Blog Posts

terça-feira, 3 de maio de 2016

Aprender sobre trilhos! E o Arduino sem Mestre, nem Solda, façam o vosso Filamento, uma Impressora para fazerem com Impressoras, e Kerf!

Brinquedos Didácticos assim, é outra coisa...
Uma aceleração brutal, nestes Modelos  de Monorail, e é certo que se mantém a atenção da Pequenada, na componente de Ensino do projecto. 
Apesar de ser um pouco caro, para indivíduos, não o será tanto, para Associações e Escolas.
E há sempre a possibilidade dalgum Engenhocas fazer isto, com Sucata e pouco mais! 

High Speed Rail Racer
De veloped in association with Stephen Hill, Head of D&T at Turnford School in Hertfordshire.
This amazing system has been designed to put the WOW into a range of STEM activities. Using a simple friction drive principle, small electric vehicles running on an electrified rail can achieve astonishing acceleration and speed from a standing start. The rail concept has parallels with both large-scale linear rail transport systems and small-scale goods transfer lines used in manufacturing - and offers pupils or students unlimited opportunities to learn through a highly motivating and enjoyable technical challenge.

E para aprenderem a dominar o Arduino, nada melhor que este Kit, que vos ensina a criar as vossas Engenhocas, sem sequer se meterem a soldar componentes, nem mesmo, precisam um Breadboard!
Mais fácil, não há! 

The Arduino Coding Kit is an intro to programming, allowing anyone to create and code inventions without breadboarding, soldering, or wiring. Learn the basics of coding as you create and program 8 inventions, or upload code from the site using codebender.  

Se acham que o Filamento para as Impressoras 3D está muito caro, já podem é recorrer à vossa própria Fábrica de Filamento, e fabricar o que precisam, e fazendo essa Fábrica caseira com pouco dinherio:

Build your own 3d printer filament factory (Filament Extruder

Too long, didn't read:
Make your own 3D printer filament !
Cheap and high quality at a decent speed of 150-190 IPM ! (4-5 meters per minute)
UPDATE: Now with wiring diagram !

Long read:
3D printers are cool and they finally start to drop in price. Kickstarter campaigns like the one from QB-UP or M3D are popping up and they are finally "affordable". And with affordable I mean affordable like 200 $ and not "affordable" like 2.199$ affordable. However, once you are a proud owner of a 3D printer you will soon realize that your wallet is far from being let alone. No ! You need plastic filament of course to print those super awesome coat hooks and wheel chocks. Since the price for these filaments tend to top the actual material costs, printing before mentioned life savers is kind of expensive and could become a problem to the development of the ever growing 3D printer community
BUT FEAR NO MORE !! Some clever gents came along - Hugh Lyman with his Lyman Extruder may be mentioned here or the guys over at - and saved the day ! YAY. And there was much rejoicing ! They have built plastic extruders everyone can build or buy at a decent price. However if you are a fellow user the first thing that should come to your mind is "I can build this by myself...and cheaper...". Building at lower costs is the nature of DIY after all.
And much more fun than putting together a premade kit, of course.

Para continuar neste tema, se já têem uma Impressora 3D, mas precisam de outra, pois podem fazer mais uma, com peças que fizerem na primeira.
E com duas, pode acabar com 4, etc...

The D-Bot, my self made reprap.

After I bought my first printer and began printing for friends, I felt I could use a 2nd printer. Instead of just buying a 2nd one, I came up with the idea to build a reprap. I had a printer, so I could print the parts. You could buy the other parts everywhere on the internet, so that wasn't a problem either. I began creating a design that was easy to built, compact, cheap and still accurate. Continue reading to see if I succeeded!

Já aqui falei antes de Kerfing, a técnica que nos permite obter Madeira curva, sem Câmaras de Vapor, pois tal pode também ser feito sem Laser CNC, mas com este acessório, nas vossas Serras eléctricas:

An Easier Kerfmaker

Phil B
Someone showed a group of us a simple kerfmaker he built from scrap. I was reminded of a nice aluminum kerfmaker Instructable posted by Steliart and I thought about building it. This Instructable describes an easier kerfmaker I built from some hardwood. It is not a disposable kerfmaker fitted for only one tool. The precision sliding parts are so easy to make well that it is almost foolproof.
A kerfmaker is initially set by you for the thickness of your cutting tool (saw blade, router bit, bandsaw blade). From that point, it allows you to set the kerfmaker for the thickness of a piece of work so you can make a precise dado for that piece without further measuring. 

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