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quinta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2015

Reparar rodas dentadas? E 2 pró Raspi, um Forno Português, e um Centralizador

Este Instructable, pela sua simplicidade e eficiência, é uma Obra-Prima de Reparação Engenhocas... 
Olhem que usar os dentes das outras Rodas dentadas, como Molde para a roda dentada partida, é de puro Génio!

Broken Gear Repair
Fab Muchada

Simple way to fix broken gear
you need a plastic steel epoxy, Popsicle stick, any mixing medium for your epoxy mixture and brush and detergent soap or dish washing liquid.

Duas dicas de Fernando Mattoso Lemos, 2 Adaptadores que unem o Arduino ao Raspberry Pi;
O primeiro, é o Raspio, um projecto que já ultrapassou quase 3 vezes o seu Objectivo de 3.456 Libras, e pode funcionar autónomamente, uma vez programado, ou comiunicar com o Raspi, como periférico:

RasPiO Duino Affordable Arduino Programming On Raspberry Pi

Alex Eames 

I want to get you into the wonderful world of Arduino programming, using your Raspberry Pi as the programmer. There's so much you can do with the ATMEGA 328 microcontroller - it complements the Pi perfectly and for many applications it doesn't even need to be connected to the Pi, once it's programmed. So I've designed the RasPiO Duino, which...
  • Has a capable microcontroller: ATMEGA328P. 32KB flash. 20MHz
  • 6 analog inputs for reading sensors (light, temperature,  pressure etc.)
  • 14 digital input/output pins for controlling and switching things
  • 6 PWM outputs for variable LED brightness or motor speed control
  • Can control up to 12 servos
  • Can exchange the microcontroller as it is socketed
  • Fits on the GPIO header and is programmed directly from a Raspberry Pi
  • Uses the Arduino Integrated Development Environment for programming
  • Is very keenly priced

O segundo, é o Arduberry, que já está à venda, com uma Empresa fundada para isso, e tudo:

Arduberry: Raspberry Pi and Arduino for the Rest of Us

Students, hackers, tinkerers unite!  The Arduberry is the shield you’ve been waiting for.  The Arduberry connects the Raspberry Pi and Arduino.
We love Arduino and we love Raspberry Pi.  We thought they should be together.  The Arduberry marries the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino.  Simple, elegant: all you need and nothing you don’t.

Um Instructable dum Forno Português, da autoria dum Entusuiasta Estrangeiro!
Ora toma!
Eis como podem fazer um Forno que serve para vários fins, bem à moda do Desenrasca Lusitano, que nos tem aguentado a todos nós, como Nação e Diàspora, contra ventos e marés, pela bonita idade de 800 anos...

How to Build a Portuguese Wood Fired Brick Pizza Oven

In this instructable we will describe how to build a real Portuguese brick pizza oven.
Portuguese ovens are characterized by higher dome than the Italian / Neapolitan ovens. What this means in practice is less intense heat. In all of these ovens the heat is reflected from the dome back onto the cooking floor and the lower the dome the higher the heat. While the Italian pizza ovens are made primarily for pizza (they cook other foods too, but most people buy them for pizza) the Portuguese ovens are made with cooking a variety of foods in mind: slow roasts, lasagnas, bread etc. For all of these you will need less heat than for pizza and hence a Portguese ovens can come in handy.

Este Instructable, vem com o seu Ficheiro 3D, por isso, podem finalmente usar as vossas Impressoras 3D num Instructable que faz sempre falta, uma gigajoga que acha os Centros em peças duma forma simples:

Center finder

I love tools and every now and then I also love tools to make live easier. This one is based on a one time tool from woodpeckers but not available anymore. So I decided to made one by myself using my 3D FDM printer.
Its a handy tool to mark the centre of a workpiece, just place the two legs around your piece and mark a line or point or draw a line with a pen trough one of the holes in the middle bar. Due to the parallelogram, the center is always found automatically.

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