Blog Posts

terça-feira, 29 de outubro de 2013

Um Instructable meu! E a Revista Designpark, um Mini CNC Laser, E CAD para o Couro

Ao tempo que eu não fazia um Instructable!
Mas achei que esta Dica poderá se Útil, porque é uma ideia que parece óbvia...
Depois de alguém a ter!
Resumindo, para esticarem Tubo de Latex, usem Buchas das de enfiar parafusos na parede.
Como há gente que não anda nisto das Engenhocas, é um Instructable elaborado, mas mal tenham compreendido...

Easy Rubber Tube Stretchers 
The simplest way to stretch Rubber Tubes I know,  just add simple Plastic Wall Plugs, and some kind of thread!
Works with the plug's screws, too, of course.
Can be used for Slingshots, or any other Project using Rubber Tubes, as spring substitutes. Might also be good for Plastic and Silicone Tubes, for other uses, if there's a tight fit.
While some may just look at the first Photo and get the idea, others may not, so I've elaborated on the subject. Feel free to skip any Steps, and get to do it, if you do get it.

So here's what you need:

-Wall Plugs, 2 per Rubber;
-Rubber Tubes, of course;
-1mm Nylon rope, or other strong chords;
-And an X-acto knife, or as in this case, any Pocket Knife

Na E-Revista da Designspark, podem ver o novo Beagleboard, e muito mais, vão ao Link, e descarregem, está em 6 Línguas:

Back in Black…
Better, Faster, Stronger…
While the Raspberry Pi has stolen many of the headlines over the past year or so for entry-level open-source embedded development boards, there have also been one or two other notable launches this year, and certainly one of these is the latest BeagleBone board: the BeagleBone Black


Eis uma pequena maravilha, e olhem que há para aí Engenhocas, Desempregados, e pequenos Artesãos que poderiam fazer muita coisa com isto...
E tem um aspecto tão impecável, que dá vontade de fazer, só por isso!


The MicroSlice | A tiny Arduino laser cutter

A few years ago I saw an Instructable where Groover had used a pair of DVD-RW drives to make a pocket laser engraver. Inspired by the idea, driven by the recent purchase of a full-sized 50 watt CO2 laser cutter, and roused by the launch of the Microcontroller contest I took the decision to have a crack at making my own mini laser engraver.

E acho que já postei isto, mas como é impecável para a Indústria do Couro que floresce nos nossos Países, cá vai, outra vez, CAD para as vossas Criações em Couro:

Creativity in CAD: Free software supports leather venture

Bernhard Kreuzer is a leather goods designer, applying his mechanical engineering skills to turn a hobby into a new business venture – supported by MEDUSA4 Personal and the eSERVICES portal for commercial users.

Cambridge, UK and Pittsford, NY – October 2013: Bernard Kreuzer, former army captain and leather goods designer, studied mechanical engineering. He discovered CAD Schroer’s free mechanical design software, MEDUSA4 Personal, about two years ago. Today he uses it to design unique leather goods, with patents pending.

sábado, 26 de outubro de 2013

Quando a CNC era NC! E Novos Materiais á la carte, mais um Projecto com Alma... E como esttcar Tubo Elástico!

Eis uma Empresa Pioneira no campo da CNC, mas Pioneira,  ao ponto de terem começado ANTES de a CNC ser CNC, mas só NC, isto é, "Numeric control", sem Computador, inseriam-se os dados em CARTÕES PERFURADOS!
Pois desde aí, não pararam de inovar, e estar sempre à frente...
Uma grande Entrevista do nosso amigo Jon Cantin, com Vídeos da Empresa, do melhor CNC:

Interview with Ken Susnjara of Thermwood Corp (USA)


Thermwood Corporation has an impressive range of industrial CNC routers but more importantly, Ken started the company back when NC was transitioning into CNC nearly half a century ago! This makes Thermwood the oldest CNC router company in the world and they are also the only CNC manufacturer in the United States with a GSA certification. I approached Ken to see if I could interview him and he was very keen… watch their corporate video for a quick review of the company



Se acham que os Novos Materiais são fantásticos, esperem até que esta Técnica abra a porta a Nano-partículas de vários Materiais, que se combinam conforme se queira, por DNA artificial!

