Qualquer dia, compram-se nos Supermenrcados, e nas lojas do Chinês...
Uma Impressora 3D por 249 Dólares, na Inddiegogo, e por isso já ultrapassou a quantia-alvo!
New Matter MOD-t: a 3D printer for everyone
New Matter makes 3D printing way easy. Low price. Wireless connectivity. And an online store full of cool designs that you can buy, customize, print, and share.
What if you could send a physical object to a friend like a text message? What if you could subscribe to a series of objects like you do with a podcast? What if adjusting a 3D model was as easy as Instagramming a photo?
Yeah, we thought that would be cool too. That’s why we created New Matter.
E aqui está um Gerador de Biomassa que pode fornecer Electricidade para localidades de todo o Mundo, cabe em cima duma Palete, e funciona a Biomassa com um mínimo de Manutenção.
Mais pequeno, e fazia-se um Carro a Biomassa!
Mais pequeno, e fazia-se um Carro a Biomassa!
Could this little-known biomass generator start an energy revolution?
Eric Mack
It could be the most important portable power plant you've never heard of. It's called the "Power Pallet" and it is essentially a combined biomass refinery and generator that fits on a single pallet and can kick out up to 20 kilowatts of electricity.
I came across the shiny yet unassuming contraption that looks like ... well, like a miniature refinery attached to a miniature power plant, while roaming the back lot at the Bay Area Maker Faire where many of the bizarre or vaguely steampunk Burning Man industrial art creations were also on display.
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