Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 4 de agosto de 2014

Imprimir em 3D em METAL! E como é feito, mais um Manual de Impressão 3D, e uma Impressora DLP bem barata!

Fartei-me de falar disto, mas tem de vir do Estrangeiro, para que se acredite...
Dica da FabLab Lisboa, eis como se podem ter peças em Metal, sem gastar uma fortuna:

Metal Casting with Your 3D Printer
Matt Stultz

The ever-growing variety of 3D printing filaments is amazing — we can now print in strong, flexible, glowing, and dissolvable plastics — but sometimes plastic isn’t the right material for the job. Sometimes, you just need metal!

Although the big boys in the industrial world can directly 3D print metal parts with laser sintering machines, this technology hasn’t yet reached consumers. However, you can make your own metal parts at home with the help of your 3D printer and these easy-to-learn metal casting techniques.

Uma colecção duma dúzia de imagens animadas com vários Processos de Producção, e Maquinismos em funcionamento, é o que se vê nesta página, uma autêntica Dose de Vitaminas para a Curioisidade e o Engenho de cada um:
ings: Sharpening Pencils: Mold formation:
ings: Sharpening Pencils: Mold formation:
Sharpening Pencils:

ings: Sharpening Pencils: Mold formation:

How Does It Work? Industrial Processes Shown In Awesome Animations
Lara Lopes
We’re sure you’ll love this collection of looping GIFs showing some of the processes found in manufacturing technology and other engineering feats. Enjoy:


Ora aqui está um Manual para a Impressão 3D, feito para quem quer saber como é...
Decho Pitukcharoe, do Museu MET, quer desmistificar o Scanning, e posterior Impressão em 3D, dos Objectos que vejam no Museu. ora aí está uma ideia para adoptar em todo o Mundo... 
Com a Permissão declarada dos ditos Museus, é claro!

A Met Intern Produced this Pretty Great 3D Printing Booklet for Beginner

Scott J Grunewald

The Met Museum’s MediaLab explores emerging technologies that could impact how we experience, view and create artwork. That includes having a space with 3D printers and multiple types of CAD and 3D modelling software that museum visitors can use and experience.
Met MediaLab intern Decho Pitukcharoen wanted to help visitors to the museum understand how 3D printing works, and help demystify the process of scanning an object, creating a 3D model and finally printing it out on a 3D printer. So he created a simple step by step guide to help the MediaLab visitors create their first 3D reproduction of some of the art pieces on display at the Met.


Uma Impressora DLP é bem mais rápida que uma de Plástico Fundido, e a definição é fantástica, mas é também mais cara...
Até agora!
Pois aqui vêem várias modalidades de adquirirem a vossa Ĩmpressora 3D de sonho, por uma gama de preços em conta:

Uncia: $299! But not an FDM 3D Printer!
Nanjing, China 
Are you familiar with the New Uncia DLP 3D Printer? That's because we have done a successful project on Indiegogo early this year(see here) to help people know more about DLP 3D printer, and to provide a more pleasant user experience, we have upgraded our printer in aspects of both hardware and software. Now it's time for every one and schools to get involved and enjoy!
We upgraded Uncia, because we never stop pursuing its perfection. However, improvements cost us more than what it used to be, and your contributions will help us manufacture this high quality product (using only the best components) in large quantities, therefore decreasing the cost of each individual unit. Only with a rather low price, 3D printers could truly be introduced into people's home to let every one experience the delight it brings. We think it cruel to see that people's creation  couldn't be realize, limited by the price of printers.

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