Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2013

FabLab, Râs, e a RepRap Magazine


De visita ao FabLab, onde cortei a Ray-Gun, pude ver este simpático Macaco, feito por esta RepRap, que vos fica por só 500 Euros(!)

Mais este forno para um novo método de criar Circuitos Integrados,

Obra deste Pessoal porreiro, que lá na Fablab, faz das suas, para o Futuro da Fabbing...  
Vão Lá!

Têem até uma página no Facebook, deixem lá umas palavritas, e uns "Likes":

Porque é preciso sorrir um pouco, eis este impecável Brinquedo, com Râs, à volta numa Gigajoga da Feira Popular da Saparia!

The Flying Frogs

This is the "Flying Frogs," a minor ride in the Froggy World amusement park for adventurous plastic frogs.

This started as a sketch, then the tower and cross bar holder were designed and 3d printed:

The frogs were made out of clay, baked, then glued to the cross rod.

E mais uma boa notícia, saíu há dias a RepRap Magazine, da Autoria de Paulo Gonçalves, entre outros!
Vão ver a magazine, que podem descarregar em Pdf, ou ver online, no Issu:

RepRap Magazine
Welcome to the first edition of ! 
This project is brought to you by a small team of enthusias- tic and motivated users, experts and developers of RepRap 3D printers project. 
We aim to develop this project in an open way, working on a close relationship with our readers. 

For this first issue, as our cover mentions, we focus the main article on slicers, but also take a close look at the pro-tip of the issue, as well as the software section where we start a se- ries of articles dedicated to Repetier. While it is hard to choose the highlight of this issue we would have to point to our interview with Adrian Bowyer, the person who started the RepRap project and who was kind enough to give us an interview for our first edition. With all that said, we hope that you enjoy this edition and stay tuned on this project. 

Paulo Gonçalves 

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