Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2015

3D para impacientes! Mais o Meshmixer, outra Impressora 3D, um Quadracóptero impresso em casa, um Robot Pintor

3D para impacientes, ou... 
3D às fatias! LOL.
Agora a sério, Imprimir um objecto em 3D leva muito tempo, e há ocasiões em que ficarão bem servidos com este expediente, que, por ser feito tudo em Corte Laser, leva uma fracção do tempo das Impressoras...
E tudo com Programas Grátis. Mas há mais sobre isso, depois.

How to Slice Up a T-Rex in 123D Make

Grrr... Arrrgh! In this tutorial, I'm going to guide you gently through the process of using Autodesk 123D Make to turn a 3D model of a dinosaur into a cardboard model kit. It's extremely simple to do, even if you have no prior experience of using 3D software. You will, however, require either a laser cutter or a heck of a lot of patience for cutting cardboard.
123D Make is free and available to download for Macs at There are also plans in the works to release an online version of the software which will run on PCs as well as Macs, hopefully within the next few months.

Há mais, acerca destes programas...

Se o vosso velho Computador não satisfizer os requeimentos mínimos para o 123D Make, saibam que o Meshmixer, para além de ser menos exigente com os Computadores e Placas Gráficas, faz muito pela Impressão 3D...
Limpa Objectos 3D para a Impressão, funde Objectos, estampa(!) Objectos com o vosso Logo, e ainda, também corta objectos, grandes demais para as vossas Impressoras 3D, ou todos às fatias:

Autodesk updates two of its free desktop modeling apps
Mike McLeod
Autodesk recently updated a couple of its free consumer modeling and 3D printing prep tools. Meshmixer, the company’s simplified molding application for mixing, sculpting and painting 3D meshes, now includes a number of 3D printing enhancements. For example, the application’s new Make Slices tool creates a number of cross-sections using either a stacked or stacked3D technique. Users can also add/edit custom printers allowing for model prep to any 3D printer.

meshmixer is a free tool for making crazy-ass 3D stuff without too much hassle. Or boring stuff too. You decide.

A RS Components lançou a sua própria impressora 3D!
Por 599 Libras, já com tudo incluído, podem imprimir cou ou sem o PC ligado, é fácil de montar, usa um plástico que não deixa cheiro, não-tóxico, e é de irem ver à pagina da RS:

RS IdeaWerk 3D Printer

The RS IdeaWerk 3D printer is designed to handle the toughest print jobs, is easy to assemble and use and lightweight enough to be portable.
The printing process is controlled with a touch screen panel for file selection and job initiation. Using an advanced algorithm to improve the quality of printed objects, the RS IdeaWerk 3D printer can print with detailed precision at a 0.18 mm layer thickness.
The RS IdeaWerk 3D printer is compatible with the latest versions of Windows and Mac OS will be compatible with your current technology suite
No need to purchase additional software or accessories, just assemble, connect and begin printing immediately
Using environmental friendly PLA, the RS IdeaWerk 3D printer produces no toxicity, chemical pollution or smell and is suitable for secondary process, such as assembling nuts, drilling, polishing and colouring
The RS IdeaWerk 3D printer is easy to use and means you can print either online or offline (with or without pc)
Large build area of 150 x 150 x 140 mm that allows you to push the potential of your protyping
Low print noise and is ideal for office, home or classroom
The RS IdeaWerk 3D printer is highly accurate, stable and will help reduce down time

Mais um Quadracóptero, eis uma Armação para imprimirem nas vossas Impressoras, é um dois-em-um de Diversão Engenhocas, impecável:

Make an H Quadcopter with 3D printing by
Lets make a 3D printed quadcopter frame! This build is for the 3D Design contest, along with my hobby. This frame is different compared to conventional frames wherein its more of a Cross or X, This frame is more of a Semi H/X. Compared to other frames this design will give you a lot of space especially for your FPV equipment, Gimbal, and more. Its Faster than your normal X configuration quad, just pack it with some of your favorite motors,ESC', Batteries and receivers and your ready to go
This build will be concentrating on the frame build and electronics parts only for the tuning I will give you a handy website to learn
Design: The design is based from the 250 Blackout mini Quad, I was inspired in our local flying which lead me to making this using my old F450 parts. The 250 Blackout frame is famous among mini Racers since its designed to crash and its length gives it the upper hand to pitch forward with ease and speed

E por hoje, terminamos com este Robot Artístico(!), que pinta telas usando a Técnica Pontilhista! 

Pointillist Painting Robot Arm

It may not be a Da Vinci or Kahlo, but this painting robot packs quite the artistic punch for it’s size. In this Instructable, Ill show you how I went from concept to completion and built a painting robot arm using an Intel Galileo, a camera, and handful of electronic parts. I’ll share the techniques I used so you can build your own 4 degree of freedom of expression robot.

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