Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 27 de junho de 2018

Velleman Vertex, Imprimam a Lua(!), como vender na Etsy, uma Forja de Propano, e quanto cobrar por uma Impressão 3D!

Como me farto de gabar esta minha Velleman Vertex, cá vai o porquê, e como podem verificar no Vídeo, também lá tem umas obas de críticas, não porque me estou a evidenciar, mas porque eles bem que podiam afinar melhor a coisa...
Querem uma Impressora sem Stress, todos os dias?
Tentem esta:

Maybe I'll translate this, one day, but for now, you can try and have it auto-translated, or something;

In a nutshell, it points out the good and the bad, of the Velleman Vertex, why it's ideal for non-geeks, and also shows you how improve it:

It has a slot inside for an USB -Printer Cable, so you can connect it to your PC, beware, room only for the 90 degree jack variety, uses a BuildTak magnetically fixing plate, and I love the thing, faults and all, 'cos it works without dramas and constant re-calibration.
If you connect it to your 'puter, when you cancel a print, be sure to switch the thing off, and remove the USB from the PC, to  avoid problems.

Velleman Vertex - O Bom, o Mau, e o Prático
Edgar Castelo

Em chapa de aço, pequena, mas maneirinha, prática...
Mas não acreditem que vem TODA montada. Mas, na análise final, vale a pena.

Este nosso amigo Chinês, um Aficionado da Arte de Imprimir coisas fantásticas, ofereve-vos este culminar da sua Série de Instructables, como imprimir este fantástico Modelo da Lua, para um Candeeiro que é algo de impressionante.

This artful  young Chinese Aficionado offers you the chance to make an awesome Moon Lamp, out of your 3D Printer, so just go there, and learn:

High Detailed Moon Lamp

Subsequent to my previous instructables, Print Your Own Moon, this instructables show how to model a Moon lamp with finer details.

Fazem coisas que querem vender?
Aproveitem esta Dica dos nossos amigos da Ponoko, e aprendam como vender o que fazem, na Etsy:

A Guide To Selling On Etsy
DJ Harrigan

How Does Etsy Work?
Etsy is a platform for buying and selling handmade goods, supplies, and vintage products. It’s an endless online crafts faire with 1.8 million booths, and millions more customers looking to find just the right thing that you might sell. For some small fees, Etsy hosts your shop and provides powerful tools for you to manage your business, and for potential customers to find what you have to offer. It’s popular platform for good reason, and today I’ll be telling you how to get a piece of that handmade pie.

Ter uma Forja no quintal, é o sonho de tanto Engenhocas, pois aprendam com quem sabe, como fazer tal coisa:

A Propane Forge! MEWAHAHAHA! Need I say more?
Learn how it's done, the proper way.

How to Make a Propane Forge

In this Instructable I show you how to make a high efficiency propane forge. I have made a few forges so I have a good idea how they go together but I will give reference and credit to Ron Reil and his designs, that is where I learned how to build them over 12 years ago.
This forge can be used for knife making, blacksmithing, glass making or anything else you can think of that requires heating up stuff to a really hot temperature.
I have access to a welder so I was able to weld some parts together for this forge but if you don't have access or know how to weld, an option is you can braze the parts together or be creative and bolt things together.

Isto é, ou não é, uma maravilha?
Este Site oferece-vos uma data de coisas boas, desde E-books para Principiantes, e já Versados, a esta Jóia, uma Aplicação Web para calcularem QUANTO $ devem cobrar, sem perderem nem Dinheiro, nem Clientes...
Vão lá!

A Gem I've found, this site offers you a ton-load of good 3D knowledge, Ebooks,  a 3D Print Price Calculator, help, you name it.
Now you will know HOW MUCH to ask for, not losinge either Money, nor Clients:

The True Cost of Running a Desktop 3D Printer
Jason King

 Whenever I show my latest 3D prints to people, the one question they always ask me is “How much did this cost to make?”
My answer is usually along the lines of “I’m not sure and I’m not worried because I’m going to make it anyway”.
This is a good question and my answer is honest and true, but I realised recently that my answer simply isn’t good enough. It’s at around this time that I received a comment on my Beginners Series Page relating to 3D printer running costs. If I may quote part of the comment:
 “I am researching printers and their various features and functions and have found plenty of suppliers who don’t seem to have a clue about printing supply costs relating to quantity on a reel or weight or either and offer little assistance. The one thing you don’t mention is how much does it cost you to run your printer and by this I mean electricity used per hour. It is impossible for me as a budding business owner to put a cost on my item if the makers can’t tell me how much power it uses. I have a kilowatt hour meter to test it but don’t have anything to test it on and I refuse to take anything on faith from these folks since they’ve not been overly helpful on all other questions I’ve asked to date.”
To quote part of my reply:
 “I’ve never worked out or tried to find out how much the electricity costs are, because I’ve figure that it’s negligible compared the other resources required, time currently being the biggest resource used in 3D printing. But I should, so maybe I’ll write a blog post soon about the true running costs of a 3D printer. I’ve not yet seen such information published and I think people will certainly find it interesting.”
To address this question I started by purchasing some accurate kitchen scales. Based on the weight of an object and the cost of the filament (plastic) per kg it’s easy to work out the material costs.
This was a good start, but I then started to think about other costs like electricity, equipment depreciation, software, repairs, 3D Printer Upgrades, consumables and of course the cost of all those 3D printing failures.
As you can imagine, working out the true cost of running a desktop 3D printer at home could be tricky, but I like a challenge and as far as I know, this common question remains unanswered. Up until now that is.

