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terça-feira, 23 de setembro de 2014

Desenhem! E moldem bem barato, e ainda, imprimir 3D EM GRANDE!

Não são Engenhocas de jeito, se não souberem desenhar um esboço. Poupam tempo e dinheiro, vendo e evitando problemas não imaginados préviamente, podem encomendar Protótipos a qualquer um, etc.
Por isso, APRENDAM!

Technical Drawing and Drafting Primer 

When I went to high school, it was a time when shop classes still existed and you could learn some skills essential for your future maker self. It was the worst of times. It was the best of times...I think one of the most important skills to be gotten out of that was learning how to draw and read technical drawings, things like architect plans, blueprints, parts specifications. If you delved further in engineering, that same precision and attention to detail is carried out in things like exploded diagrams, flowcharts and circuit schematics. Being able to do this by hand involves creative thinking and it is what I feel that is missing when you toss someone a CAD (computer aided design) package to do the same task. Sure, CAD is a useful tool but I feel if you do not know the basics of the process behind it you miss the point of being able to design with your own imagination.

Podem fazer uma data de coisas, com este método de formar Garrafas, para o que quizerem. Muito importante para Protótipos, Arte de Rua, e uma data de coisas mais.
Atenção, também, para os outros Vídeos que podem lá ver:

CHEAP vacuum forming with plastic bottles
Tom Howbridge

This is a cool project you can do with a vacuum former and a few milk bottles,
I will make an Instructable on how to make a former but for now look at others there are some great ones,

...Estas Impressoras 3D Delta podem ser aumentadas para tamanhos fenomenais! Vejam só esta Maravilha, onde poderiam construír as peças todas para o vosso Avião Ultra-leve, penso eu!

Big Printin’ 
Make: Editors
Five days ago the 17′-tall PartDaddy was packed into a shipping crate in Goshen, Indiana, headed to World Maker Faire. SeeMeCNC‘s giant 3D printer, with a build volume 9’6″ tall and 4′ in diameter, wowed crowds throughout the weekend.

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