Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2013

Um livro empolgante! Mais Moldagem a Vácuo super-barata, um Rato atrevido, e um Scanner 3D Raspberry pi!

Eis como falar de CNC, sem adormecer o Leitor...
Já cá canta, e é porreiro!
O nosso amigo Jon Cantin, explica-nos aqui muita coisa sobre o Fabbing, e ainda vos oferece projectos com explicações passo-a-passo, enquanto vos fala com linguagem concisa e directa ao assunto, nascida dum Saber de Experiência feito;
Impressão 3D, Corte Laser, Plasma, as várias Máquinas, seus prós e contras, e como projectar Objectos para essas Máquinas, tudo num Livro fácil de ir lendo, mas informativo.
É bom! Volume 4: Rise of the CNC - Ultimate CNC Design Course

Jonathan Cantin
Two years in the making - Rise of the CNC ~ Ultimate CNC Design Course teaches the fundamentals of designing products to be cut with a CNC Table Router, CNC 3D Printer or CNC Laser Cutter & Engraver. Across more than 450 pages, 64 projects are shown in various formats to help teach the reader how to successfully design for these CNC machines.

Querem fazer alguma Moldagem a Vácuo, e têem pouco tempo para isso, ou querem só experimentar? 
Não há mais fácil que este Instructable, nem mais barato, feito com coisas que se encontram nas Lojas, e re-utilizando pratos de Plástico:

Very Simple Vacuformer

This design was inspired by this: but designed to be super easy to make using off the shelf parts and minimal machining. Instead of using laser cut or 3D printed parts, we will use toilet flange extenders, available at Home Depot to make the base and the clamp that will hold the plastic to be formed (disposable plastic plates work great).


O nosso amigo Rob Ives oferece-nos este simpático Ratito, que arranca um sorriso ao mais sorumbático, e é fácil de montar, para pôr na Secretária, ao lado do Rato do PC:

Paper Mouse - Download and Make

This fun paper mouse project comes complete with its own piece of cheese to cut out and make! Members can download the parts for free at the link, thanks for signing up! Non-members can download the parts file for £2.50.
Print out the single sheet of card onto thin card. 230 micron /67lb is just right.
Score along the dotted lines then carefully cut out the parts.


E com vários Raspberry Pi, faz-se o quê?
Um Scanner 3D de alto gabarito(!)

Para scannarem Retratos de gente em 3D, e em poucos segundos, como as Máquinas de Fotos À la Minute, e eis como:

Multiple Raspberry PI 3D Scanner

I am a big Arduino and Raspberry PI fan and also love 3D printing. I wanted to be able to make a 3d model of my kids and started investigating how to build a 3d scanner. I found a lot of solutions out there, but the problem with most of them is that the subject would have to sit still for a while... well I think it would be easier for me to invent a spaceship that can fly to mars then inventing a solution for my 2-year old son to sit still :-( So none of those solutions where going to work.

I knew I had to come up with a way to instantly take many images at the same time. So I first started to research what cheap digital cameras exists. If I could find a cheap model, I probably could make an automated trigger system using arduinos. But then I would have all the images on many separate SD cards and I was not able to find a cheap good digital camera.

Then I noticed the Raspberry PI and PI camera combination. A "fairly" affordable module, that already is ethernet connected, so I could do the triggering of the cameras using the network and an easy way to download all the images to a centralized place. So my Project (and investment) started.

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