Blog Posts

terça-feira, 30 de setembro de 2014

A Garra! E uma placa Driver para as Stepper, Um Computador Desktop miniatura, e uma caixa para a Raspy

Eis algo para impressionar, feito com o Cortador CNC a Laser, uma garra!
Um pouco mais forte, e daria para segurar algo, quando são precisas 3 mãos...

Laser-cut Mechanical Claw 

If you are worrying about what kind of trick want to show for Halloween this year, or your kids are asking for toys from you, this instructables may help you: to make a movable mechanical claws, the joint of the claws are movable, and its movement are the extension from your finger movement. you can use it to take cool poses, selfie, scratching, picking nose, or give your friends a hand haha... okay, I know that's not funny.

Como um Motor Stepeer precisa destes Chips, cá vai um, duma Página cheia deles, vão lá ver, à Pololu:

A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carriers

These breakout boards for Allegro’s A4988 bipolar stepper motor driver feature adjustable current limiting, over-current and over-temperature protection, and five microstep resolutions (down to 1/16-step). They operate from 8 V to 35 V and can deliver approximately 1 A per phase without a heat sink (they are rated for up to 2 A per coil).

Eis um supercomputador de Processamento Paralelo, que se pode empilhar em pilhas, para processamento a sério...
Coisa de Super-Geeks, ou dalgum Inventor da ùltima geração!

Parallella-16 Desktop Computer, Epiphany III

An FPGA based dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 single-board computer with an Epiphany III 16-core coprocessor chip. Parallella is a credit card sized 'supercomputer' consuming less than 5W of power. This very low cost platform is designed for developing and implementing high performance applications for which parallel processing is ideally suited. Parallella boards are designed so that interconnection forming large clusters is straightforward.

E para caixa de Paspberry Pi, não há mais simpático e bem-desenhada do que esta caixita, e que até é Lego-compatível!
Para os Raspi-Robots, ou apenas para ter uma caixa de jeito.

SmartiPi Raspberry Pi B+ and camera case

Tom Murray
A super versatile and fun Raspberry Pi B+ and camera case.
Compatible with Legos® and GoPro® mounts.
If you have been looking for a great case for your new Raspberry Pi B+, then I have something special for you. The SmartiPi is an affordable case packed with tons of features. It is a two part, injection molded plastic case which screws together. It also has an optional holder for the official Raspberry Pi camera. The cases in the photos are painted 3D printed prototypes. 
I already have manufacturing ready to start building the molds. All I need it the capital to make it happen. The final case will be ABS plastic. Two 2 x 6 Lego® compatible plates will be permanently embedded in the case. The 6 x 10 plate can be snapped off the top to access the inside.

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