Blog Posts

terça-feira, 15 de abril de 2014

Tinkerbots! E pancadas na Madeira, Sucata na Resina, e Moldes de Espuma.

Eis o que faltava para os vosso filhos aprenderem Robótica a brincar, um Jogo de Construcções que aprende!
Podem apoiar este projecto, e encomendar os vosso Jogos dentre vários já à vossa disposição:

This is Tinkerbots
TinkerBots is a toy building set with easy-to-add robotics that make it possible for children and adults to create an endless number of toy robots simply by snapping together TinkerBots’ patented Power Brain, kinetic modules and passive pieces, and even Lego bricks. No wiring or programming required. TinkerBots is like “living Legos.”
TinkerBots is the perfect hands-on introduction to the world of robotics. While experiencing hours of fun, children won’t even notice that they are actually learning something extremely valuable and getting a solid foundation in technology. TinkerBots is not only for children; it’s for the entire family. It’s a toy that fascinates kids and parents alike, engaging them in play together, and in sharing a learning experience. And with its Arduino-compatible microcontroller, TinkerBots is also the perfect tool for schools and all the makers out there.

Todo o Engenhocas tem Pancada...
E como não paramos quietos, dá-se pancadas ocasionais em Mobília e Bancadas. E as pancadas na Madeira, advêem de tanto mexer em tudo, de nós, ou da Família, que todos nós erramos.
Eis como reparar as Bossas na dita Madeira, algo para apaziguar as Patroas, e ficarmos mais bem-vistos:

How to remove a dent from wood


After moving some furniture, I inevitably damaged some of it by dropping a heavy tool on it. I'm going to show you the technique I used to fix it and remove the dent without using wood filler.
This technique works great for wood floors and dining room tables, too.
I did this at TechShop.

Podem fazer Moldes de Espuma de Poliuretano, sem dar barraca, e sujarem tudo, seguindo os conselho deste nosso amigo, de Lojistas, a Aeromodelistas, todos podem lucrar com aprenderem esta Técnica:

How to Vacuum Form Foam (Reusing the Same Mold, Many Times)thiagohersan
Styrene + Foam + Heat = huge mess of melted plastics and burnt foam.
This is how I prepare my foam to keep it from sticking to the styrene, and minimize the amount it shrinks with each casting.

E para encantar as Amigas, Patroas,  Namoradas, eis uma Prenda Geek com categoria, um Robot em Resina!
É bom!

Junkbot in Resin lonesoulsurfer

Mostly I've been sticking LED's into resin. The 'ibles for these can be found which can be found here, here and here.
You could virtually stick anything you wanted into the resin; I decided to go with a “junk robot”! In my dancing robot Instructable I also used a couple of junk robots so if you want some more inspiration check out the ‘ible here
Junk robots are really easy and fun to make. All you need is some old electronic hardware and circuit boards, super glue your imagination and you’re away. I find that the older the electronic components the better. My junk robots were made from parts I scavenged from an old video player and tape recorder, but really you could use just about anything to make them. Just type in junk robots into Google and you’ll see what I mean.
The following will take you through how to make a junk bot, stick it in resin and light him up.

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