Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 26 de maio de 2014

Littlebits à farta! E Casas de brincar em Cartolina, uma Antena Fractal, e um Veículo eléctrico feito em casa

Para criarem sem obstáculos, a LittleBits oferece-vos estes dois conjuntos de Peças, com que podem meter-se na Electrónica e Robótica, etc. sem mais problemas...
E se já têem uma data de peças, podem só comprar uma mala para as levar!

New ways to grow your littleBits library!
Two new ways to easily outfit your makerspace, classroom or workspace with the mother lode of modules.
Also new this week is our tackle box! This tackle box easily holds your growing littleBits library. Perfect for stowing away in the workshop and at home, or on the go! Available individually and also comes with the Workshop Set.

Uma coisa são as casas em Lego...
Outra, dica da Interesting Engineering, são as Casas de Brincar, onde a criançada brinca aos Cowboys, aos Piratas, e mais o que for.
Pois estas Casas de Brincar, em Cartolina, montam-se como os Legos, e assim, a Brincadeira nunca acaba!
É bom!

Engineers of the future could start off with the Buildies system - See more at:
Engineers of the future could start off with the Buildies system
May 21st, 2014 by
- See more at:

Engineers of the future could start off with the Buildies system
Engineers of the future could start off with the Buildies system - See more at:
Engineers of the future could start off with the Buildies system - See more at:
Allison Blackburn

Many children love to construct things and Lego is often one of the favourites of choice for toys. Children also like to make pretend forts, boats and houses, often using cardboard boxes, blankets and anything else they can lay their hands on. Now there is an alternative for all the budding engineers and architects out there in the form of the Buildies system. The system was designed by a dad for youngsters, or even adults, to build their own forts and houses. - See more at:
 Many children love to construct things and Lego is often one of the favourites of choice for toys. Children also like to make pretend forts, boats and houses, often using cardboard boxes, blankets and anything else they can lay their hands on. Now there is an alternative for all the budding engineers and architects out there in the form of the Buildies system. The system was designed by a dad for youngsters, or even adults, to build their own forts and houses.

Os Fractais são uma interessante forma de Matemática, mas sabem que também servem para formar...
E o que é melhor, Antenas mais pequenas!


Fractal Antennae

Fractals are more than just intricate shapes and appealing pictures. They encompass our lives, appearing in places as tiny as blood vessels and as widespread as the patterns of tree branches. Yet, what is a fractal? Mathematically, a fractal is described as a curve or geometric figure, each part of which has the same statistical character as the whole.
As far as telecommunications, fractal-shaped antennas have greatly reduced the size and the weight of the antennas for a given frequency of use. Practical shrinkage of 2-4 times is realizable for acceptable performance, and has eliminated the need for the bulky antennas of the past.


E para o Verão que se aproxima, eis umm Veículo para as vossas voltinhas no Bairro, ou à Aldeia, ou onde vão passar Férias, ou mais prosaicamente, quando andam, como Engenhocas convictos, à cata de Sucata!
E estaciona em qualquer canto!

Light Electric Vehicle: One-Passenger @ 15mph, 210# Curb Weight

I designed and built this fun and successful light electric vehicle several years ago. I'm just now posting it on "Instructables" and will add more steps, detailing the construction, in the next few weeks.

Use the link to my webspace, for the details, for the time being:

I decided to build an electric vehicle from off-the-shelf components, using existing technology. The goal was to define auto transportation, down to the basic motor vehicle errand: One passenger plus a sizeable payload, to and from destinations of up to 5-10 miles away, rapidly, all at an affordable price.

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