Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 22 de abril de 2016

Instructables! Zarabatanas, Soldadores, Pistolas de Cola, micro Web Servers, e um Cortador de Plástico portátil!

Ora cá vai, uma série de Instructables, e começo com o meu!
Queriam um Instructable fácil, fácil?
Pois este, é do mais fácil que há, pode-se fazer esta Zarabatana-Revólver com quase nada, até sem ferramentas eléctricas.
E tem tanto detalhe, passo-a-passo, que se pode fazer com qualquer grau de experiência, por isso, façam esta Zarabatana e disparem 6 tiros de seguida!

Revolver Blowpipe

This is an Instructable as simple as can be, and with enough detail for anyone to make a Revolver Blowpipe, from PVC tubing, wood, some screws, hot glue, a rubber band or metal spring, and an O-ring.

You plug the ammo into the tubes, blow one, pull and twist the Cylinder, blow another, etc.


Isto é um sonho tornado realidade para muito Engenhocas, Soldadura para o Povo...
Com a Sucata que um Engenhocas acaba sempre por acumular, podem soldar os vossos Protótipos, Maquinetas, Modelos, Esculturas, Etc. 

DIY Spot Welder

Make it Extreme 
The new project of make it extreme is the transformation of an old microwave oven into a brand new spot welder. How did we manage that? Firstly, we decomposed the microwave oven and took its transformer and the fan that cools it. The particular project was planned not to make a portable spot welder but one with a stable basis. 

Parece-me uma óptima ideia, para Modelistas, e não só, uma Pistola de Cola com uma ponta bem fina, que chega a todo o lado, e se pode dosear melhor!
Por isso, cá vai o Instructable: 

I came up with an idea to customize or in other words to improve my glue gun. 

Cá está uma alternativa ao Arduino, para terem um Servidor, que podem acessar de onde quizerem, através da Net.
Ainda por cima, é bem mais barato, e neste Instructable até encontram onde o comprar!

Control ESP8266 over the internet (from anywhere)
There are but a few things better than (succesfully) programming and using your Arduino. Surely one of those things is using your ESP8266 as an Arduino with WiFi!
In this instructable I will show you an EASY way to get the ESP8266 working as a web server AND accessing that server from anywhere (over the internet)
Also if you find this instructable interesting, perhaps you'll like some of my others:
How to make a high voltage power supply
How to send data from Arduino to excel (and plot it)
How to display Arduino sensor readings on Nokia 5110 display 

Pode-se dizer que que estes Instructables são todos de primeira, e acabamos com este, que vos permitirá cortar plástico duro, e onde quer que estejam, o que é um achado para mais uma vez, Modelistas, e Engenhocas, de toda a espécie...

DIY: An Ultra portable Torch knife
Hey guys! so its been a while since i've written an ible and i must say, its great to be back! Seems like there's a ton of great instructables recently popping out and i hope this one makes it to your list of favorites ;)
Anyhow, here's a short read about how it was made..
As i was working on my cotton candy machine, here's a little list of problems (aka:opportunities lol) i had encountered back then
Due to the lack of tools at home, i really found it difficult to cut the hard plastic enclosure into a decent circle until i tried heating a retractable cutter blade with a lighter and to my not-so surprise, it worked quite well! but then an idea sparked from that simple combination of tools, what if i built a heating system that could be mounted on a cutter? after a handful of developments and instantly cauterized cuts on my thigh, i finally realized an x-acto™ knife would do the perfect job! Both aesthetically and functionally. 

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