Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 4 de julho de 2012

Vectorealism, K2D, e Limpeza Ultrasónica

O Vectorealism oferece mais Materiais para Corte a Laser:

Five new materials are now available in our catalog! Microflute cardboard white, brown, white/brown and pearly acrylic blue and pink, perfect for making jewelry.
Last but not least, a new format is available for all cardboard materials: 80×45! Download the new templates from our Starter Kits.

K2D, o dos Visualizadores de 3D. Relatórios de Inspecção, etc. grátis, tem novidades:

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Free STL-, IGES-, DXF viewer: Kubotek KeyView Free!
New add-ons to create professional inspection reports
Something new for License Statistics, too: version 4.4
CAD Viewer in action: KeyView on YouTube
Tips & Tricks: Shading modes in KeyView
Last but not least

Qual é o Engenhocas que não deseja construír a sua própria Máquina de Limpeza Ultrasónica?

Pois é fácil à brava, usem ou uma Lixadeira, ou um Alti-falante, com a Placa de Som do vosso PC, usando o programa grátis Audacity, num balde de Fluido de Limpeza, assim:

Pois, mas e quanto ao Líquido?
Como não quero que vos falte nada, cá vai:

How to Make Homemade Ultrasonic Cleaner Solvent

An ultrasonic cleaner is a cleaning devise that helps to clean delicate and hard to clean items using ultrasonic and cleaning solution. Ultrasonic cleaning is the most effective method of cleaning and can be easily incorporated into any industry as well as home.
Ultrasonic cleaning is not only meant for industrial use. It is widely used for cleaning, fragile, delicate items like jewelry, watches as well as cleaning stubborn dirt. Portable ultrasonic cleaners are boon for home makers cleaning which uses ultrasonic cleaner solution to clean the items effectively.
Ultrasonic cleaners use high frequency sound waves to agitate the cleaning solvents. This in turn makes the ultrasonic cleaner solvent particles to clean dirt from the substances with a very high speed. Thus, even stubborn stains could be completely eliminated.

E o Brasil está de parabéns, Cientistas de lá conseguuiram um Anti-Inflamatório para a Dor Aguda:

Brazilian researchers develop new anti-inflammatory for severe pain

By Antonio Pasolini
Researchers at Butantan Institute in São Paulo, Brazil, have developed a powerful new anti-inflammatory to relieve hard-to-control pain. Initial tests have confirmed the efficacy of the medication, which is based on a protein found in the blood.
The main breakthrough of the research is the successful synthesizing of a protein produced by the human body, the calcium binding S100A9. Under certain conditions, this protein is used by our bodies to keep pain under control. To make the medication, the scientists discovered that only a small part of the protein is required, which leads to reduced production costs.
According to researcher Renata Giorgi, the discovery represents an important step forward in relation to drugs available in Brazil. In particular the new drug offers two important advantages: it is more powerful and it can be administered orally.

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