Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 1 de abril de 2011

De Mestre!

Isto é que é uma Impressora 3D com classe!

Steampunk Printer

by Ponoko on Friday, April 1, 2011 at 1:43am
Jeff recently posted this 3d printer on Fab@Home, a place where it can be pretty tough to stand out from the crowd when it comes to DIY fabbers.
With brass detailing and stained timber this fine machine would be at home in a High Street antique store, but instead it is contributing to the manufacturing revolution of the 21st century.
The project was conceived along similar thinking to the way personal computers are customized by enthusiasts, for a visual panache that goes beyond everyday functionality.

Na categoria de "santa paciência!", este robot controlado por um relógio:!/notes/ponoko/watch-controlled-robo-claw/10150142485082547

E sem nada a ver, mas ponho-o cá, na mesma, um Avião Eléctrico fez o seu primeiro voo:
Video: Elektra One All-Electric Plane Makes Successful Maiden Flight
By Clay Dillow

German company PC-Aero is trying to win NASA’s CAFE Green Flight Challenge, and Saturday they took a big step toward doing just that. The company’s Elektra One aircraft, designed by PC-Aero’s founder and president Calin Gologan, made its successful first flight. But this one-seater isn’t your average single-prop. Elektra One flies on electricity alone.
The Green Flight Challenge seeks a demo aircraft that can fly 200 miles in less than two hours on the energy equivalent of less than one gallon of fuel per person. Elektra One didn’t push the envelope that far just yet--the maiden flight hit a ceiling just above 1600 feet and lasted just 30 minutes, burning just half the 6 kWh stored up in its batteries. But the fact that the lightweight aircraft was able to comfortably circle the airfield for half an hour-- more or less silently, we might add--is nothing short of impressive.

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