Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2017

Inventarium em Bangalore! E uma Impressora 3D de Bolso(!), uma Bancada Universal, uma caixinha de música 3D, e um Isqueiro de Arco!

...A lutar pelos Inventores Portugueses, lá foi o Eng. Fernando Ferreira Lopes em mais uma viagem à nobre Nação Indiana, para que se conheça mais sobre os Inovadores da nossa Pátria.
Estarems a par dos Eventos ali tidos, e aqui seguirão as Notícias.
Com os desejos de muita Boa Sorte, cá vai o início do relato:

Dear Friends! 

Here we go again!!! 
This time we return to India, to Delhi, Ahmanabad, e Bangalore. 
Second time in 3 months.
We proudly announce that we make part of the Portuguese Prime Minister Delegation. 
I will bring a lot of pictures and movies to post and share with you my dear Friends, Brothers and Colleagues! 
Sorry but I could not forget to mention my dear Loving ones, I will represent their interests the best I can.
My very best regards to all Members of INVENTARIUM-CIENCIA.
we did 4 U.
Just take a look to the Hotels we are going to stay:
You will say WOW!!! Like I did.
See you soon! 

Pequena em tamanho, e no preço, mas não em Qualidade, eis uma Impressora que ainda por cima, é fácil de operar, e de re-carregar...
É bom!
Concebida para facilitar a vida a toda a gente, eser acess´vel, eis uma boa ideia que espero vir a ser seguida por muitos outros...

PocketMaker 3d printer
Pocketmaker is a pocket 3D printer  that can be afforded with pocket money. 
The Pocketmaker is for everyone.
We designed it to be perfect for beginner users but also for expert users.
You can not only print your own 3D model on your computer but also connect your phone to print.
PocketMaker use replaceable nozzles, so you never have to worry about nozzle clogging
You can use PLA or ABS, as well as our pocket filament spools or other standard 1.75 mm filament spools available on the market.
We specially designed pocket PLA filament spools so that people can print with more materials and color choices. 
Printer volume: It's a cube,  80 mm (3.15 in) per side.
It is lightweight, roughly 850g (1.87 lb). 
Replaceable nozzle.
Removable Print Bed.
Print accuracy:0.2mm.
Wireless connection. 
USB-Compatible connection.
It can be used with Android, iOS, Windows,or Mac.
Filament: standard 1.75mm. Nearly  160 g(0.35lb) rolls.
Supports many different materials:  PLA,ABS,and more.
Other standard 1.75 mm filament spools on the market also supported.
PocketMaker APP for an effortless, plug-and-play experience.  
Supports and uses open source software (for advanced users) 

Uma boa Bancada de trabalho, é algo que faz muitafalta a qualquer Engenhocas que se preze, e esta, quer-se para quem queira tanto ordem na Oficina, como tudo facilitado, para poupar tempo.
E ainda é barata de fazer, óptimo para Sucateiros e Sovinas, como eu!

The Universal Multipurpose Workbench
Dui ni shuo de dui 
On Instructables, more than everywhere else, almost all projects will come out from some kind of workbench. However, and after quite a bit of research, I didn't find any model of workbench actually fitting my expectations. Some looked pretty nice, some other were easy to build, heavy duty, suited for wood working, mechanics or electronics, but none of them seemed to regroup all those characteristics together. This workbench was my attempt to solve this problem.
You are poor? Don't have much tools, space or woodworking experience? You are tired of sitting on the floor while you want to work on something? You are interested in every technological field and often will do electronics, woodworking, mechanic or 3D printing or milling? You want a workbench good for everything?
Then this workbench is for you! 

Eis uma encantadora ideia, para convencer a Patroa que as Engenhocas podemmesmo ter piada...
Uma Caixinha de Música impressa em 3D!
Um bom conceito forma este Projecto, foi baseado numa Caixinha original, em Metal,  

3D Print a Programmable Musical Instrument
This Instructable is for you to build a 3D-printed programmable musical instrument. I was inspired by the beautiful sound from a real music box so I designed, printed and assembled a 1:1 model.
This is an interesting project for us to apply mechanical engineering ideas to create a music box. I designed the model by CAD Solidworks and printed the components by UP BOX and Form 2. The mechanical motion of the device is realized by the worm-and-gear system.
In reality, I do not own a 3D Metal Printer so the "reeds" of the musical instrument do not sound very graceful. However, the project shares useful experiences about how to 3D design and fabricate a delicate musical artwork.
To build the musical instrument, the following tools and materials need to be prepared.
1. 3D Printers: UP BOX, Formlabs Form II
2. 3D Printing Materials: PLA Filament, Tough Resin, Alcohol
3. Tools: Pliers, Tweezers
In this Instructable, both the Solidworks Part Documents and the STL Files are attached. 

E para aprender como se idealiza e faz um Isqueiro de Arco Voltaico, apendam comeste jovem mas dextro Engenhocas, como se faz...
A nobre Arte das Engenhoquices ainda tem Jovens à larga para a perpetuar, graças a Deus.

Start Fires With Electricity: DIY Arc Lightertanner_tech in 
Have you ever wanted a futuristic way to start a fire, or maybe just a cool desk toy that makes plasma? Have you wanted to start a winter fire in a way that does not involve an actual lighter with lighter fluid? Have you ever wanted a lighter that you never have to replace or refill? If so, then this is the perfect instructable for you. In this instructable, I will show you how to build an arc lighter from old recycled parts. It looks really professional and well made. The video below has a demonstration of the final product as well as a video tutorial to compliment this instructable. I will be building this as a Christmas present for my younger brother.

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