Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2016

Melhorar a Impressão 3D! E Electrónica para Inventores, Como aproveitar Micro-motores, um Kit de Invenções, e uma Mala Engenhosa.

Se andam a arrancar os cabelos por causa da má qualidade das vossas Impressões, não deitem já a Impressora pela janela fora, eis não uma, mas 5 maneiras de melhorar decisivamente a qualidade dos resultados da vossa Impreessora:


Top 5 3D Printing Tools to Get the Best Prints!

Brett Turnage

What are the best 3D printing tools to help you get the best quality prints? Pinshape guest writer Brett Turnage is here to share his top 5 tools and why they make his life easier and print quality better! 

Excelentes livro, e dica, da Página do Facebook Engenharia Elétrica e Eletrônica, para as vossas Invenções ou Engenhocas várias, eis um livro que vos ensina toda  a Electrónica e Electrónica Digital, necessária:

Practical Electronics for Inventors 

Paul Scherz (Autor), Simon Monk (Autor) 

Advance your electronics knowledge and gain the skills necessary to develop and construct your own functioning gadgets. Written by a pair of experienced engineers and dedicated hobbyists, Practical Electronics for Inventors, Fourth Edition, lays out the essentials and provides step-by-step instructions, schematics, and illustrations. Discover how to select the right components, design and build circuits, use microcontrollers and ICs, work with the latest software tools, and test and tweak your creations. This easy-to-follow book features new instruction on programmable logic, semiconductors, operational amplifiers, voltage regulators, power supplies, digital electronics, and more.

Mais outro Instructable deste vosso amigo!

Este, sobre como aproveitar para o que quizerem os Motores do Vibra-call de Telemóveis, ou Celiulares, ou Cell phones, sem escavacar os mesmos Motores, tentando retirar o Contra-peso, ou Volante, ou peça inútil do caraças...

How to Extract a Cell Phone Motor's Flywheel

There's an endless source of Micro-motors, in old, discarded Cell Phones.
Trouble is, they come with those pesky, off-balanced Flywheels, that mess up everything, as no one wants wobbly motors that can't be connected to the gearwheels, pulleys, and what not, you want to use these motors with.

Yes, and Quadracopter's Propellers, too! :)
Well, now there IS a way to take them off, without ruining the motor, using 2 Meccano plates, bolted togheter, a Hammer, a piece of Wood and a discarded Compass, easy-peasy!

Para despertar a Engenhoquice na Míudagem, temos este simpático Kit da LittleBits, que vem com 12 Invenções na caixa.
Mas isso é só o Início, como nós bem sabemos, da nossa experiência com o Lego e o Meccano. ..

Create, play, remix, then share your inventions with the world.
Spark imagination while building science, technology, art and math skills.
First kit that includes accessories and materials for 12 inventions out of the box.
Develop skills for careers that haven’t been invented yet.

Já foi aqui referido uma caixa de Ferramentas que vem com TUDO, Ferramentas, Holofote e etc. pois como eu sempre digo, se há à venda, dentro em pouco...
Aparece um Instructable, para vocês fazerem, à vossa vontade, e para o vosso fim específico.
Este, até tem uma BIGORNA!

Flight-case Toolbox and Workstation


My toolbox is an expression of my making practice. It has developed over the past 5 years as my needs and abilities have changed as a fabricator and artist. Some of the tools are specific to the kind of work I generally do, which is usually a blend of mechanical and electronic. It includes LEDs, a electrical system with a power tool charger, benchtop power supply, and soldering iron. It has a mirror and an anvil. It is heavy and I love it. I hope you do too.

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