Blog Posts

terça-feira, 6 de maio de 2014

Re-inventaram a roda! E uma Bancada de trabalho motorizada, e uma Fresa CNC duma Cortadora Laser!!!

Pois este engenhoso Israelita, dica da FabLab Lisboa, foi e fez, e re-inventou a roda, e as rodas das Cadeiras de Rodas, nada menos, por isso podem agora DESCER ESCADAS, com uma Cadeira de Rodas!
Atenção também ao Link duma Aceleradora de Tecnologia para Bio-Medicina...

An Ingenious Shock-Absorbing Wheel for Bikes and Wheelchairs

Joseph Flaherty

Whhen Israeli farmer Gilad Wolf broke his pelvis in 2008, he resolved not to lets his crops wither on the vine and became determined to turn his wheelchair into a workhorse. After suffering the pain that came from traversing the bumpy rows of his field in a stock chair he began developing new designs better suited to off-road applications. He experimented with solutions based on farm equipment and ultimately took his concepts to the Rad-BioMed Technology Accelerator in Tel Aviv where he got the help required to transform concept sketch into a patent-pending product called SoftWheel.

Eis uma bancada de trabalho motorizada, boa para toda a esécie de trabalho, e para assim não darem cabo das costas, quando aparece um trabalho imprevisto, a uma altura que não estão à espera:

Scissor Bench - Adjustable Height, Motorized Workstation

I salvaged an old drive motor from a lift chair I replaced for my father. The chair was junk but the motor and drive was still working fine. So I removed the chair elements and kept the motor and actuator.
I wanted to make a scissor style lift workstation. One that would work more at a seated position. Ideally I was making a scroll saw bench that could easily change height for another person to comfortably use. But I realized quickly that you could use this in a lot of different applications. An out feed for my table-saw, joiner or planer.
I made this with all construction grade material to keep the cost to around 20 bucks. I used old window washing or paint extensions sticks for the pivot points. 

Eis senão quando, se compraram uma Cortadora Laser, e querem agora é uma Fresa CNC, pois este bacano resolve:

Make a CNC mill with a laser cutter


So, you have a CNC laser cutter but you want a CNC mill? Problem solved.

This project is a small CNC mill that can be assembled from store-bought and laser-cut parts for about $800 without machine tools. (If you have access to a shop with a chop saw and a drill press that'll be helpful, but you can get by with a hacksaw and some wrenches.) As pictured it has about a 4" x 6" x 1.5" working volume, but it can easily be expanded and modified.

The killer app for this is making custom printed circuit boards. But it can also make plastic and wood machine parts (including all its own parts), mill custom aluminum instrument panels, create stencils, and make artistic etchings for print-making.

I've included both Adobe Illustrator and Autocad DXF files for the custom parts, as well as an Arduino sketch for controlling the brushless motor.

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