Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2015

Beta-Testers para a Bee! E processar 3D via Smartphone, Soldadura controlada, Besta em PVC, e a Fabster faz!

Querem uma Impressora 3D BEEVERYCREATIVE?

A mundialmente famosa Impressora 3D Portuguesa, a Bee, está à procura dum Beta tester, por isso, vão inscrever-se, mandando um email:

Cara Comunidade de impressão 3D,
A BEEVERYCREATIVE está à procura de um utilizador avançado de impressão 3D para integrar o seu grupo de Beta testers.
Se queres ser candidato, envia-nos um email para e diz-nos porque deves ser tu o escolhido!
Imprint change! 

Podem agora processar os Vossos Objectos 3D na Cloud, isto é, têem uma ligação à Net, têem como mandar imprimir os vossos Objectos... 
E ainda podem guardar esses Objectos 3d na Net, e assim podem ter acesso a eles quando queiram, onde queiram!
É bom!

Introducing the Amazing AstroPrint Cloud Slicer! 

No Software to Install 
Everything is accessible from your browser so there is no software to install or keep up to date. Slice with Slic3r or Cura even faster using our superfast computers. 
Simple User Interface 
 Just 3 settings and you can get great prints. A combo of manufacturers reccommended settings and our own algorithms give great results. Advanced settings available for users who like to tweak. 
Online File Storage 
Keep your files stored neatly in the cloud so you can access them anywhere. Download G-Code or send files straight to your printer with the AstroBox. 

Podem pegar num Ferro de Soldar barato, e fazer dele algo de superior...
Eis o que a Designspark vos oferece, entre outros Projectos.
Façam uma Estação de Soldadura com a Temperaturado ferro controlada de 90 a 450 Graus.
Sabe-se lá, mais uma vez para que mais fins Engenhocas esta gigajoga não vos servira!

Platino Soldering Station

A simple Platino based soldering station is designed for not too demanding (hobbyist) applications. This Platino based soldering device can be used to heat up the soldering bit to a temperature ranging from 90 – 450 degree Celsius and also to check the temperature of the soldering bit.
The project is about a cheap SMD solder station built as a Platino Add-on system. It supports active soldering tips from Weller (RT series) which contain the heating element as well as a sensor and a standard 3.5 mm jack. 

Com este Instructable, constroem uma Besta em PVC, para terem uns momentos descontraídos de Tiro-ao-Alvo, sem problemas, e sem quase despesa nenhuma...
E com um aspecto umpecável!
Vejam como:

Reinforced PVC crossbow with laminated stock

WARNING-Don't be foolish with weapons or power tools they are dangerous.
This is not powerful enough for big game.
I made this for my sister. She has shown some interest in archery and I couldn't think of anything to get her for her birthday. Really I just wanted an excuse. this is my first instructable so sorry for the shotty camera work.The bow is a prod when talking about crossbows
Thanks to nick at backyard Bowyer after seeing his crossbow I had to make one
His YouTube Chanel is great check it out
I got a lot of inspiration form

Tools i used are:
Table saw Dremmel with attachments 
Belt sander 
Coping saw Various wood and metal files 
Hand plane 
Bench grinder

Querem fazer, a Fabster faz.
Dica de já não me lembro quem, no Facebook, esta máquina de aspecto fenomenal é uma Impressora 3d que prima por imprimir em vários Materiais, permitindo-vos assim fazer toda uma maquineta na mesma Impressora 3D. 
O que é mesmo único, nesta Impressora, é o material de Impressão vir nestas peças dentadas, que permitem um maior controle do Material fundido, sem deslizes:


fabbster 3D printers build parts from different plastics. No detours, no high costs for complicated molds and tools and without long delivery times - directly from digital data.
That’s why this way to produce stuff is called “Digital Fabrication” - or short “FABBING”. Every popular CAD-software can export 3D models in STL-format; there are versions free of charge and even some which are so easy to use, they actually enable kids to design parts themselves.
Professionals use the fabbsterG to build prototypes fast, produce technical custom parts or realize creative designs. Due to the different materials it’s possible to print really functional models!

Process reliable materials - LIKE sticks

fabbster printers use LIKE Sticks that are produced using an injection moulding process, which ensures highest precision. And that is exactly what LIKE Sticks have to offer: In contrast to round filament, the LIKE sticks can’t slip and allow an optimal dosage of molten polymer.

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