terça-feira, 19 de junho de 2018

Peças em Metal, a partir de PLA? Segurem os Phones! E imprmir o voso Tubo Hilsh, fabricar o vosso Filamento(!), alisar as impressões,

Não queriam imprimir em METAL com as vossas Impressoras 3D?
Também eu!
Mas enquanto tal não for possível para os nossos Bolsos, têem esta maneira indirecta de o fazer, usando, com eu já vos tinha dito muita vez, as peças em PLA como Moldes perdidos.
É bom.

Everyone and his dog wish for a Metal 3D printer at home, and so do I, but since that is VERY expensive, here's a workaround that uses PLA parts as Lost Molds, for Aluminum Casting :

Metal Casting at Home Part 77 Lost PLA/Greensand Casting for the Myfordboy 3D Printer

This is to be my extruder body to replace the printed one. Extra material was added to the open source Prusa file to allow for machining and shrinkage. Holes were deleted and will be drilled in the casting. As the pattern has a flat bottom greensand was used for the cope.

Não estão fartos de perder os Auriculares do vosso Smartphone?
Nunca mais o farão, se usarem este Instructalbe, para ter uma bela Engenhoca que desenrola e enrola os fios, que tanto atrapalham!
É bom.

Haven't you lost your earphones, yet? A nuisance, that's what they are, but not with this thingamajig, that reels the wires into a small, portable size:

DIY - Earphones Holder

Earphones have become an essential accessory for a mobile phone. Earlier there were only wired earphones available but now the market is flooded with variety of wireless earphones as well. Although a vast number of people use wireless earphones but there is still a majority of people using wired earphones. The most common problem with wired earphones is the frequent entangling of wires and the frustration to untangle the wires every single time before using them.
In this Instructable, i decided to make a simple earphones holder at home that will completely eliminate the need to untangle the wires forever and you will be able to use wired earphones with relatively more comfort.

Para impressionarem a malta, e terem uma maneira de aquecer e arrefecer o que seja, osando Ar Comprimido, cá vai este Projecto fácil de imprimir, de preferência em ABS, e é só fazer o Download do Objecto, e mais umas peças fáceis de comprar:

 Hot air from one side, cool air from the other, the wonder that is the Hilsh Tube can now be 3D printed!
Works with compressed air, and it's up to you to go and download this.

Vortex Cooler (Ranque-Hilsch Vortex Cooler
This is my rough version of a vortex cooler. When putting compressed air into the inlet tube cold air will exit from one end and hot air will exit from the other. This takes a lot of air. You will probably need at least a 5 gallon air compressor as this requires a large amount of flow at about 90 psi air. With 90psi air the cold exhaust will be about 25 degrees cooler than the input air and the hot side will be about 15 degrees warmer. The temperatures can be adjusted a little by pushing the hot end cap in or pulling it out slightly.

O Filamento gasta-se depressa, quando estamo-nos a divertir...
Por isso, resulta mais barato fabricarem o vosso próprio, a partir de Pellets, com esta Jigajoga bacana, dica dos nosso amigos do Mewe 3D printing Group:

Filament flies, when you're having fun...
So save a lot with this Thingamajig, this tip, courtesy of my friends on the Mewe 3D printing Group, a machine that uses Plastic pellets to extrude your own Filament.

Filastruder Kit

Are you frustrated with the high cost of filament for your 3D printer? Do you desire the ability to produce filament on demand, as it is needed, in the color and size appropriate for your 3D project?
The Filastruder filament extruder meets these needs and more, because it is a filament-making machine. The reason for starting this project is simple - raw plastic pellets are cheap costing only a few dollars per kg, while filament for 3D printers is much more expensive - $30/kg and more.

...E se estão a pensar, "-Como é que vou alisar o resultado em escadinhas da Impressão 3D?", seja para os tais Moldes para Fundição em Metal, seja para um Objecto como deve de ser, uma novidade, a 3D Gloop!

...And if you're wondering, "-How do I smooth out my prints?", be it for those Metal Casting Molds, or for a slick-looking Objest, something new, 3D Gloop!

PLA Smoothing 3D Prints with 3D Gloop!
Make Anything

A lot of people know about Acetone smoothing for ABS parts, but what about smoothing PLA prints? Here are my results using 3D Gloop, as well as Brasso and a Rustoleum Gloss coat. Things. Got...Shiny.

terça-feira, 5 de junho de 2018

Façam o vosso Smartphone! E desenhem a vossa roda de Genebra, aprendam Soldadura,

Isto é porreiro.
Faça o vosso próprio Smartphonne, seja por carolice, seja por estarem faltos de pagar um exagero...

