Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 7 de junho de 2012

Ginásio em Miniatura, e Instructables

Um Ginásio em Miniatura!
Um trabalho do Caraças, e dum Brasileiro, nem mais! Porreiro!

 Testimonial: Richie's laser cut home gym!
Richie has cut more CNC and laser projects than me and his skill is really showing – he’s also a fantastic designer whose projects are in my queue to render and launch on once I get caught-up on the CNC table router end of things. Until then, he sent me some pictures of the Home Gym design I made a while back. Looking sharp!

Se estão fartos de andar às voltas com as resistências lingrinhas dos Makerbots, que rebentam à mínima desculpa, que tal...
Um Extrusor de Cola de Pistola?
Mais-que-bacano, uma ideia que todos já tivemos, mas, como no Ovo de Colombo, ESTE é quem fez dessa ideia, uma Realidade!
...E se usarem este Extrusor com um Pantógrafo 3D...
3D pró Povo!

Hot Glue Gun Extruder for Your CNC Machine or 3D Printer

3D Printing still costs a few dollars and may be out of reach of hobbiest who do not have any budget. The goal of this instructable is to construct an FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) printer extruder (a key component) using a $3 Hot Glue Gun. If you don't think you have seen an FDM machine, you probably have. There are many hobby versions out on the market now ... Think Up!, Makerbot, RepRap, Up!, PrintrBot, Solidoodle etc.). The least expensive being around $500 to start. These printers typically use ABS or PLA plastic and push it into a hot extruder much like a hot glue gun. 

Uma Lição sobre 3 coisas num só Instructable...
Fazer uma Bicicleta, e para isso, as peças em Fibra de Carbono, com Moldes, Impressos em 3D, para essas peças!

Custom 3D Printed Carbon Fiber Bike Frame

If you’re really into cycling and are on this site, chances are that over the years you’ve at least toyed with the idea of making your own frame. There’s something truly special and deeply rewarding about riding something that you’ve built yourself, and being able to choose whatever custom geometry and extras that you want only adds to the appeal.

...E algo só para a Pura da Diversão, um Go-Cart em Madeira! 

Homemake Wooden GoKart 2.0

Well, after my first and mostly successful wooden gokart, I decided to build a sturdier and better one. I used the same wheels, engine, axles, and seat from the first one. For specific details on mounting the engine, sprocket, and wheels, visit my first gokart.  This is definitely an improvement from the first. For your convenience, I made a 3D Sketchup model. Download it here. The following steps contain pictures from Sketchup. I recommend you use Sketchup to find the exact dimensions.

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