Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 11 de abril de 2014

Impressora 3D para todos! E façam o vosso próprio Filamento, e o Raspberry Industrial

300 Dólares, se têem 300 Dólares à mão, podem ter uma Impressora 3D!
E se querem saber QUANTO esta ideia agradou, que tal os Inventores, sim, porque tiveram de inovar comó caraças, pois eles apontaram para 10.000 Dólares...
E a campanha já vai em 2 MILHÕES!!!
Têem algo de Inovador, ou mesmo de curioso, ponham-no nalguma das várias Plataformas de Crowd-Funding. 
E mais nada!

The Micro aims to bring 3D printing to the rest of us 
Dario Borghino
After quickly meeting and surpassing its Kickstarter goal, the cheap and highly user-friendly 3D printer "The Micro" is expected to reach the market early next year. At only US$300 and with a highly intuitive user interface, this printer could make the attractive but foreign world of 3D printing much more attractive to consumers around the globe.
For all the tremendous amount of excitement around it, 3D printing today is mostly a complicated affair that requires knowledge of specialized software, and is still out of the financial reach of most people.
The Micro, a Kickstarter project by Maryland-based company M3D, tries to break the mold and promises a 3D printer that's not only cheap, but also compact, quiet, power-conscious, and highly user-friendly.

Filamento para Impressoras 3D, ele é caro!
Mas podem fazer esta Maquineta, que fabrica o vosso Filamento, e assim perdem o medo de gastar Material, que impede muita gente de experimentar e aprender, em todas as Artes.

Build your own 3d printer filament factory (Filament Extruder)ianmcmill
Too long, didn't read:
Make your own 3D printer filament !
Cheap and high quality at a decent speed of 150-190 IPM ! (4-5 meters per minute)
Long read:
3D printers are cool and they finally start to drop in price. Kickstarter campaigns like the one from QB-UP or M3D are popping up and they are finally "affordable". And with affordable I mean affordable like 200 $ and not "affordable" like 2.199$ affordable. However, once you are a proud owner of a 3D printer you will soon realize that your wallet is far from being let alone. No ! You need plastic filament of course to print those super awesome coat hooks and wheel chocks. Since the price for these filaments tend to top the actual material costs, printing before mentioned life savers is kind of expensive and could become a problem to the development of the ever growing 3D printer community

Dica da Designspark, se sonham em produzir em série, alguma Engenhoca que desenvolveram no Raspberry Pi, pois agora, podem começar, que têem tudo feitinho para isso. 
É bom para lançarem alguma Campanha de Crowdfunding, para toda a vossa Universidade, para algum uso nas vossas Localidades, etc, etc.

Raspberry Pi Gets Industrial 
Andrew Back 
A sneak peek at the brand new Raspberry Pi Compute Module and IO Board.
Yesterday the Raspberry Pi Foundation announced a new addition to their hardware family, the Compute Module, which is targeted at business and industrial users. Designed from the outset to be incorporated into larger designs, this is packaged in an extremely compact SO-DIMM form factor.
ConclusionThere is no shortage of embedded solutions for industrial applications, but how many of them give you a moderately powerful Linux system with all that I/O and such a vibrant ecosystem, for a price tag of around only $30 (at quantity 100) ? And for those who have already been using or looking at using the Raspberry Pi in such applications, their prayers have been answered.
Strategically it's an interesting move for the Raspberry Pi Foundation and easy to see how industry adoption will lead to opportunities in both directions, not to mention providing a new source of revenue that will enable the Foundation to do even more to promote the study of computer science.

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