Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 16 de junho de 2010

Noticias incríveis!

Como voltar à vida, depois de Congelar:

Yeast and worms can survive hypothermia if they are first subjected to extreme oxygen deprivation, a new study finds.
The results could explain a long-held mystery as to how humans can be brought back to life after "freezing to death," the scientists say.
The study uncovered a previously unknown ability of organisms to survive lethal cold by temporarily slowing the biological processes that maintain life. 

"We have found that extension of survival limits in the cold is possible if oxygen consumption is first diminished," said researcher Mark B. Roth of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Wash.
One form of "forced hibernation," the behavior known as "suspended animation," literally involves the sudden halting of chemical reactions in the body due to the lack of oxygen. A 10-hour time lapse video of a garden worm embryo in the process of developing into a full-fledged baby worm showed a rapid process of cell division freeze to a stop upon the environment’s oxygen removal. That same cell division resumed unaffected two and a half hours after oxygen was restored.

...E ver a Erva a crescer!

Video: Scientists Watch Grass Grow, at the Cellular Scale

By Rebecca Boyle Posted 06.14.2010 at 4:44 pm
A. thaliana cell development A new video animation shows cellular development in Arabidopsis thaliana, shedding light on how plants grow. Nature Methods via Scientific American
Watching grass grow is way more interesting than you think. In an effort to understand cellular development in plants, a team of French scientists made a surprisingly exciting video animation of grass growing at the cellular scale.
The team stained growth cells in Arabadopsis thaliana and rice plants, and trained laser-scanning microscopes on the growing plants, according to Scientific American. They fed the microscope data into new computer algorithms that reassembled the structures, cell by cell, in three dimensions. The result is this video.

E a Microsoft criou uma TV em 3D, SEM os Óculos 3D do costume:
Hummm... Microsoft... Irá estar sempre a CRASHAR?
Microsoft's New Lens Promises 3-D TVs Sans Glasses
By Corinne Iozzio Posted 06.11.2010 at 12:43 pm 10 Comments

Everyone's got World Cup Fever this weekend, and for a lucky few that means getting the chance to break in their brand-spankin'-new 3-D TVs as the matches are broadcast from South Africa. For those who haven't taken the 3-D plunge yet -- be it because of prohibitive pricing or not wanting to deal with the dorky glasses -- Microsoft's Applied Sciences group has shared a new glasses-less 3-D display that could herald the adoption of the sets at long last.

...MARAVILHA, este drone para o Povo:

How does it work?

First quadricopter that can be controlled by an iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad

Thanks to its on-board Wi-Fi system, you can control the Parrot AR.Drone using an iPhone®, iPod Touch®, or an iPad®. It was initially designed for the Apple platforms and will be also available on other platforms in the next few months.

Mais um?
'Tá bem!
Que tal um novo Metamaterial que vai fazer este Avião, Indetectável?
A New Engineered Stealth Metamaterial is the Blackest Ever
By Rebecca Boyle
Stealth Metamaterials A B-2 Spirit bomber flying over Guam. A team of researchers from Purdue University and Norfolk State University in Virginia designed a new metamaterial that absorbs almost all the light that hits it, heralding a new wave of stealth technology. Wikimedia commons/US Air Force
A new blacker-than-black metamaterial absorbs almost all the light that hits it, heralding a new breed of stealth technology.
The material's internal structure absorbs almost all the electromagnetic radiation in a particular range, New Scientist reports. Ordinary black objects, by contrast, always reflect a bit of light. The material could be applied to all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, meaning it could be used to make materials invisible to radar.
Designed by Evgenii Narimanov of Purdue University, Mikhail Noginov of Norfolk State University in Virginia and their colleagues, the material consists of silver nanowires embedded in very thin 0.4-inch aluminum oxide squares. Their array-like structure gives them their unusual properties, New Scientist says.

Man-made metamaterials can also bend light to create invisibility cloaks, ultra-thin sound-proof walls and even miniature Big Bangs and megaverses.

The researchers tested their new black material with near-infrared radiation, just beyond the red end of the visible spectrum. When the radiation hit the polished material at less than 45 degrees from perpendicular, about 20 percent of the radiation bounced off. When they roughened the material so it wasn't smooth, less than 1 percent of the radiation bounced off.

Narimanov told New Scientist the technology would likely be used to build radar-proof stealth equipment.

...E para acabar, NAS NÚVENS:

Wow! Jets Punch Holes in Clouds and Create Rain
By LiveScience Staff
posted: 14 June 2010 12:21 pm ET
Aircraft can accidentally punch holes in clouds, leaving a trail of snow or rain in their wake, a new study finds.

Turboprop and jet aircraft that climb or descend under certain atmospheric conditions can inadvertently trigger what's known as cloud seeding. This technology is usually associated with schemes to control the weather. However, cloud seeding can happen by accident as planes soaring through mid-level clouds leave behind odd-shaped holes or channels in the clouds and cause narrow bands of snow or rain to develop and fall to the ground.

Holes punched in clouds are a phenomenon that has been recognized for many years and seen in photos from around the world. A front-page feature on Yahoo! carried the headline "A Halo over Moscow" after photos emerged of just such a hole in October 2009.

The secret behind these mysterious clouds has now been revealed: Supercooled water droplets that remain liquid even at subfreezing temperatures — below about 5 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 15 degrees Celsius). When an airplane cuts through clouds containing the supercooled water droplets, air is cooled behind aircraft propellers or over jet wings, and these water droplets freeze and drop toward Earth.

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