Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2013

Smart GPU, Olé, México!!! E salvar vidas, uma Mota a Foguete, um Ar Puro a sério, e as Instrucções da Ray Gun, em Vídeo...

Isto é fenomenal!

O Smart GPU, desta Empresa fantástica do México, promete dar asas aos vossos peojectos com o Arduino, no campo da Interface Gráfica, neste Exemplo, têem uma série de Apps, como se estivessem a mexer num Ipad!
Ora, para quem estiver a desenvolver Hardware dedicado, isto vai dar um aspecto brutalmente Profissional às vossas Criações: 

A Plataforma mbed poderá ter grandes aplicações, com o Smart GPU, talvez mesmo, um Smartphone feito em casa...
Eis, do Blog do Designspark, a descrição da mbed:

Exploring mbed with the Application Board

Andrew Back 

A first look at the mbed platform and the recently launched Application Board.
I'm embarrassed to admit that the mbed platform has remained on my must-properly-investigate list for quite a long time. In fact, from since just before mbed's Chris Styles presented at an OSHUG meeting back in September 2010, and for whatever reason — most likely a pre-occupation with numerous other things of a technical nature — I haven't get round to taking a closer look until now.
What follows is by no means a thorough exploration of all the features that the mbed platform provides — that would require a much longer post — but rather instead a look at the out-of-box experience with an mbed module and the brand new Application Board.
It's safe to say that this won't be the last post on the topic!

Eis um uso impressionante da Plataforma mbed, esta Câmara Digital Servo-Controlada:


The ServoCam is a web-enabled, servo controlled, digital camera. The miniature servos allow the camera to pan and tilt. The camera itself includes JPEG image compression and a UART interface. The hardware and example software developed for this project provides a platform which can be easily further refined into any number of applications.

Available here (camera not included):

Completamente diferente, mas uma Invenção simplesmente louvável, esta, permite salvar Vidas de Bébés!
Detecta a Paragem espiratória, nas crianças de tenra idade, o que permite intervir, mal seja necessário:

New Invention Could Help Reduce Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Sarah Terzo

Sudden infant death syndrome, also known as crib death, is responsible for the deaths of 7000 infants a year. Now a new invention has been made that might drastically reduce this number.

Researchers at The Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration IZM in Berlin have developed a circuit board made of polyurethane which can be put inside baby’s clothes and monitor the breathing of the infant.  If the child stops breathing, the device alerts parents, who can then render first aid and save the baby before it is too late.

E quando os Anjinhos crescerem, poderão arrepiar os cabelos aos Pais, a andar nesta Mota a Foguete,  andando à módica velocidade de 600 Kilómetros/hora, Ohhh, Yeah!

State-of-the-art rocket-powered motorcycle sells on eBay

Brian Dodson

A state-of-the-art rocket-powered motorcycle that was recently advertised for sale on eBay has been sold to Gerd Habermann Racing. Engineered to hit speeds in excess of 400 mph (640 km/h) during the quarter-mile, the bike was designed and built by Glenn Brittian, one of the few drivers licensed by the National Hot Rod Association to drive a rocket dragster. The asking price was US$27,000, but the actual selling price has not been made public.


E voltando às Ciências da Vida, eis uma máquina que vai tornar a vida bem mais suportável aos que sofem de várias Doenças do Foro Respiratório, desde Alergias graves, às Doenças que causam Imunidade reduzida, o que não é obra pequena!
Poeiras, Pólens, Bácterias, Vírus, esta Máquina detecta e mata tudo, mesmo partículas que escapam aos Purificadores actuais.
Os Engenhocas estão de parabéns!

X-ray device traps airborne pathogens and neutralizes them

Ben Coxworth

Help may be on the way for people with compromised immune systems, severe allergies, or who otherwise have to be wary of airborne nasties. A team of scientists have created something known as a soft x-ray electrostatic precipitator, or an SXC ESP for short. It filters all manner of bacteria, allergens, viruses, and ultrafine particles from the air – plus, it kills everything it catches.
Electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) already exist, and work by applying an electrical charge to airborne particles, which are subsequently drawn to an oppositely-charged metallic collection plate. According to the researchers, however, ESPs aren’t very efficient at trapping smaller particles – specifically in the submicrometer and nanometer size range.

E não sabem como montar a minha Ray-Gun?
Fácil, basta seguir este Vídeo, passo-a-passo:

Ray Gun, tried and tested

A hommage to all those cool Sci-Fi movies, a Fluorescent Acrylic Ray Gun, with place for Electronics on the box, and a hole trough the Barrel, to place the Laser Pointer, LED, whatever.
You can use a Rubber Band as the Trigger spling, and it will also hold the back lid in place!

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