Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2012

Avanços contra o Cancro, Sobrevivência, moldes para Espuma de Borracha, Sapateiras, e uma Bicicleta fantástica!

Feliz Natal, hó, hó, hó!

Depois dos nossos Portugueses, com a sua Nano-partícula que ataca específicamente as Células Cancerosas e os capilares que as alimentam, eis outra  técnica, Israelita, que congela e descongela os Tumores até os matar. Quantas mais técnicas. melhor, digo eu...

Pioneering breast cancer treatment freezes tumours into a ball of ice which kills harmful tissue

Shari Miller

  • Needle cooled to -170C with liquid nitrogen repeatedly inserted into cancerous tissue
  • Device turns cancerous tumour into 'ball of ice'
  • Technique developed by Israel-based firm could be completed in 15 minutes without need for surgery
  • Cryoablation could one day be used to treat kidney, prostate and liver cancer

  • Surgery may soon be a thing of the past for breast cancer patients, thanks to a new technique that destroys tumours by freezing them.
    A supercooled needle tip is repeatedly inserted into the cancerous tissue to turn it into a ball of ice, before it is then defrosted, leaving the tumour damaged.
    Not requiring anaesthetic, the technique can be completed in about 15 minutes and could provide a better alternative to the current method of surgery, which requires women to stay in hospital for up to a week and can leave scars.

    Eis uma dica do nosso grande Amigo Inventor, José Abrahão:
    Como o Futuro parece incerto (mesmo se o Mundo não acaba a horas das tais profecias), eis uma fonte de livros de Sobrevivência, livros escritos duma maneira acessível, e bem-humorada.
    O saber não ocupa lugar, e pode vir a dar muito jeito...

    Path Finder Publications
    Path Finder gathers material from Green Berets and Navy Seals, then translates that information into pleasant-speak and EZ read.
    • Quick, easy-to-read guides for survival
    • Accurate and clear information with diagrams and tips
    • Over 100,000 of the books listed on this website are now in circulation.
    Author, Don Paul, says, "I write only unique survival and outdoor methods not found elsewhere to give you the best outdoor know-how available. My books are quick, easy-readers. (Average syllables per word = 1.6) The Pentagon Book Store has carried my books for years. Humor abounds and is off-the-wall. You will laugh & learn"

    Moldes para plástico, já se viram, mas estes... São para Espuma de Borracha. Como são impressos em 3D, em Impressoras 3D caseiras, poderão ser uma alternativa barata, para próteses, atenção, Àfrica...

    Casting Flexible Polyurethane Foam 

    I have been making a series of 3D printed molds recently (see Making a 3D Printed Mold) and figured I should explain how I'm doing the casting.  The molds are for animal ear shapes (it's a long story) and they need to be squishy and light weight.  The best material for this is polyurethane foam.  It comes in a two-part kit, similar to most RTV silicones and casting resins.  It's slightly harder to work with than those other materials due to its very short pot life, but with a bit of practice you can achieve good results.

    I'll show pictures of the 3D printed molds I've used but you can also cast into molds made from many other materials.  I have had good results casting polyurethane foam into silicone molds as well.  And I would expect that molds of plaster, wood, or most other nonreactive materials would also work, with proper mold release.

    Note that if you are going to use a silicone, or other rubber mold, you will need to be sure to use a "mother" mold, which is an outer mold that is stiff, unlike the stretchy rubber.  Expanding foam does just that, it expands, and it will try to push the mold pieces apart, or deform the mold if it is not rigid enough.  It is common to use plaster of paris for the outer mold, and I have also successfully used thermoplastic in sheet form.

    "Submitted by Ace Monster Toys for the Instructables Sponsorship Program"

    Eis uma ideia simples e eficaz para brilhar frente às Esposas... E só usando Tubo de PVC: 

    Sapateira de Canos de PVC (PVC Pipe cabinet) 
    Olá pessoal,

    Neste projeto apresento uma sapateira que fizemos aqui em casa.
    A necessidade surgiu da falta de grana mesmo: após pesquisarmos nas lojas concluímos que qualquer sapateira tem um "custo por par de sapatos" muito alto.

    Explico: ou a sapateira é barata mas cabem poucos pares, ou é cabem muitos mas o preço é alto demais pra um móvel desses.
    O trabalho final ficou bem resistente, funcional, barato e com um diferencial que a grande maioria das sapateiras de mercado não tem: é arejado (moro em Joinville, uma cidade muito chuvosa, e temos muito problemas de bolor e mofo, então é imprescindível que os sapatos "respirem" mesmo quando estão guardados.

    Eu já havia visto sapateiras de cano em pesquisas no google, então decidi fazê-la.
    Obs.: alguns podem notar que as fotos tem uma marca d'água: acontece que este projeto foi originalmente publicado no blog da minha mulher, aqui.
    Obs.2: quando fizemos este projeto não imaginávamos que iríamos publicá-lo, portanto as fotos de um passo-a-passo não foram tiradas. Mesmo assim tentarei detalhar o máximo pra quem quiser fazer em casa.

    Eis uma obra-de-arte, tanto as Mudanças em Caixa Transparente, quanto a Bicicleta, vejam, e apreciem:

    transparent gearbox on a homemade bicycle 
    I wanted create a for a long time bike with gear box in the bottom bracket as I Expanded a rim rear hub and built a custom coaster,
    I could not have gear .... and I missed it!

    I'm inspired by old bikes (1900), and tractor mower gearbox!
    I used bike gears, plexiglass and machined parts

    I put two weeks to get the idea and create plans
    and about 2 months to realize the gearbox!

    there are three speeds and axis drive and output are the same
    the selection system is brass

    plexiglass box is to see the mechanism

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