Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 13 de julho de 2012

Bué da muita 3D! Mais Educação, e Robots prá criançada.

Esta lista de links do MIT, divulgada por Shannon DeWolfe, no Forum multimachine, é fantástica, com uma data de Máquinas e Peças que eu não conhecia:

21 Links? É bom!

Machines that Make 
he Machine that make project at the MIT Center for Bits and Atoms seeks to develop low-cost machines that can be made using CNC equipment, like available in fab labs.

Outra jóia, desta vez de Pat, do mesmo Forum multimachine, é esta Página de Educação Aberta, com uma data de outros Links, mas de Formação Online, atenção Engenhocas de toda a Lusofonia, tanto para a Universidade, como agora, também, para se ser um bom Técnico!

Do Opinionator:

Open Education for a Global Economy 

If you or your kids have taken an online lesson at the Khan Academy (3,200 video lessons, 168 million views), been enlightened by a TED Talk (1,300 talks, 800 million views), watched a videotaped academic lecture (Academic Earth, Open Courseware Consortium, Open Culture), enrolled in a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course, now being offered by companies like Udacity and a growing list of universities, including M.I.T., Harvard and Stanford), or simply learned to play guitar, paint a landscape or make a soufflé via YouTube — then you know that the distribution channels of education have changed — and that the future of learning is free and open.
This is good news for everyone, but it is particularly good for the vast number of people around the world whose job prospects are constrained by their skill levels and who lack the resources to upgrade them through conventional training. It’s a problem that a company based in Ireland called ALISON — Advanced Learning Interactive Systems Online — is helping to address with a creative model.

E para se começar nisto tudo, de pequeno, que tal um Kit para os vossos Filhos criarem os seus próprios Robots, sim, que eles mesmos imaginam?

Hummingbird kit lets children design their own functioning robots

By Ben Coxworth

Children generally love to create art and are fascinated by robots, so what if there was a way for them to turn their art projects into robots? Well, there is. Carnegie Mellon University spin-off company BirdBrain Technologies has introduced the Hummingbird kit, which contains everything kids (or adults) need to add powered movement and interactivity to their dragons, kitties or spaceships.
The kit itself includes a controller, power supply, cables, servos, motors, colored LED lights, along with light, temperature, sound and distance sensors. The idea is that users will create projects out of rigid materials such as foam-core or cardboard (or Lego, or wood, or whatever), and then rig them up with the motors, lights, and/or sensors. Once everything is assembled, the finished product is connected to a computer, where the controller is programmed using a free drag-and-drop application.
The company claims that no technical or programming skills are required, although the kit is recommended for children who are at least 11 years old.

...E saíu esta agorinha mesmo, mais engenhoquices com o Raspberry Pi, eis só dois Cabeçalhos:

In part 1 I went through setting up an SSH tunnel, and waking up machines on the home network. In this part I’ll run through how to use various protocols and clients to connect to machines on the home network.

Today saw the launch of the Raspberry Pi Cobbler, a kit to attach your Pi to a breadboard. It looks great, but I won’t be buying one as I made my own over the weekend.

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