New technique creates multifunctional nanomaterials by mixing and matching existing particles

Dario Borghino

Researchers at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) have developed a generalized method of blending two different types of nanoparticles into a single large-scale composite material using synthetic DNA strands. The technique has great potential for designing a vast range of new nanomaterials with precise electrical, mechanical or magnetic properties.


Os maiores Parabéns a toda a Equipe que desenvolveu este Projecto, que permite aos Deficientes Motores Produndos, paralizados, mas ainda capazes de mover os olhos, de terem assim, um modo de comunicarem por Computador, com o Mundo!
Mas o que é melhor... É que VOCÊS podem construír esta Máquina maravilhosa, para quem precisa!
Uma Ideia de Respeito!

Assembling the Eyewriter 2.1 hardware platform (rev B)

This Instructable will guide you through the assembly of a hardware platform (rev B) to support the new Eyewriter 2.1 open-source eye-tracking system.

For more information about the Eyewriter project in general, visit the official site at

For more information abut the Eyewriter 2.1 update that I am working on, check out all of my blog posts related to it:

I am also maintaining a condensed wiki page for the project here:

If you'd rather watch a video showing the assembly process, one is available on Vimeo here:

E eis algo de bestialmente Prosaico, para terminar por hoje, mas o certo é que funciona, e é fácil e barato...
Quando adquirirem Tubo Elástico pera os vossos Projectos, Fisgas, Máquinas Andarilhas, estruturas desmontáveis, Lançadores de Aviões de Praia, etc. Descobri uma forma bem acessível de esticarem as extemidades do tubo de Borracha:

Uma simples Bucha de cravar Parafusos na parede!
Enfiam uma corda de 1mm entre as duas partes da frente da Bucha, e vão cravando o Tubo Elástico, tem de estar apertado, mas quando entra...
Não sai!
Fixadores a Cêntimos a Dúzia...
É bom!

quarta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2013

Um Vídeo inspirador, um Homem Superior, Freemill à borla, e uma Fresa CNC

Ora, continuando como ontem na senda das Máquinas de Limar, com as quais qualquer um pode fazer peças porreiras, eis este Vídeo, de Allen Powell.
Aqui, não só se podem inspirar para esta máquina, mas para tudo o que achem na Net, e queiram duplicar, desde várias adaptações de Dremels, a máquinas CNC, ou não, por vós imaginadas, até às maravilhosas Máquinas de Reuleaux...
Porque é só fazerem um Molde em madeira, e derreterem Alumínio ou Zamak para 2 caixas de Areia de Fundição, e terminarem o trabalho na Oficina:


Allen Powell

I found a photo on the the web of a old bench top die filer and thought I would try to make a copy. Having no plans I guestimated the dimensions and made a pattern, the most difficult part of the project. This project was good practice for making patterns, casting, and using my lathe and mill. The result turned out better than I expected.

Há gente que não se rende às Dificuldades, ou como diria Pessoa, tudo vale a pena, quando a Alma não é pequena.
Querem fazer uma Imressora 3D? 
Não têem quase nada? 
Pois vejam-se no exemplo deste grande Africano, que do Lixo, e 100 Dólares de Electrónica, fez uma Impressora!
É preciso é VONTADE!

African man makes a 3D printer from e-waste

Cameron Naramore

Not long after I joined the 3D printing group on Google+ there was a post made by a newbie about building a 3D printer out of parts from traditional paper printers and other electronics. There was a general consensus among responses that sounded a lot like a scoff. A few makers commented that while it was technically possible, it would be significantly more tedious to get working and the overall quality of prints would be subpar. Their response was based on the fact that firmware for RepRaps is written to communicate with off-the-shelf hardware. For instance, motors in paper printers don’t operate the same as the stepper motors that 3D printers use. 
For that reason, Kodjo Afate Gnikou bought stepper motors for his e-waste sourced 3D printer that he calls W.AFATE. He lives in Africa, pushing on the forefront of innovation. Much of the continent’s population is far from anything like the big box stores of the US, and the scarcity puts a premium on working with whatever is around. In Africa that’s heaps of broken computers and office electronics. For Afate that was a computer case, rails and belts from discarded paper printers and scanners, and the insides of a diskette drive. Purchasing the electronics and stepper motors set him back only $100.


