Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2016

Fresa DIY CNC 3! E um Drone DIY, automatizar a Net, GrabCAD Print, e a FromBox

Ora aqui está uma pequena Fresa CNC topo-de-mesa, 22x24 Cm, por cerca de 300 Euros, e controlada por Arduino, que vos pode ser útil, para as vossas Engenhocas!  
Portátil, pode servir para levar a muita Exposição, FabLab, Clube e Oficina: 

DIY CNC 3 Axis PCB Milling Machine Engraver Wood Carving Router
The Mini CNC engraving machine laser engraving machine is suit for make non-metal processing such as plastic, wood, acrylic, PVC, PCB, wood or the like material, etc.And airframe adopt profiles + plastic? Small size, light weight, USB interface, open source grbl control.
The repeat positioning accuracy is with in 0.1mm under no-load, usually you is about 0.05mm. Laser is Considered no-load. If you use graver, the precision is Depending on the hardness of the material
Grbl is a no-compromise, high performance, low cost alternative to parallel-port-based motion control for CNC milling. It will run on a vanilla Arduino (Duemillanove / A) as long as it sports an Atmega 328.
The controller is written in highly optimized C Utilizing every clever feature of the AVR-chips to Achieve precise timing and asynchronous operation. It is incendio maintain up to 30kHz of stable, jitter free control pulses.
It accepts standards-compliant g-code and Has Been tested with the output of several CAM tools with no problems. Arcs, circles and helical motion are fully supported, as well as, all other primary g-code commands. Macro functions, variables, and most canned cycles are not supported, but we think GUIs can do a much better job at translating them into straight g-code anyhow.
Grbl includes full acceleration with management look ahead. That means the controller will look up to 18 motions into the future and plan ahead to its velocities deliver smooth acceleration and jerk-free cornering. 

E quem não quer, nos tempos que passam, ter o seu Drone?
Aqui está como podem fazer um, em casa, e com Material re-aproveitado, o que sempre é bom, porque sabe-se lá QUANTAS vezes o bicho não irá caír...

Building The Go Drone Version 2 (updated)
Drews View 
Hello, this is my first instructable, so don't expect this to be too perfect. If you liked it, give me some feedback! Oh and Vote for me in the "make it fly" contest!
I've always had a great interest in Drones, Uavs, and just about anything that flies. Being a college engineering student, I finally decided Im tired of just learning concepts of how these things work, with no hands-on fun. I wanted to build something like that of my own and test my design to see what I'm capable of.
The real motivation to build what I called "The Go Drone" was seeing some aerial photography from RC aircraft on the internet. It looked good enough that I set my sights on building my own, and giving it a "Genuine" Go Pro look to it. So, I did just that, and designed a plane around my Go Pro Session. 


Um Site onde, por meio da simples programação IF-THEN, (se acontecer isto, então faz aquilo), vocês têem a possibilidade de ligar um Post novo nalgum lado, a uma mensagem pare  o Gmail, ou vice-versa, etc.
Também tem simples Do, ou faz isto, com um toque num botão no vosso Smatphone! 
Para quem vê, para quem publica, para todos, um achado.
Vejam só, como exemplo, esta colecção de If-Then, para ligar o Gmail ao Facebook:


What is IFTTT? 
IFTTT gives you creative control over the products and apps you love 
What are Recipes?
Recipes are simple connections between products and apps. There are two types of Recipes: DO Recipes and IF Recipes
DO Recipes
DO Recipes run with just a tap and enable you to create your own personalized Button, Camera, and Notepad. The DO apps are available for iOS and Android. 
IF Recipes
IF Recipes run automatically in the background. Create powerful connections with one simple statement — if this then that.

Para garantir o melhor desempenho possível das vossas Impressoras 3D, a GrabCAD oferece-vos este Programa em versão Beta, que vos ensina a escolher Definições, imprimir directamente dos vosso Programas CAD, e em geral, ter um SDerviço Profissional, numa Impressora Económica.

A smooth 3D printing workflow
Get the 3D printed parts you want, obstacle-free

Print directly from CAD
GrabCAD Print allows you to print directly from your favorite professional CAD formats, saving hours of time usually spent converting and fixing STL files.
Get started fast
Lean on smart default settings, tooltips, and notifications to guide you through a seamless printing process.
See what you’re making
Work with detailed views of your model, tray, and slice preview so you can make necessary adjustments before going to print. 
Print directly from CAD
GrabCAD Print allows you to print directly from your favorite professional CAD formats, saving hours of time usually spent converting and fixing STL files.
Get started fast
Lean on smart default settings, tooltips, and notifications to guide you through a seamless printing process.
See what you’re making
Work with detailed views of your model, tray, and slice preview so you can make necessary adjustments before going to print.

Esta caixinha vai-vos abrir todo um mundo de possibilidades, para criarem um sem-fim de Objectos por Moldagem a Vácuo,  com um simples Aspirador caseiro.
Aquece a Placa, pôe-na por cima do Molde, e forma o que queiram, usando Materiais para o Molde que tenham por casa.
Pode ser o ínicio de muita Empresa Caseira..
Porque, convenhamos, é muito mais rápido e económico produzir Objectos assim, que por Impressão 3D. 

The FormBox + Your Vacuum Cleaner = Blowing Up Kickstarter 
Bridget Butler Millsaps
“As Mayku’s desktop machines get sold and begin to produce parts in customers’ bedrooms, workshops and classrooms, there’s a chance here, finally, that the reputation of manufacturing skills will rise from the basement with them.”  – Stephen Holmes – Develop 3D
While many eschew vacuum cleaning, I find it a rather mesmerizing, almost relaxing, task. As the machine roars on monotonously, cutting out the chatter—and stresses—of the big bad world, one also has the great satisfaction of performing a repetitive motion that yields nice results (just don’t be messing up those long, lovely tracks, please!).
Now, in combination with the FormBox, your vacuum can be freed from the constraints of the utility closet, becoming a crossover star. The folks at Mayku, a startup headquartered in London, are responsible for this household disruption, explaining quite simply that they want to change the way things are made.
Just launched on Kickstarter with hopes of raising a modest $50,000 by June 3, the FormBox renders appeal because most everyone has a vacuum cleaner in the home and knows how to use it to some extent. Able to bring something to the table right away, potential users will most definitely be taken with the curiosity of how their vacuum and the Mayku team’s contraption are going to work together in creating a tabletop factory. Response on Kickstarter has been quite staggering already too, as at this time of writing they need less than $5,000 to meet their goal—with over a month to go. Can you say stretch goals?

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