Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 4 de novembro de 2013

Muáháháhá, bolas de fogo! E Galvanoplastia, um Termómetro electrónico, e um Gerador de Ondas

Eis um momento "Muáháháhá",  dica do nosso amigo Roberto Abrahão, para tantos Espectáculos de Carnaval, Teatro Amador, Animação Cultural, Festas Locais, e Fogos de Artifício... 
E Diversão de Engenhocas! Muaáháhá!
Feito com Leite em Pó, e mais uns pózinhos,  é espectacular, e barato, sem ser muito perigoso, atenção à Segurança, nesta e em todas as Experiências:

Making Hollywood Fireballs

Ya know what’s really aggravating? You put many hours of sweat and labor into producing a nice fireworks display, perhaps with some homemade aerial fireworks shells and fountains, and somewhere in the show you fire some of these simple and easy-to-make Cremora fireballs. And after the show, do you hear much praise for the meticulously constructed shells that you slaved over? No! All you hear, especially from the kids, is, “Wow, we loved those big, fiery things! Whaddaya call em? They were hot!”

Uma experiência mais segura, e tão vistosa, mas por outras razões, a Galvanoplastia permite-vos uma cobertura de Cobre, neste caso, para decoração, ou proteccção, eis como se faz, para o Cobre, mas atenção, neste Instructable, também há um Link para a Niquelagem:

High Quality (and Safe) Copper Plating

There are a few copper electroplating methods on here, but they are either dangerous, provide very low quality results, or cost an arm and a leg.  Your plated object should be a brilliant, shiny red and not blackened and your pocket book shouldn't be hit hard by chemical costs or hospital bills.

The method I am writing about here is the copper acetate method.  Rather than buying copper acetate pre-made, we will make it ourselves.

I wanted this instructable to be as easy as possible, safe as possible, and as cheap as possible.

Copper plating has a variety of uses.  Aesthetically, it can be used to create a steampunk look on otherwise ill-fitting metals. Anodizing the object after plating can create brilliant, multicolored objects. Electrically, it creates a highly conductive surface for soldering or use in AC circuits (for the skin effect). It is also frequently used to prepare stubborn materials for other platings such as nickel and silver down the road.

Que Laboratório ou Oficina de Engenhocas está completo, sem um Termómetro Electrónico?
Pois aqui está como fazerem um, e bem pequeno, para vossa conveniência:

DIY Miniature Thermometer

For just a couple of bucks and a few components you have laying around your work area you can build a min thermometer than fits in your pocket. The whole circuit sits nicely right on top of a 9v battery, and is connected to it with double sided tape. Changing batteries was never so easy!

Now I must say that the code is just kind of a example code. I've been getting a lot of criticisms on my sketch and I can see why. It wasn't efficient or practical.  I really didn't know how to go about this. Before I made the project I posted several question in the i'ble forums and the Arduino forums but I didn't get an answer so using my beginner coding skills I managed this code.  If you want to make your own code that is much better I would love for ya'll to show me how to make the code better!

Mais um Acessório para os Engenhocas, um Gerador de Ondas, também fácil de construír, e também barato, e usando o Fabbing, com Placa cortada por Laser!

This Project comes from the necessity of getting a wave generator with a bandwidth over 10 Mhz and an harmonic distortion under 1%, all of this with a low cost price.
This document describes a design of a wave generator with a bandwidth over 10MHz , which produce:  sine, triangle, sawtooth, or square (pulse) waveforms with an harmonic distortion under 1%, duty-cycle adjustment, frequency modulation, TTL output and offset voltage. It is also presented the design of a frequency counter.

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