Continuando no CNC, o Software FreeMill, continua a evoluír, como um Programa completo de fresa CNC, e vocês continuam a poder descarregá-lo à Borla, que é o mesmo que dizer, Grátis...
É bom!

FreeMILL 3D Milling package

FreeMILL is a fully functional 3D Milling package built on MecSoft Corporation's world renowned VisualMILL CAM package. With this product you will be able to import VisualMILL, STL, Rhino .3dm, VRML and Raw Triangle files, run full simulations on your part models and be able to output G code to your machine tool. The product comes with about 50 pre-built post-processors. This product is absolutely FREE! There is no time limit, part limit, post limit, or line of code limit in this product.
Available file imports include: VisualMILL, Rhino, STL, VRML. 



...Mas para o quê, ter esse Programa, se não tiverem uma Fresa CNC? 
Mais uma vez, um Engenhocas mostra-nos como se faz, neste Instructable, onde tudo vos é explicado, por este jovem e prometedor Engenhocas Holandês:

Building a CNC router


This instructable will show you how I built my CNC router. I hope you can draw some inspiration from my build and that this instructable will be helpful for your future projects. This instructable shows all the steps I went through in designing and building this CNC router.

The main thing I like about a CNC router, is that it is so versatile. You can use it as a drilling machine, a router, a saw, a mill and even as a lathe. Because my workshop is very small (it’s more like a shed), I didn’t have the  room for all of these tools, but I still wanted to be able to make very precise parts for different projects. That’s why I started to think about building a CNC router.

After doing some research I decided to design and build my own machine. It took my almost 6 months to build and design the machine from start to finish. Before starting the actual designing of the machine, I did a lot of research on the web. I recommend taking a look at the following websites: and These websites will provide you with a ton of information and answer most of your questions on CNC related topics.


segunda-feira, 21 de outubro de 2013

Inventor Brasileiro vence! E um Livro sobre 3D e o DAVID, uma Limadeira, e um Sensor de Proximidade

Eis uma boa Notícia, dica de João Marcelino, um Inventor Basileiro venceu a sua longa batalha legal, para ser reconhecido como o autor do DDC (Discagem Direta a Cobrar):

Justiça reconhece morador de Florianópolis como o único inventor do sistema de chamada a cobrar

Ação levou mais de 23 anos até decisão do STJ que confirmou que Adenor Martins de Araújo receba royalties pela criação

Quando a filha de 11 anos ficou no Centro de Florianópolis sem dinheiro para pegar o ônibus e isolada de qualquer comunicação com os parentes, Adenor Martins de Araújo entendeu que aquela situação precisava de uma inovação. O resultado, todo mundo conhece por uma frase: “Chamada a cobrar. Para aceitá-la, continue na linha após a identificação”.  Depois de 33 anos da solicitação da patente, o STJ (Superior Tribunal de Justiça) reconheceu este mês o ex-funcionário da Telesc (Telecomunicações de Santa Catarina) como o único inventor do DDC (Discagem Direta a Cobrar).

O sistema de Digitalização 3D, através de Laser, DAVID, está cada vez melhor,  como esta imagem demonstra,

...e para fazerem o Download, e lerem mais sobre o livro abaixo, vão ao Link da Newsletter:

Book "Practical 3D"
There is a book about DAVID! Well, not just about DAVID, more about 3D scanning in general, presenting several scanning techniques. But DAVID has its own chapter in it.
The author, German journalist Florian Vierling, has previously written practical textbooks. Now he jumped into 3D scanning and wrote an exhaustive overview over 3D scanning techniques. The book is written in English and German (side by side), and it has lots of great pictures showing scanner hardware, setups, and results. At some points it goes into technical details, but it's well explained and always easy to understand. 



Esta Máquina de Limar, ou Die Filer, que encontrei na Net, merece a nossa atenção, poque com esta Maquineta, que podem construír com Sucata, fazem-se Peças para de tudo um pouco...
E o Site tem mais coisas bacanas, como a Forja de Ar forçado,, mais abaixo, também feita à base de Sucata, por isso, dêem lá um salto:

Die Filer: Cost $0
A die filer is basically an upside-down jigsaw, which instead of holding a saw blade, holds a file. This machine will be able to do precise filing of intricate shapes without all the hard work of doing it by hand. This will greatly assist me as I find that I can only file or saw for a few minutes at a time now - isn't getting older a ßüĝĝêŕ. The unit I'm working on is a 35yr old 'Stanley Bridges' accessory, designed to attach to an electric drill, converting it to a jigsaw. Nowadays with jigsaws becoming cheaper, I have upgraded to an 'all-in-one' jigsaw & retired this one. The materials I plan to use are all scrap, hence no cost. The new file holding head is an old shaft (annealed), grub screw & belt. The pulley was machined from an old VCR part.


