Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2016

Imprimir em 3D, Ferro-Magnético, Gravar em Laser, Impressão em Papel, MAS, em 3D, e Engrenagens Cónicas no Tico-Tico!

Podem agora imprimir nas vossas Impressoras 3D em Material Ferro-Magnético, o que abre toda a espécie de novas possibilidades, como Sensores, relays, e Motores magnéticos, tanto dos rotativos, como dos Lineares!

Functional 3D Printing Looking Attractive with New Magnetic Filament from Graphene 3D Labs
Graphene 3D Lab Inc. has already demonstrated some success with the release of their Conductive Graphene Filament, which at least one of our team members thought was fun to play around with. Now, the Canadian company is introducing yet another functional filament and, this time, it’s sure to attract some attention. Currently for sale on the company’s online store, BlackMagic3D, and on Amazon is Graphene 3D Lab’s all new Ferro-Magnetic PLA filament. 
As must as one might like to create fridge magnets with the material, the new magnetic filament from Graphene 3D Lab can actually be used to make functional objects like sensors, mechanical actuators, and motors.  I won’t pretend to know how to build these, but there are plenty of tutorials online describing how to make magnetic motors, sensors, actuators, and more.  Combined with conductive filament, we are slowly approaching the day in which all the parts necessary to reproduce a 3D printer will be 3D printable, fulfilling the dreams of RepRap founder Adrian Bowyer.

.. Para cpmeçarem a vossa Fabriqueta de Engenhocas, eis uma Máquina CNC só com um Arduino, e capaz de gravar em Madeira, e cortar Papel e Cartão.
Com o dinheiro que fizerem, bem podem comprar depois uma máquina mais potente!

Arduino Laser Engraver Wood Design!
Hi everybody, my name is Michiel and I am going to show you how to make an awesome looking laser engraver!
A couple of months ago, there was a CNC challenge here at instructables, while checking out the entries of that contest, I saw some pretty cool engraving machines and I thought: "Why shouldn't I make my own?". And so I did, but I didn't want to make someone else's project, I wanted to make my own. And so my story began... :)
This laser engraver uses a 1.8W 445nm laser module, of course, this is nothing compared to the industrial laser cutters who use lasers of (a lot) more than 50W. But this laser will do well for us. It can cut through paper and cardboard and it can engrave all kinds of wood. I haven't tested other materials yet, but I'm sure it can engrave many other materials. l will let you know! It has a large engraving surface of about 500x380mm.
Who can make this laser engraver? Everybody, if you are an engineer, a lawyer, a teacher or a student like me, you can build this thing! All you have to do is follow this instructable. 

Para Modelos e Maquetes bem realistas, mas numa máquina acessível, esta nova Máquina da Mcor vem-vos ajudar, agora ainda mais, porque vem com uma data de truques novos!

This 3D Printer Builds Full-Color Paper Models!


Traditional desktop 3D printers use melted plastic as their build material, but Mcor's printers layer sheets of paper on top of each other to create their models. We check out the new Mcor Arke, a printer that cuts from a large spool of paper, glues those sheets together, and then prints color on them to turn digital files into large paper models!
Shot by Adam Isaak and edited by Joey Fameli

..E ainda mais uma Impressora 3D por quase nada...
235 Dólares, e feito em 7 horas, não há razão para não tentarem!

How to assemble very cheap 3D printer
3D printing is great tool, you can print almost everything that you need. For example my lamp was broken since few weeks but now I design part that I needed to fix it and it works!
Cheap printer maybe mean for somebody bad printer. But I think that for this price ($235)it works great. It can print offline, has heated bed (without glass table but I will show you how to make it). Assembling it is very easy. I made it without instruction (I didn't check SD card, on it you can find some video tutorials). It took me 7 hours to build, calibrate and print first thing (small 1cmx1cmx1cm cube). 

..Mais esta, como, com a vossa humilde Serra Tico-tico de Bancada, podem fazer Engrenagens Cónicas, as tais a 90º!
Para quem queira fazer maquinetas em Madeira, isto é indispensável... 
E até vem com os Planos para o Helicóptero que aqui vêem!
É bom! 

Making Bevel Gears on the Scroll SawJEPLANS 
Making wooden Bevel Gears on the Scroll Saw. In this video I go through how to make Bevel gears that go with my wooden helicopter plans.
Available at

sexta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2016

Sculpto 3D em Inglês! E Perfis em Alumínio, aprender a desenhar, Motores na Robótica, e um Carro de Imanes

A Impressora Sculpto3D, já mencionada antes aqui, por ter um revolucionário Sistema de Impressão 3D a partir de esboços em papel(!), vem agora, a pedido de várias Famílias, numa Versão em Inglês, o que nos facilita imensamente a vida!
Vem com um Link para encomendar.

