Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2015

Imprimir em 3D em FIBRA DE CARBONO, e KEVLAR! E a Intel Edison, uma Estufa Vertical(!), e uma Mesa de Fresa a partir duma Secretária reciclada

Passa-se de produzir brinquedos engraçados, a produzir peças de carros de Corrida, e sem Metal!
As possibilidades são mesmo infinitas!
Esta maravilha do Fabbing produz, por cerca de 5000 Dólares, peças numa estrutura "sandwich" composta de camadas de Kevlar e Fibra de Carbono, plástico em estrutura de favo, e a cobertura exterior...
Resultado, uma peça para aplicações a sério!
E isto tudo, sem curas químicas, e podendo-se embeber peças no meio do fabrico, pausando a impressão!
É muito bom!

MarkForged Lets You 3D Print With Carbon Fiber and Kevlar On a Budget
Mike Senese 
Holy cow, 3D printed carbon fiber is crazy strong.
I got to check out some sample carbon fiber prints made on the Mark One printer at the MarkForged booth at CES 2015. The light weight and the rock-solid feel of the pieces kind of blew my mind.
The carbon fiber printing they’re doing wasn’t exactly what I expected when I heard about their printer — the machine doesn’t produce angular, stealth fighter-esque pieces with the telltale CF pattern seen on racing bikes and souped up Mustangs. Instead, it creates an FDM 3D print out of nylon filament (rather than ABS or PLA), and during the process it layers in a thin strip of carbon fiber, melted into place from carbon fiber fabric using a second extruder head. (It can also add in kevlar or fiberglass.)
That thin CF strip is all it takes to go from plastic to steel.

Através da RS Electronics podem comprar esta Placa Intel Edison, que permite controlar lá o que seja que vocês inventem, e com ligação à Internet e ligação às placas Arduino, outra ferramneta para criar uma infinidade de produtos novos!

INTEL Edison board for Arduino -  One Tiny Platform - Endless Possibilities

The Intel Edison is a low-cost System-on-Chip (SoC) development platform enabling inventors, entrepreneurs and consumer product designers to prototype and develop 'Internet of Things' (IoT) and wearable computing products. The Edison module works with the Edison Breakout Board or the Edison Board for Arduino. The latter features headers for Arduino Rev3 compatible shields.

Falando de Placas Arduino, que tal esta Estufa Vertical, controlada por Arduino?
Estamos a ver, dica do Blogue da Element 14, o Futuro a ser criado agora, com estes bacanos, vão ver a descrição completa de como podem vocês construír isto em casa!

Raspberry Pi/Arduino Hydroponic Vertical Garden Project
What is RUFS...
Robotic Urban Farm System
A vertical hydroponic garden
Allowing for high density yields and shorter growth cycles
Reducing resource consumption - water, fertilizer and space
Labor saving - no weeds or soil to till
Higher consistency of crops with great tasting results
Maintained by microcontrollers (Raspberry Pi & Arduino)
Watering cycles - monitor and auto refill levels
Plant nutrients and pH - monitor and correct
Temperature monitoring
Air Circulation & Lighting controls (for indoor operation)
Designed as a turnkey system
Perfect for Urban setting with limited space
Reduced operational time and maintenance with automation
Eliminate the guesswork of nutrients and watering cycles
Smart and Connected
Farm Controller App for smartphone, tablet and pc
Get notified when the system needs a refill
Alerts when something isn't running as expected

Todos os dias vejo Secretárias destas a serem deitadas fora, pois podem fazer uma Mesa de Fresa com uma delas!
Uma boa ideia.

Simple Router Table from Reclaimed Desk
In my Hometown here in Nebraska every spring we have a city wide clean up. Everyone in town can put almost what ever they want on the curb, or haul it to the dump yourself, and not have to pay the fee. In town they bring in dump trucks and loader tractors and go house by house, like regular garbage pick up, but will take most anything. Many people use this opportunity to throw away tons of perfectly good items that they just don't need any longer. Furniture, electronics, yard tools, (I have a friend who claims to have found a running weed eater and leaf blower). Most decent people will even tape signs onto things that still work.

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