Blog Posts

terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2016

Impressora 3D King Size! E Aulas do Instructable, desenhar Caixas em Metal, Ar Conicionado Faça-você-mesmo, e Vídeos de categoria!

Está agora ao vosso dispôr, esta grande Impressora 3D, que apesar de permitir maiores tamanhos de Impressão, 30x30x30 Cm, não vos vai pesar muito mais na Carteira, que as outras Impressoras...
Vão ver como é, que tem todas as especificações técnicas no Site, e se gostarem, podem já encomendar: 

Are you full of crazy and exciting ideas but don’t know how to bring them to life? Maybe you think about 3D printing them, but then you realize that 3D printers cost too much money? Maybe you already have one but it's not working properly (or like they said it would), or you are new to 3D printing and want an easy to use 3D printer?
That's exactly why we created ! 
We have been active followers of 3D printing in the past few years. After monitoring news, reading comparisons, testing different models, we really couldn't decide which 3D printer could be the most appropriate one to buy for everyday use as well as professionally. Whilst there are many advantages and disadvantages of every single model, we realized that many of them were not worth the price they were selling it for. So, we developed the which is the best you can get for your money! 

E se sempre quizeram aprender Carpintaria, Impressão 3D, ou mesmo Costura, etc. vão agora poder aprender tais Artes, no Instructable!
29.95 Dólares por matéria, ou Grátis, se já forem Premium, e aprendem como deve de ser. 
É bom! 

We just launched online classes!  
We're thrilled to announce the launch of our online classes!

Learn new skills by completing fun, guided projects
designed with beginners in mind!
Try out our first batch of online classes, and stay tuned for more.

Para fazerem as Caixas em chapa de metal, em 2 peças, para as vossas Engenhocas, cá está a EmachineShop para vos ensinar como o fazem, que já têem um Wizard só para isso, no seu Programa Grátis de CAD!

Sheet Metal Box
To create a sheet metal box:
  • Choose File | New | Box.
  • Fill in the desired parameters.
  • Choose View | 3D.
To create other sheet metal designs with bends:
  1. Draw the flat shape (something like shown here).
  1. Multiple select the above lines.
  1. Draw straight lines where you want bends.
  1. Multiple select the above lines.
  1. Choose Line | Machine | Bend.
  1. Choose View | 3D.

...Com um simples Balde de Plástico, e mais umas  coisinhas, podem ter o vosso Ar Comdicionado feito em casa, o que convém, para este Calor!

5 Gallon Bucket Air Conditioner
Hey there,
The following instructable is going to show my take on the 5 Gallon Bucket Air Conditioner/Swamp Cooler. In the picture you'll notice a small solar panel attached. I'll be creating another instructable on how to hook up a solar panel to a USB cable so you'll be able to power your bucket with solar energy. For now, this will just be about how to build an efficient bucket that actually works.
In contrast to the viral video on Youtube of the guy that built the original swap bucket, I've made a few changes to the design to make it more practical. I noticed when I first built the bucket exactly like the guy on Youtube, the ice would melt extremely fast due to the high powered fan pushing a lot of hot air past the ice. Also, a 5 gallon bucket full of ice does not provide enough of a temperature drop to cool entire rooms. And then there’s the mess that the ice leaves behind. In order to achieve maximum effectiveness, the cold air inside the bucket needed to be concentrated and aimed. 

E acabamos por hoje com esta Extravagância de Arte Geek, algo que faz a felicidade de qualquer Engenhocas, para além de vos poder dar algumas ideias para alguma Engenhoca futura, deliciem-se com as inúmeras Animações deste inspirado Artista!
Qualidade irrepreensível, um verdadeiro Luxo para os olhos dum Inventor... 

Tumblr/Blog of Toronto Graphic Designer/Artist Gareth Fowler

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