Sculpto 3D Printer &App
Ordering Link 
Sculpto is the future of toys, making 3D printing for everybody, kids as well as adults. Print your own toys, a new unique bracelet, decorations for the holiday, the spare part you were missing or perhaps a new bowtie.
The stage is set for many hours of fun, play, learning and companionship with a Sculpto 3D printer in the family. The only limit for what you can create together is your imagination.
With a Sculpto 3D printer in the house everybody can print whatever they want. The kids no longer have to wait for mom and dad to drive them to the toy store, no, they can just print their own.
Sculpto’s family friendly 3D Printer and App is not in the stores yet, but you can already secure your own now as, and get it as one of the firsts.

Incrívelmente ùtil por todo o lado, na Oficina do Engenhocas, para construír de tudo um pouco, de Protótipos a Impressoras 3D, passando por toda a espécie de Máquinas-Ferramenta de que se lembrem, eis uma loja de Perfis, com um Blogue porreiro:

About APM 
Alu Profiles Manchester was founded in 2015, the web store serves as a platform, by where designers or makers have access to materials to prototype a range of different projects.
We like to think of products we sell as modern day Meccano, but much more sturdy, versatile and perfect for prototyping 3D automated machines. 

..Um Ebook bem bom, para aprenderem a desenhar, façam favor de APRENDER, que é, ainda por cima, GRÁTIS!
Parabéns, Ivan Querino, parabéns, Brasil!

Chegou a hora de realizar o sonho de Aprender a Desenhar o que você quiser sem sair de casa!
Acredito realmente que a arte pode salvar vidas e quero compartilhar isso com o maior número de pessoas possível. Essa é minha missão.
Ivan Querino Ilustrador, Professor e Palestrant 

Não se é Engenhocas, sem se acabar por acumular uma série de Motores Eléctricos, e eis que vem este noisso amigo, Taifur, ajudar-nos a encontrar o que fazer com eles, no campo da Robótica, e não só:

Complete Motor guide for Robotics

Robot is an electromechanical device which is capable of reacting in some way to its environment, and take autonomous decisions or actions in order to achieve a specific task.
Roboticists develop man-made mechanical devices that can move by themselves, whose motion must be modelled, planned, sensed, actuated and controlled, and whose motion behavior can be influenced by “programming”.
This definition implies that a device can only be called a “robot” if it contains a movable mechanism, influenced by sensing, planning, actuation and control components. Motors and actuators are the devices which make the robot movable. Motors and actuators convert electrical energy into physical motion. The vast majority of actuators produce either rotational or linear motion.
In this instructables I will explain more common types of motors and actuators, their basics and how to control them. 

Sugerido por mim, a eles, e em boa hora, eis que a KJMagnetics nos oferece mais um simpático Instructable, sobre como construír em minutos este carrito, que é tanto Didáctico, quanto divertido!

Magnet Car

Here is a quick, easy way to create a self-propelled car using simple household items! All it takes is some magnets, a AA battery, and some aluminum foil!
As previously mentioned, you only need three things to complete the project-- a few magnets, a AA battery, and aluminum foil. 

sábado, 9 de janeiro de 2016

Façam o vosso próprio Micro-PC! E Motores a partir das Impressoras, um cartão de Visitas Digital, e uma Base para Fresa Dremmel.

Com muito pouco, fazem o vosso próprio Micro PC, daqueles que carregam directamente dum Chip, usando este Instructable:

Make your own 'Home Computer'

Many of us learnt to program on a Sinclair Spectrum, Commodore 64, BBC Micro or similar - 8/16 bit Home Computers. These computers booted straight up to a command prompt and encouraged you to write code and play with them.
You can now make your own (that runs JavaScript) in a few hours using a Espruino Pico microcontroller!

E que tal fazerem um Quadracóptero a partir das vossas Impressoras? Ora aqui está uma ideia mesmo bacana...

Upcycle Brushless DC Motors From Printers


If you are at all interested in robotics and electronics you will probably have disassembled an old printer or two (if you haven't, I highly recommend it, there are always interesting parts, and you can learn a lot about how the experts put electro-mechanical machines together). If you have taken a laser printer apart, you will likely have come across brushless DC motors, which range in size.
These motors have some pros and cons, obviously it varies between printers, and the functions of the motors within the printers, but I have found the following to be true most of the time 

Aqui, explica-se como vocẽs podem ter o vosso próprio Cartão de Visitas Digital...
Pois não é que esta gigajoga transfere o vosso Contacto, para o Smartphone de quem vocês conhecem?
Simplesmente... Fantástico! 

