Blog Posts

terça-feira, 19 de junho de 2018

Peças em Metal, a partir de PLA? Segurem os Phones! E imprmir o voso Tubo Hilsh, fabricar o vosso Filamento(!), alisar as impressões,

Não queriam imprimir em METAL com as vossas Impressoras 3D?
Também eu!
Mas enquanto tal não for possível para os nossos Bolsos, têem esta maneira indirecta de o fazer, usando, com eu já vos tinha dito muita vez, as peças em PLA como Moldes perdidos.
É bom.

Everyone and his dog wish for a Metal 3D printer at home, and so do I, but since that is VERY expensive, here's a workaround that uses PLA parts as Lost Molds, for Aluminum Casting :

Metal Casting at Home Part 77 Lost PLA/Greensand Casting for the Myfordboy 3D Printer

This is to be my extruder body to replace the printed one. Extra material was added to the open source Prusa file to allow for machining and shrinkage. Holes were deleted and will be drilled in the casting. As the pattern has a flat bottom greensand was used for the cope.

Não estão fartos de perder os Auriculares do vosso Smartphone?
Nunca mais o farão, se usarem este Instructalbe, para ter uma bela Engenhoca que desenrola e enrola os fios, que tanto atrapalham!
É bom.

Haven't you lost your earphones, yet? A nuisance, that's what they are, but not with this thingamajig, that reels the wires into a small, portable size:

DIY - Earphones Holder

Earphones have become an essential accessory for a mobile phone. Earlier there were only wired earphones available but now the market is flooded with variety of wireless earphones as well. Although a vast number of people use wireless earphones but there is still a majority of people using wired earphones. The most common problem with wired earphones is the frequent entangling of wires and the frustration to untangle the wires every single time before using them.
In this Instructable, i decided to make a simple earphones holder at home that will completely eliminate the need to untangle the wires forever and you will be able to use wired earphones with relatively more comfort.

Para impressionarem a malta, e terem uma maneira de aquecer e arrefecer o que seja, osando Ar Comprimido, cá vai este Projecto fácil de imprimir, de preferência em ABS, e é só fazer o Download do Objecto, e mais umas peças fáceis de comprar:

 Hot air from one side, cool air from the other, the wonder that is the Hilsh Tube can now be 3D printed!
Works with compressed air, and it's up to you to go and download this.

Vortex Cooler (Ranque-Hilsch Vortex Cooler
This is my rough version of a vortex cooler. When putting compressed air into the inlet tube cold air will exit from one end and hot air will exit from the other. This takes a lot of air. You will probably need at least a 5 gallon air compressor as this requires a large amount of flow at about 90 psi air. With 90psi air the cold exhaust will be about 25 degrees cooler than the input air and the hot side will be about 15 degrees warmer. The temperatures can be adjusted a little by pushing the hot end cap in or pulling it out slightly.

O Filamento gasta-se depressa, quando estamo-nos a divertir...
Por isso, resulta mais barato fabricarem o vosso próprio, a partir de Pellets, com esta Jigajoga bacana, dica dos nosso amigos do Mewe 3D printing Group:

Filament flies, when you're having fun...
So save a lot with this Thingamajig, this tip, courtesy of my friends on the Mewe 3D printing Group, a machine that uses Plastic pellets to extrude your own Filament.

Filastruder Kit

Are you frustrated with the high cost of filament for your 3D printer? Do you desire the ability to produce filament on demand, as it is needed, in the color and size appropriate for your 3D project?
The Filastruder filament extruder meets these needs and more, because it is a filament-making machine. The reason for starting this project is simple - raw plastic pellets are cheap costing only a few dollars per kg, while filament for 3D printers is much more expensive - $30/kg and more.

...E se estão a pensar, "-Como é que vou alisar o resultado em escadinhas da Impressão 3D?", seja para os tais Moldes para Fundição em Metal, seja para um Objecto como deve de ser, uma novidade, a 3D Gloop!

...And if you're wondering, "-How do I smooth out my prints?", be it for those Metal Casting Molds, or for a slick-looking Objest, something new, 3D Gloop!

PLA Smoothing 3D Prints with 3D Gloop!
Make Anything

A lot of people know about Acetone smoothing for ABS parts, but what about smoothing PLA prints? Here are my results using 3D Gloop, as well as Brasso and a Rustoleum Gloss coat. Things. Got...Shiny.

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