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segunda-feira, 14 de abril de 2014

Uma Estação de Engenhocas, fazer um buraco quadrado, bolas de barro, e rodas pró vosso barco!

Eis uma Estação de Engenhoquice Caseira, que cabe a um canto, e vos permite fazer de tudo um pouco...
É bom!

Maker Station: The Portable Reconfigurable Work Station for all MakersMatt2 Silver
When I started this project I wanted to build a work station that I could use for a variety of projects and that I could take with me when I do demonstrations. I also wanted something that wouldn't be flimsy and something with a lot of utility in terms of usable surfaces and storage options. After a lot of sketching, research, playing around with 3D models, and good old trial and error I came up with the Maker Station, a re-configurable, collapsible, portable work station that has everything you'd want when your ready to set down and make something awesome.

In this Instructable I will be teaching you how to build a maker station of your own, I'll cover The various tools and materials you will need, I'll discuss the concepts and designs that influenced the final product, and then I'll walk you through the build process so that you'll have all the information needed to successfully tackle this project. Along the way I'll share tips and tricks I learned during the build so that you can hopefully avoid some of the obstacles I tackled while building my Maker Station.

Eis uma maneira fácil e barata de fazerem um buraco quadrado, e sem gastarem muito dinhero, para as vossas maquinetas:

"drill" a square holearduinoversusevil
This is a short vid showing how to make a quick and dirty broaching tool to make square holes.

Bolas de Barro, ou Plasticina, etc. como as fazer depressa, vejam que é bem simples...
Quando se sabe como!

Fast Simple Bead/Boilie (fish bait)/Slingshot ammo rollerDrPeper
Polymer clay bead rollers seem a bit expensive to me. Plus they only make them in one size and a set of shapes. So I thought I could make a quick and simple one for cheap! First off I should make the disclaimer that "I made it at TechShop", so I had a lot of great tools at my disposal. One of the other members in the shop had some clay that he used for a project that had gotten plaster and dirt in it so he was going to throw it out, so I rescued it to make slingshot ammo out of. I'll be writing an instructable on making a slingshot soon!
The basic concept is you have a cylinder sawed in half lengthwise to give you two half cylinders. You put a measured amount of your medium (clay or polymer clay) into the center, rub the two halves together and you get a perfect sphere.
Now you can use these for making polymer clay beads for your jewelry project. You can use these to make perfect little spheres of fish bait, the English call these "Boilies". We in the States just call them dough bait balls. I also used this to make perfect ammo for my slingshot out of clay. It's biodegradable and non-toxic.

E querem levar o vosso Barquito para todo o lado?
Eis uma ideia fenomenal, para levarem o Barco de e para a àgua, sem despesas nem chatices:

Sealegs begins licensing its amphibious drive system to boat builders worldwide
Mike Hanlon
NZ-based Sealegs has begun licensing its patented amphibious boat technology. Already the world's largest amphibian manufacturer, Sealegs' first licensee under the "Powered by Sealegs" scheme is Dubai-based ASIS Boats, one of the world's top three manufacturers of Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIBs). Sealegs current technology is suitable for boats up to 2.5 tonnes (2500 kg), but the company will launch a system suitable for boats up to 6.5 tonnes (6500kg) in June.

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