Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 2 de julho de 2012

Papel-Metal, e Instructables

Só agora reparei que podem comprar 16 metros disto por 29,99 Libras, o que é muito bom!
Um Material que se dobra e molda como uma mistura de papel, metal e plástico!

Metal Paper
[MET 004]
Based on 0.02mm gauge aluminium foil with a matt black polymer coating both sides, it feels and behaves like a metal/paper/plastic hybrid ! The material, which comes from Hollywood in the US, originated in the film industry where it’s used for instant adjustments for spotlights.
But it clearly has hundreds of others including: • Modelling metal structures (it crumples and behaves to scale)
• Making actual models – e.g., the metal equivalent of paper planes
• Protoyping torches and lamps (it is heat resistant)
• Solar heating equipment (it has excellent heat absorption and can literally be wrapped around heat exchanger pipes etc).
• Pin hole cameras and similar optical applications
• Jewellery
The roll is 300mm wide and approximately 16metres in length giving a massive total area of approximately 5 square metres.

Quanto aos Instructables, começamos por este, que vos transforma os Smart Phones em Osciloscópios bastante completos, usando este Circuito pré-amplificador, que vos proteje os Telelés:

A Preamplifier for Smartphone Oscilloscopes

By chipstein

I am a certified oscilloscope nut, who owns more of them than he needs and is always looking for another one. So when I learned that cheap scope and frequency analysis programs are available for smartphones I was smitten.  Unfortunately, the practical utility of the software by itself is limited. A pair of alligator clips connected to the audio jack will handle only a small range of low-voltage and low-impedance signals, could inject voltage from the phone into the external circuit, and might carry a risk of frying the phone.

This Instructable describes a preamplifier circuit for making smartphone scopes more versatile, more useful, and highly resistant to accidentally transferring lethal voltages into your audio jack.

Continuamos no Muito Bom, com esta Dica que vai fazer muito Engenhoca muito feliz, como imprimir no Makerbot, direitinho que nem uma régua!

100% Warp-Free MakerBot 3D Printing 

I love MakerBot and I love Bre, and I think he and his team have done an amazing service to the world.

Recently, I purchased five MakerBots (actually Thing-O-Matics, factory-assembled and tested), which was one for each our current TechShop locations (Menlo Park CA, Raleigh Durham NC, San Francisco CA, San Jose CA, and Detroit MI).  I also picked up a Replicator for myself.  Research, you know.  ;)

After becoming very frustrated with ABS plastic objects warping when the bottom corners would pull loose from the build platform, I started searching for a new solution.  No matter what I tried, including using raft versus no raft, increasing the temperature of the HBP (heated build platform), cleaning the Kapton tape with acetone, putting shields around the openings in the MakerBot's housing to keep the heat in, increasing and decreasing the nozzle temperature, nothing would make the object or even the raft pop loose and lift up on the corners.  This happened with all six of the MakerBot variants that I had access to.

Previous solutions that have been created by others and adopted as supposed solutions included the HBP (heated build platform) which comes standard on all late-model Thing-O-Matics and Replicators, Kapton tape on the build platform, using a glass sheet, creating a vacuum table, using painters tape and other tapes, and countless other ideas.  But none of these seem to work.

So I thought of my own solution.

E para rematar, um Instructable que vai justificar às vossas Patroas as horas que passam à volta do Arduino, como clonar os vossos Controles remotos!

Clone a Remote with Arduino


I recently needed to use the Arduino to control a stereo system, so rather than hack open the remote and wire into it, I decided to simply clone the signal. This was incredibly easy to do. Basically, I read the signal from the remote with a 38mhz receiver, and then played it back with an IR LED.

Aconselho-vos a verem quem são este Bacanos, têem todos histórias fascinantes, como este último que escreveu um Livro sobre 62 coisas que fazer com um Computador morto!

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