shape without any bends.
Welds are made with 3.25mm Esab ok 73.15 welding rod. I used 110 a current.
I made my press with little different way.
Jack is placed down...
It lowers the center of gravity and places the handle at a height where you can bare down instead of pulling down. Its easier to make different attachments to it, for bending, rolling etc.
..Or up.
To get more power for stamping and punching steel.
I made an attachment to mount 8 ton jack to the upper bar.

PODE acontecer que algum Engenhocas exaspere a Patroa com as suas tropelias, como curtos-circuitos, explosões, ou utensílios de cozinha sequestrados, para não falar da sucata, e do lixo acumulado...
Para essas ocasiões, nada melhor que imprimirem este "Renhau" ternurento, que até serve de mealheiro, para fazerem as pazes!
Eu penso em tudo...


3D model description
Schrodinky: The British Shorthair in a Box 3D Printable Multi Part Model is a larger scale, more detailed and complex version of my original 3D printable "cat in a box" models:

E já agora, a Míudagem! 
Já que eles ajudam, a segurar em peças, e o que mais for, e querem fazer alguma coisa, eles mesmos, cá está um sem-fim de coisas fáceis de fazer, que lhes darão o que NENHUM dinheiro lhes dá, Realização pessoal!!!

60+ DIY Kids Crafts You Can Make In Under An Hour
Lauren J

Looking for DIY kids crafts your kids can make in under an hour? If you want some cool craft ideas for the kids to work on, here’s a list that will give you tons of inspiration. From art projects to easy crafts, you won’t run out of things to keep your kids busy.

22 DIY Kids Craft Ideas | Easy Crafts for Kids

Kids should not lose their creativity! With all the technology they have access to nowadays, I feel like it is my role as a mother to keep their creative juices flowing. If you have a child, I’m sure they are either playing their favorite video game or staring at the television all day. So what can we do as moms to keep them busy without technology? Get them into crafting and have them enjoy making cool art projects and stuff with their hands

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