Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 16 de março de 2016

Quirky, até que enfim! E um Scanner no vosso Smartphone, criem uma peça Lego, e dicas para Engenhocas

A melhor ideia que eu vi faz alguns anos.
O maior Problema dos Inventores, é levar as benditas das ideias ao Mercado, sem terem de se tornar Empresários, pois bem, ele está resolvido! 

Quirky vem-nos oferecer uma Plataforma de Lançamento de Ideias, uma Comunidade de Engenhocas que podem opinar, sugerir, e ajudar quem tem só a Ideia e pouco mais, e ainda, uma Ferramenta para os Inventores que eles sohnavam há muito tempo....

About Quirky
We make invention accessible.
We believe the best ideas in the world aren't actually in the world, they're locked inside people's heads.
We exist to solve that problem.

How it works
Marisa has a million ideas but only a few minutes to spare.
She had an idea for a brand-new product her kid would love, so—naturally—she shared it on the Quirky invention platform. Talented renderers, sketchers, and toy enthusiasts in our community helped strengthen her idea submission. In turn, she shared some of her Influence (i.e., a cut of the product revenue) with the people that helped out the most.
She submitted her idea to Eval, Quirky’s live weekly product evaluation. It was voted for, so we pitched it to one of our big brand partners. They loved it so much, they decided to make it real!
As her product flew off store shelves, Marisa made money—and the world got access to a great invention. 

Sete Scanners de bom preço, Dica da Pinshape, a começar, pelo melhor, Grátis, um App que instalam no Smartphone, ou Tablet, e vai até 5000 Dólares:

7 Great Value 3D Scanners – From Free to $5,000 
If you’re thinking about buying a 3D scanner, we brought in our friends from Aniwaa to give us their thoughts on some of the best value 3D scanners on the market to add to our previous article on 3D scanners. Whether you’re just interested in knowing more about 3D scanners or you’d like to try one out, here’s an overall review from their experience. 

Para de tudo um pouco, desde Montras com Legos personalizados, até a Protótipos com muita "pinta", para Concursos de Robótica, pasando por Cenários para Jogos de Estratégia, cai vai disto, podem personalizar peçasLego com uma Imagem da vossa escolha:

Now you can Create Your Own Printed Brick!
Need a Special Part or Print for your Lego Creation? 
Create Your Own Brick is ready to go!
Brickbuilderspro now has a printing feature that allows you to upload an image and print it to one of our in stock official Lego Pieces.

E acabamos rápidamente, com estas 7 Dicas rápidas para Engenhocas, nos Vídeos deste Instructable:

7 Quick Tips for Makers
Proto G
In this instructable, I'll show you 7 quick tips that will make your life as a maker a bit easier.

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