Blog Posts

terça-feira, 26 de junho de 2012

Realidade Virtual, Leds da Costura, e Skates que descem escadas!

A Ar-media, permite-vos agora, com um Plugin, integrar os vossos programas favoritos, na sua Plataforma de Realidade Virtual:

AR-media™ Plugin: enhance your favourite content creation software with Augmented Reality. Here is the list of all supported third party products for which ARPlugin is available:

Porque a Criatividade abrange várias, senão todas, as Actividades, eis um Instructable sobre como integrar LEDs na roupa!

Sew LEDs into your Project!

It is really easy to include LEDs in your soft circuit project. For this I used a low-resistance conductive thread, from the lovely Lynne Bruning, some pliers, two sewing needles, and a bunch of green LEDs.

Begin by coiling the leads of your LEDs with pliers, remember that the cathode of your LED has a flat indent on it.

Sew two "rails" into your project - one for ground and one for positive. Embroider connection pads into your fabric, 3 or 4 stitches in the same place should be enough.


E para terminar, uma prancha de Skate que permite descer escadas!

One-of-a-kind skateboard can descend stairs 
By Ben Coxworth 

Skateboards are definitely a part of the urban landscape, but you know what else is? Stairs. Generally, the two don’t go together – when skateboarders reach a set of stairs, they typically have to pick up their board and carry it. London-based product designer Po-Chih Lai would like to see boarders be able to roll right on down those stairs, however, so he created a one-off skateboard that lets them do just that. It’s called the STAIR ROVER.

...E notícias porreiras da Shapeways, novas ferramentas online, e uma nova Plataforma para venderem as vossas Criações:

Experiment with Shapeways Labs

Modify your shop, share your designs & better manage your shop inventory.

We have some great new tools in Shapeways Labs, have updated the Shapeways Shop Inventory Tool and are working with Behance Network to make it easier for you to share your designs.

Sell Your Designs from Behance Network

While thinking of sharing your designs you should consider Behance Network, the leading online platform for showcasing and discovering creative works.  We have worked with Behance so that you can now sell your 3D Printed products from your Behance portfolio. If you are already a member be sure to tag your projects with "Shapeways" so we can find your work and promote it.

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