E não encontram um Sensor de Proximidade mais simples que este, por isso, não há desculpa para não terem um, nos vossos Projectos, quando necessário:


Use a DIY Proximity Sensor to Automate Your Haunted House


The special effects in a haunted house need to be well timed. The best way to do this is to use sensors to detect where your guests are in the haunted house. So I am doing a series of projects that demonstrate a variety of sensors that you can use to automate your haunted house. Last week I showed how to make a simple DIY pressure plate switch.

This week, I am going to show you how to make a proximity sensor and how you can implement it to activate special effects. 


quarta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2013

Makercase! E Tiling, no Laser CNC, mais a Pololu, e belas Revistas Italiansas....

Makercase é bacano!
Escolhem as medidas da vossa caixa, medidas interiores, ou exteriores, a espessura da placa, e o Método de encaixe, e zás, este App online calcula-vos a Caixa, e podem fazer o download do Ficheiro SVG...
Até com buracos, redondos, ou quadrados, e juntar texto para gravar, e tudo!
Basta para isso, carregar 2 vezes na face que queiram modificar.
É bom!


O nosso amigo Jon Cantin, vai-vos demonstrar aqui como fazer na fresa CNC, desenhos MAIORES que a Àrea de Trabalho...
Pelo Tiling, ou seja, cortando o vosso Desenho em 2 ou mais desenhos com a dimensão da Àrea de Trabalho, e avançando a Placa na profundidade, de cada vez que uma porção está cortada.

Shopbotting a Sydney Harbour Bridge: Proof of Concept

My first tiling project, works great... lots more big stuff in the works thanks to my ShopBot Desktop! distributes AI, CDR, EPS, DXF, STL, DAE, PartWorks and PDF files and scaled measurement free templates.


E a Pololu tem mais uma porção de coisas novas, como este controlador para os seus micro-motores, que vos transforma assim os motores em Steppers.
Vão ao seu Update, para ficarem a par desta, e mais 3 novidades:

Optical Encoder Pair Kit for Micro Metal Gearmotors, 5V


This set includes sensor boards and reflective wheels to add quadrature encoding to two micro metal gearmotors with extended back shafts. 3-tooth and 5-tooth encoder wheels are included to provide options of 12 counts per revolution and 20 counts per revolution of the motor shaft (to compute the encoder counts per revolution of the gearbox output, multiply by the gear ratio). Because the encoder board outputs are direct phototransistor outputs, some signal conditioning is often necessary between the sensor and a digital system processing the signals.

Eis umas belas dumas Revistas Italianas, sobre uma data de assuntos de Engenhocas...
Leiam e assinem, vejam só, os Mundos da Chapa Metálica, Plástico, Arame, como em Molas, etc. Máquinas-Ferramentas, e Transmissão de Energia:

Technical skills and creativity, typical of Italian companies, are renowned worldwide. To tell these excellences, Tecniche Nuove Editorial Group publishes a series of technical specialized magazines that meet the training and information requirements of all professional categories operating in the manufacturing industry.

The magazines, originally in English language and available online, can be read in all world languages thanks to a fast and simple translation system. Inside, the reader will find news, technical articles and in-depth studies on the most advanced machining methods and technologies. With the "world" magazines by Tecniche Nuove the machining world has no secrets. Browse at once the magazine of your interest and subscribe. Who gets updated is worth more! 

segunda-feira, 14 de outubro de 2013

Duas boas ideias, um Motor de Foguetão impresso em 3D, colheres de pau, e um Vuímetro

Isto é, sem dúvida, a melhor ideia que vi, este ano...
Reparem nestes Robots minimalistas, dica do nosso amigo Alan Metcalfe, muito bem-concebidos, que se auto-configuram, até formarem o que se queira:

A surprisingly simple scheme for self-assembling robots

Small cubes with no exterior moving parts can propel themselves forward, jump on top of each other, and snap together to form arbitrary shapes.

