Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 22 de junho de 2016

Attiny programado com Arduino, Circuitos, Bancada, Oficina, e Sucata

O Attiny é um Chip programável, que vos ajuda em muito  Projecto onde o tamanho é um factor essencial, mas programá-lo pode ser uma embrulhada...
Já não  é assim, com este simpático Instructable dos nossos amigos Webgeeks, que vos vai dar asas, porque o passam a programar com um Plug-in para o Arduíno:

Arduino Attiny Programming Shield

An Attiny is a great alternative to the atmega328, it is for those projects that need few GPIO pins and need to be portable. But unlike the atmgea328 the attiny cannot plug into an Arduino board and be programmed. Another way would be to use a breadboard and an Arduino uno as ISP, but it would be really messy and it would be hard to program it this way multiple times.
A better way would be to program it on a shield and in today's instructable I'm going to show you how to build an attiny programming shield. The shield is easy to build and plugs on to an Arduino to program. So all you have to is plug the attiny on the IC Holder and you can program it.

E se não pescam nada de Circuitos Integrados?
Podem então, começar por esta Introducção aos Circuitos Integrados, e aprender a partir daí:

Intro to Printed Circuit Boards


In this instructable, I'll go over what a printed circuit board is, where they are used, and the basics of how to make one yourself. So sit back, strap in, and enjoy learning about this very important and interesting method of making electronics!
Note: this is an introductory guide. I'm sure that there is a lot I did not cover, and if you find something you think I should mention in this guide, make sure to put it in a comment below!

Ser-se Engenhocas é uma tristeza, se se tem de montar a Engenhoca na Mesa da Cozinha, com uma tábua encima, sim já o fiz, no início...
Para trabalhar com gosto, façam mas é ISTO, que é uma enorme ajuda, e um gosto para os olhos de qualquer Geek!

Ultimate Workbench


The ultimate workbench is your go-to place when you need to get a job done. It's got a solid wood work surface, great lighting, a vice to hold down your work, and of course all the important tools at the ready in drawers underneath. Also, it's on casters. Which is really the best part about this workbench, the mobility it provides.

...Mas se já têem um Espaço de parte para a Engenhoquice galopante que nos consome, pois o melhor, é arranjarem tudo como deve de ser, e aqui está como, mas que maravilha!

É concebido tudo isto para a Carpintaria, e sigam o Link que lá está para a Woodskills, mas é claro, primeiro, a Carpintaria é a base de muito Porjecto, e segundo, para Serralharia, Fabbing, Impressão 3D, electrónica, etc. o conceito é o mesmo... 

Setting Up a Workshop


This Instructable on Setting Up a Workshop is brought to you by WoodSkills. For woodworking plans, woodworking courses, books and tutorials, please visit WoodSkills

The first step in setting up a workshop is to establish your needs. A suitable location for the workshop must be determined. Workshops can be located in any part of the home or garage, but ideally the basement or garage are very suitable locations. You should plan for future expansion prior to designing a workshop, since at some point in the future you will outgrow your present shop. Many factors are taken into consideration in designing a workshop. Storage, lighting, ventilation, power requirements, and noise reduction are important considerations.

The typical woodworking shop requires a lumber storage area, a workbench, tool storage, stationary machine area, and a finishing area. Ample space should be provided to move between the bench and walls, and to provide the necessary clearance to be able to use long, wide boards and panels. 

O Engenhocas que nunca aproveitou Sucata que atire a primeira pedra, sem Sucata, não há peças para estragar, pois aqui está como aproveitar Ímanes de Neodímio de Discos Rígidos da Sucata, para só comprarem os Ímanes, depois de terem a certeza de quais e quantos precisam...
E de terem partido uns tantos, a montarem os 5 ou 6 primeiros Protótipos! 

Rare Earth Magnets From Old Hard Drives


It happens to all of us eventually.
You've upgraded your laptop from that ancient cinder block to a sleek new light weight model.
You got a new desktop PC to replace the one that was so old the keyboard was in Sanskrit.
You have moved over all you family pictures, every song you've collected since high school, all those movies you download ... completely legitimately .. *cough cough* .. no really ... OK ... moving on
So what do you do with the Hard drives you removed before sending the rest of your old computers to be recycled?
I'll tell you what to do .. You grab your tools and gut them for the glorious rare earth magnets (As well as a few other goodies) that are hidden inside.

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