Blog Posts

terça-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2017

Polaroid 3D! E uma Cola-Solda, Esculturas animadas, uma Secretária-Computador, a SmartMachine, e SENSIble

Imprimir em 3D com qualidade fotográfica, é o que a Polaroid se propôe fazer! Não só Impressoras 3D, mas também Canetas 3D, a cores:

Polaroid launches new 3D printers and modeling pens at CES 2017

Anthony Thurston
Polaroid, the company that many of you still associate with instant photography, has announced several new products at CES 2017 with a very different focus — 3D printing and modeling. The new 3D printers and pens are aimed at making the technology easy to use and more accessible to the general public. 
Starting off with the 3D printers, Polaroid is launching three models to choose from, varying in size but with each of the units manageable in a home or small office environment.

Isto vai dar brado!
Uma soldadura em forma de COLA?
E capaz de fazer coisas inimagináveis, até agora, como ligar vidro e filamento...

Mesoglue - A cola metálica que pode substituir a solda

Igor Kipgen 
Uma startup nascida dentro da Northeastern University tem o objetivo um tanto quanto intrigante, por assim dizer. O professor Hanchen Huang e os seus orientados de doutorado, Stephen Stagon e Paul Elliot, pretendem colar algumas ?coisas? que para o senso comum pode parecer impossível.
Essas "coisas" são tudo, desde a unidade central de processamento de um computador e uma placa de circuito impresso, até o vidro e o filamento em uma lâmpada. O forma de anexá-los é, surpreendentemente, uma cola feita de metal que cura a temperatura ambiente e requer pouca pressão para selar. "É como soldar, mas sem o calor", diz Huang, que é professor e chefe do Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica e Industrial. O novo estudo foi publicado na revista Advanced Materials & Process. 

We bridge the gap between nanotechnology and real world applications. Meso is the space in-between.
MesoGlue was founded by Huang and two of his PhD students: They had a dream of a better way of sticking things together.
“Our first inspiration came from the desire to make dye-sensitized solar cells last longer, giving this technology the longevity necessary to become an important energy solution. We then heard reports of iPhones exploding, and realized that not only could we make devices safer, but could make them run cooler and last longer as well. We are excited to be using our expertise in nanotechnology to advance the state of technology and hopefully make the world a safer place.”

Isto é quase psicadélico!!!
Uma espécie de escultura nova, que, quando em rotação, e sob luz Estroboscópica, aparenta mover-se, num movimento infinito e fantástico, um Zoétropo 3D, mas com a animação intrínseca ao próprio Objecto! 

Blooms: Phi-Based Strobe Animated Sculptures

This instructable demonstrates and explains blooms, a unique type of sculpture I invented that animates when spun while lit by a strobe light (or captured by a video camera with a very fast shutter speed).
Unlike a traditional 3D zoetrope, which is essentially a flip book of multiple objects, a bloom is a single coherent sculpture whose ability to be animated is intrinsic to its geometry. 

Uma Secretária-Computador!
Fica fora de vista, mas pode-se mexer em tudo à vontade, quando for preciso...
E quando não é preciso mexer, tem-se uma secretária limpa e ordenada. 

Building A Computer Desk / DIY Desk PC
In this two part video and Instructable, I'll show you how to build your own computer desk / desk PC. What's a desk PC? Well, you take all of your computer components and shove them into your desk, negating the need for a computer case. More importantly, they're fun to build and trick out!
Make sure to check out the two videos above before moving onto the Instructable! There's a lot of detail that's hard to convey through pictures and text alone. Onwards! 

Mais novidades no campo da IoT, com estes Cips que transformam tudo em apps e aparelhos para ter acesso pela Net:

6LoWPAN devices designed for Network and IoT applications
The SmartMachine® and the SmartModule are flexible and reliable sub1GHz-devices, IPv6 natively with a powerful Cortex M3 onboard. 
The SmartMachine simplifies the creation of local network applications accessible by Internet, thus manageable from smartphones, and allows the data storage in the cloud.
The SmartMachine is addressed to Open Source World and to the Developers community: it meets the requirements of Contiki OS thanks to its own powerful ARM Cortex M3 Microcontroller, it enables the natively development of firmware with 6LoWPAN protocol to create star or mesh networks.  
The SmartMachine with Thingsquare turns traditional objects  into devices and applications for the loT, so designers can focus mainly on the characteristics of their project (marketing, deployment,…) 

Sensores, Bluetooth, e o que mais, conjugam-se com a ajuda destes Chips, para vos facilitar a vida, a produzir Protótipos sem programação complicada, juntam-se módulos como mum jogo de construcção, programa-se com um intrerface GUI, e já está!

SensiBLE IoT Module - When Bluetooth & Sensors come together
On the shelf integrated and certified “Hardware Ready” module, which gives you freedom from hardware development and production logistics.
SnsiBLE Hardware Ready enables integration of sensors with wireless connectivity, not requiring any RF experience or expertise for transforming into the final product.
It provides a complete RF platform to deliver Sensor reading over BLE to smartphone and to the cloud in a tiny form factor. Being a certified solution optimises the time to market of the final applications. 

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