In 2011, when a MIT senior named John Romanishin proposed a new design for modular robots to his robotics professor, Daniela Rus, she said: “that can’t be done.” Two years later, Rus showed her colleague Hod Lipson, a robotics researcher at Cornell University, a video of prototype robots, based on Romanishin’s design, in action. “That can’t be done,” Lipson said.
In November, Romanishin — now a research scientist in MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) — Rus, and postdoc Kyle Gilpin will establish once and for all that it can be done, when they present a paper describing their new robots at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.

"quem não tem que fazer, faça colheres de pau!" reza o Ditado, mas olhem que fazer estas colheres, é uma habilidade que pode ser muito útil, dadas as restricões de certa legislações abelhudas...
E porque é divertido fazer algo útil!

DIY: Hand-carved wooden spoons


 Easy tutorial on how to make your own gorgeous hand-carved wooden spoon.
  • A piece of wood. Walnut is used for this tutorial, but any hard wood will do since they carve very nicely and can withstand pressure on the handle, which means they won't snap.
  • Carving tools: carving knife and spoon gouges (which can be purchased at Lee Valley).
  • Sandpaper of various grit size (320, 180, and 120 grit).
  • Pencil
  • Wood rasp (nice to have, but not necessary).
  • Small rag and food-safe oil.

E para acabar por hoje, um Vuímetro analogo, com LEDs, para os vossos Projectos sonoros:

Led - VU Meter


In this instructable, I will show you how to put together an analog VU-meter.
You can plug any light in (with the right voltage ofc) and it will work.

A Vu-Meter is simply measuring the volume of the sound, the bigger the voltages, the higher the light will go on the bar. :)
Though, getting it accurate takes calibrating and such, and I will not go over that.

This is as simple as it gets, and it's pretty awesome!

sexta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2013

Corta & dobra com Laser CNC, o Museu Lamborghiny, e Titâneo mais barato!

Dica dos nossos amigos, da Garagem Fab Lab, e de Eduardo Lopes, uma ideia que é um verdadeiro "Ovo de Colombo", simples, mas ninguém, pensou nela:
A Cortadora Laser CNC baixa a peça, para, desfocado o Laser, aquecer por uma àrea maior, sem cortar, antes, dobrando pelo peso.
Simples! Como é que ninguém pensou nisso, antes?
Bravo, Stephanie Mueller, e os outros, grandes Inventores Germânicos!

LaserOrigami: laser-cutting 3d objects

Stefanie Mueller 

LaserOrigami is a rapid prototyping system that produces 3D objects using a laser cutter. LaserOrigami is substantially faster than traditional 3D fabrication techniques such as 3D printing and unlike traditional laser cutting the resulting 3D objects require no manual assembly.
More Information:

LaserOrigami is a research project by
Stefanie Mueller,
Bastian Kruck,
Patrick Baudisch,
Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany

Para alegrar o pessoal, cá vai este Museu da Lamborghini, que podem ver aí mesmo, pela Net.
É bom!

Tour Lamborghini's Museum in Italy from your computer

C.C. Weiss

Those interested in doing an intimate tour of the Museo Lamborghini car museum would have traditionally had to trot to Lamborghini's headquarters in Sant'Agata Bolognese, Italy. Now, they no longer have to worry about the high costs of travel. Leveraging Google Street View technology, Lamborghini has launched a 360-degree tour of the two-story museum. Computer and mobile device users can now experience 50 years of Lamborghini from the comfort of home.


E se querem fazer algo em Titâneo, eis que vai ser em breve 60% mais barato!
Não, não são Saldos, é uma nova maneira de o refinar:

New refining process could lower cost of titanium by 60%

Brian Dodson
Researchers at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) have been selected by ARPA-E, the US government's Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy, to carry out a one year project aimed at developing a low cost method to obtain titanium metal from its ore. It is thought that the process could lower the cost of the metal by up to 60 percent.
Titanium can be made into structural materials that are extremely strong for their weight and show excellent resistance to corrosion. It is used in a number of high-value applications in aerospace, defense, medicine, and transportation. Although titanium and its alloys could be used in many other applications, titanium metal is notoriously difficult to refine and purify from its various ores.