Blog Posts

sábado, 5 de março de 2016

CLIP!!! E façam-se Professores, onde encontrar Modelos para 3D, um Cofre por quase nada, os 2 melhores Cursos de Arduino, e uma Impressora 3D por 200 Euros, mas com qualidade!!

Dica da Sculpteo, esta nova Impressora 3D, a Carbon 3D, utiliza a nova Técnica de Impressão CLIP.
Esta nova Técnica, para além de ser muito mais fiel ao Modelo 3D que idealizam, sem as malditas "escadinhas" que fazem o acabamento ser medíocre, é mais rápida do que a Estéreo-Litografia, e ainda, vem numa série de Materiais prórpios para se obterem Protótipos com aa propriedades do Poliuretano de Injecção por Molde, ou a resistência às altas temperaturas do Nylon reforçado a Fibra de Vidro, e muitos mais.
E o que é melhor, se quizerem fazer parte do Programa-Piloto da  Sculpteo, poderão futuramente encomendar peças dessas, à Sculpteo, sem terem de comprar uma tal Impressora...
É bom! 

Introducing the Carbon 3D Printer and CLIP technology
Arthur Cassaignau
The Carbon 3D printer has been revealed to the world for the first time last year. Since a few months, we’ve been working hand in hand with the team from Carbon to be the first to offer their CLIP 3D printing technology online on our 3D printing platform. Starting today, you are able to order 3D prints from the Carbon 3D printer in a wide range of different new and innovative materials. From prototypes to finish parts, the path from 3D modeling to high end manufacturing has never been faster.
We are very excited to introduce the CLIP 3D printing technology on Sculpteo. As a partner of Carbon, we are currently the only online 3D printing service to own a printer of this type in our San Francisco Bay Area facility. Along with this new technology, we are also unveiling a series of new resins ranging from rigid to flexible, all of which are supported by the Carbon 3D printer.  These resins make it possible to prototype an enormous range of products (from load-resistant mechanical parts to seals and flexible containers) at very high resolution, as well as producing commercial quality parts. These materials have been designed to respond to key engineering requirements, from the elongation and strength expected of injection-molded elastomers to the temperature resistance of a nylon-glass composite.

Diigo, dica do nosso amigo Jonathas Madeira, é uma Ferramenta que vos permite coligir e partilhar Bookmarks, fotos, e toda a espécie de informação, o que vai aumentar as capacidades deste Blogue, futuramente... 

Diigo:  Your Learning, Simplified
Welcome to Diigo help, find answers to your most frequently asked questions and tutorials on how to use Diigo’s variety of features. Diigo aims to dramatically improve your online productivity.   Building upon the strengths of award-winning Diigo V4, widely regarded as one of the best and most popular social bookmarking, web annotation, collaborative research services,  Diigo V5.0 has added additional data types (screenshots, pictures, notes, etc) and platform support, such as Chrome, Android, iPad, iPhone, etc.  With Version 5.0, Diigo moves one step further towards its vision of providing the best cloud-based  personal information management (PIM) service that enables users to collect, highlight, access and share a variety of information, on a variety of devices.
Since Diigo started as a social bookmarking service four years ago,  a major update was released every year for the past four years, each taking Diigo to a new height in terms of enhancing productivity for collecting and consuming digital information.   The following chart illustrates the evolution of Diigo very succinctly:

E se ainda estão à procura de Sites oferecendo Modelos, para a sua Impressora 3D agora ainda os há mais!
Cá estão 10, dos melhores Sites: 

Top 10 3D Model Databases: The Best Sites to Download 3D Models for 3D Printing

By Fabian 
If you intend to 3D print a model, that doesn’t mean you always have to start designing from scratch. There are tons of website out there that offer (both free and premium) 3D models to download. We took a look at 10 of the best and most popular 3D model databases and compared them for price, quality, selection, and printability. 

Para guardarem o que mais valorizam, sem gastarem muito, têem aqui uma boa ideia, para guardarem, escondendo à plena vista:

How To Make A Super Secret Safe - For Less Than $3The King of Random 
In this project you'll learn how to make a super secret safe that nobody will recognize, even if they're looking straight at it.
I made a parts list for this project that you can have for freeFor other project videos, check out:

Eis o Suporte Ninja, um Site cheio de Suporte, é claro, por isso, tomem nota, com 2 Cursos Grátis, para aprenderem a dominar o Arduino, essa pequena maravilha, e são Grátis:

Os 2 Melhores Cursos gratuitos de Arduino

Pablo Roots  
O Suporte Ninja encontrou dois ótimos cursos gratuitos de Arduino (O curso de Android do Laboratório de Garagem e o curso da Pictronics onde você aprende mais sobre eletrônica e até a confeccionar o seu próprio Arduino)
 Os 2 Melhores Cursos gratuitos de Arduino
O Arduino é uma plataforma de prototipagem eletrônica de hardware livre, projetada com um microcontrolador Atmel AVR de placa única, com suporte de entrada/saída embutido, uma linguagem de programação padrão, a qual tem origem em Wiring, e é essencialmente C/C++.
Esta placa pode ser utilizada para o desenvolvimento de objetos interativos independentes. Basicamente uma placa de Arduino é composta por um controlador, algumas linhas de E/S digital e analógica, além de uma interface serial ou USB, para interligar-se ao hospedeiro, que é usado para programá-la e interagi-la em tempo real. 

...E se querem construír uma Impressora 3D, barata, mas não de baixa qualidade, aqui está um Instructable que vai ajudar-vos a ter o melhor de dois mundos, barato, e bons, e sem usar Sucata!
E cá vai, para terem a vossa Impressora 3D: 

Edge 3D 3.0 - A $200 3D Printer

Let me just start by saying that this isn't like most "budget" 3D printers. This has all features that a normal one should have; 2 Z axis motors, LCD, and a reliable extruder (Stepstruder MK7). As the title suggests, this project costs less than $200 (USD) to make, with no reused parts. This project took several months to design and about a week of assembling along with trial and error for testing new parts. This printer was built with a Full Spectrum Laser at my local makerspace, along with a Robo 3D printer.
I am entering this into the Full Spectrum Laser contest. I'm just a 14 year old maker, so I obviously can't afford a laser cutter. If you like this instructable, please vote for it in the contest (upper right corner. If I won the Full Spectrum laser cutter, I would test a new printing technology idea that I have based on SLA, but with a twist. I would be able to sell these printers as kits for $225 (USD). Also, I would use it to make the pro version of this: ~ 7x7x7 print bed (heated), auto bed leveling, and untethered printing.
New features: Bigger enclosure to fit all of the wiring, better extruder, built in LCD, Better Y axis belt tensioner, cool looking air vents, less gluing, layered bearing holder for a stable X axis, new logo, faster to laser cut because of fewer joints, more precise measurements for the USB and power connectors and overall better prints. 

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