Don't wanna pay trough your nose, for a Smartphone? 
Build one!

Building Poorna, your first KitePhone
Shree Kumar

A KitePhone is simply a phone built using the Kite Kit. Consumer phones go through a teardown, so that folks can understand how they are built. Kite is built for makers, so we take a "build" approach here.
In this post, I will show you how we’ve put together a minimally complete model of a phone. We call this model, “Poorna”. Poorna is a Sanskrit word, commonly meaning “complete”. It can also mean “zero”, and there are philosophical interpretations too, but then I digress. Poorna is a complete phone providing functionality like the smartphone in your pocket. No additional bells & whistles, just pure Android.
Here is a short overview video (exactly 2 minutes, 17 seconds) of how to build Poorna, starting from Kite:

Uma Roda de Genebra, não há quem não acabe por querer fazer uma...
Portanto, aprendam como desenhar uma, como a quizerem!

You'll end up by wanting to make some kind of Geneva Wheel, soo...
Design your own, as you want it.

Make Geneva Wheels of Any Size in a Easier Way

It's not so hard to find the formulas and diagrams if you want to design a Geneva wheel of your own, and you can do it following this article: Make Geneva wheels of any size and this video.
but I feel it's not very friendly to non-engineer readers - at least it took me quite a while to pull out the math and geometry I've learned back in high school. So i decided to translate the formulas into plain English and clearer steps. I also made 2 videos simply recording how I designed it in Fusion 360.
Variables you can decide freely (within a reasonable range)
  •  the quantity of the slots on the Geneva wheel;
  •  the radius of the drive pin;
  •  the Geneva wheel radius;
  •  drive pin clearance.
You and use any CAD software you feel comfortable with because we only need basic sketch functions for designing.

Sem Soldadura, ficam muito diminuídos, quanto a fazerem engenhocas em Metal, por isso, aprendam, neste Curso, só para vós:

Without Welding, there's no real Metal-made gizmo building hability.
So, get to learn, on a Welding Class, just for you:


Metal has been worked by humans for thousands of years. Over time, the techniques and technology used to produce and shape metal goods have been driven by the innovations of science and technology.
Before we dive into some of the technical processes available for welding metal together, let's first take a moment to define a weld. A weld is a fabrication process that joins materials, usually metals or thermoplastics, by fusion. Fusing materials is distinctly different than other kinds of lower temperature metal-joining techniques such as soldering, which do not melt the base metal.
Metal welding is the fusing of two pieces of metal to create one solid continuous piece. All welders work on the same principle: A gas torch or electric welder is used to generate precisely directed heat to melt material, and a filler material is introduced by the operator to complete the fusion.
As these processes became more accessible, we've come so far that you - yes YOU! - can learn how to weld easily.

Um Molde para um Molde! Estou farto de dizer isto, a Impressão 3D foi feita para Moldes!
Por isso, vejam como se faz, para poderem fabricar algo em números de jeito:

3D Printing a Mold for a Mold! I keep telling you, 3D printing was made for Molds!
Watch how it's made, so you can produce anything in decent numbers: 

3D Printing a Mold for a Mold

I have always loved the 3D model of the 'Vaas met oor' (Cup with ear) by Joris Van Tubergen. A couple of years ago I did my first attempt to make ceramic cups of the model. I succeeded and love drinking my coffee from these cups.
Recently I wanted to make some more of them. Only thing: I did not like the handwork that was needed to create the mold.
Inspired by the option 'Mold' in the software for my Ultimaker 3D printer (Cura) I started to think about printing a mold for a mold.
This Instructable shows what I did to print a mold for a mold and how I was able to use it.

ESTE, parece que não é um Motor Lingrinhas, comparado com os de Explosão...
Quase 4 vezes mais Torque do que o melhor já feito, até agora!

Seems Electric Motors are leaving the Wimpy League...
Have a read, a new Motor, almost 4 times more torque than the best there was, so far!

Magnax prepares to manufacture radically high-powered, compact axial flux electric motor
Loz Blain

After nearly a decade in development, Belgian startup Magnax claims it has developed an ultra-high power, lightweight, compact axial flux electric motor with performance figures that blow away everything in the conventional radial flux world. Crucially, it says it's worked out how to manufacture them too.
It might not have the romance of combustion engine tuning, but it seems a bit of a battle is brewing to develop the kinds of high-performance motors that will power the electric cars, motorcycles, aircraft and industrial equipment of the future.
A week ago we wrote about Equipmake's spoke motor design, which allows it to pump out some 9 kilowatts per kilogram with exceptional cooling and continuous power production ability.
To put that kind of power production in perspective, the ludicrously fast 193-horsepower BMW S1000RR superbike of 2011 – a power-to-weight beast that would slay just about anything in the automotive world – has a lightweight motor that makes a puny 2.4 kilowatts per kilogram. So 9 kW/kg is no joke.