Digital Business Card with NFC
NFC is found everywhere these days from credit cards to door locks, but must importantly: your smartphone! With a few simple steps and relatively low costs you can create a digital business card that uses NFC and can be read by a smartphone to transfer contact information. This high-tech solution makes exchanging your contact information not only fast and easy, but also makes you look very cool!
(this Instructable was made for the TfcD course @ TU Delft)

E se têem uma Dremmel, ou uma Maxcraft, etc. podem agora fazer um brilharete, com trabalho de Fresa, o que é sempre mais uma funcionalidade para estas pequenas maravilhas...

Notem o genial uso duma Pré-ferramenta em Cartão, para fazer uma Ferramenta final, em Madeira!
O Génio Inventivo, está vivo, ainda!!! 

Wooden precision mini router base for rotary tool (with cardboard prototype)
I have a Dremel like rotary tool and I wanted a mini router base for it. It can be bought from Dremel or Stewmac e.g.
but I decided to make one. Made an initial research and found some good and nice examples:
I decided to make it 3 legged to increased stability and wanted to try it, so I made a prototype out of cardboard.
Let the fun begin! 

terça-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2016

Ferramental! E Libertar o Inventor, do Blender para a Impressão, e Técnicas de des-soldagem

Ferramentas, é a minha Praia! 

Prós lados da Matinha, em Lisboa, encontrei esta Loja porreira, onde, para além dum mundo de Lubrificantes, para Maquinação e outros, e um sem-fim de produtos para a Indústria, encontrei estes dois achados, uma linha de ferramentas como deve de ser, mas a um preço impecável, e um Serrote de Fita que parece feito para os Engenhocas, porque é maneirinho, potente, MAS acessível às nossas bolsas!


Sobre nós 
A Fonseca Matos & Ferreira, Lda foi constituída e iniciou a sua actividade em 1979 através da comercialização de ferramentas e produtos de manutenção para os sectores industrial e automóvel. Em 1992 alargamos a nossa actividade para Angola com a abertura da nossa subsidiária Angoferraria-Ferramentas de Angola, Lda. situada em Luanda.
Em 1995 adquirimos a Euromáquinas - Sociedade internacional de máquinas e ferramentas, Lda. uma das mais antigas e prestigiadas importadoras e distribuidoras de máquinas - ferramentas no mercado Português, tanto em máquinas convencionais como em máquinas de comando numérico (CNC). 

Esta Marca de Impressoras 3D, DWS, vem-nos propor libertar o Inventor em todos nós... Tinha de figurar aqui! 
Impressão Profissional, para qualquer um, é o que eles prometem, em vários Materiais, e com um Software como deve de ser, ainda por cima. 
Vejam o Vídeo, gravado no MakerFaire de Roma:

The first high-end 3D printer at a consumer price
Turn materials into solid
Our patented technology can turn a much wider variety of materials into solid: acrylate resin, ABS, polypropylene, rigid opaque, transparent, rubber, castable wax and ceramic. 
Intelligent material changing 
Quick material change: intelligent cartridges,
no leakages, no need of handling liquids, no tray consumption costs. 

Neste simpático Post, a Sculpteo vem ensinar aos adeptos do blender como usar esse Programa para a Impressão 3D, o que é uma Dica bem a jeito...

Prepare your model for 3D printing with Blender 
This tutorial was made for Blender users with an interest in 3D printing. It covers the essential information for taking your 3D model and turning it into a 3D object using the free CAD software.
Through this tutorial, you will learn some of the best practices for modeling, correcting and exporting a 3D file for 3D printing with Blender 2.7. Specifically this tutorial covers the following points:
Modeling for a 3D print with Blender
Optimally exporting and analyzing your file for a 3D print
Correcting possible modeling problems
Blender is a free 3D modeling software which is optimized for 3D animation and rendering using polygonal modeling techniques. This tutorial is based off of version 2.7 of Blender - the most recent version of the software can be downloaded from the Blender website.
You don't need to be an expert in Blender or 3D modeling in order to understand this tutorial. However, it is important to understand some of the basic functionalities of the program as we will be covering the best practices to take your model from the program into a 3D printer. The basic functionalities of Blender will not be covered in this tutorial.

Soldar, é uma chatice!
Des-soldar, ainda é pior...
Pois aqui estão 9 maneiras diferentes de o fazer, sem estragar nada, de preferência, para Entusiastas e Sucateiros.

9 Different Desoldering Techniques

Proto G 
In this instructable, I'll show you 9 different methods for taking electronic components off of circuit boards. Whether you're repairing boards or salvaging parts, it's a necessary skill.