Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2011

Duas coisas incríveis

Uma recontituíção da Obra-Prima, originada pelo Génio que foi Arquimedes e seguida pelos seus discípulos, até à completa execução do primeiro Computador de que há notícia na História!

Analógico, e funcionava por Engrenagens, mas permitia calcular as fases da Lua de qualquer data no Futuro, juntamente com que Cidade grega iria ser sede dos Jogos Olímpicos, num determinado ano!

Vários Génios estão envolvidos nesta história;
Os Gregos, é claro, depois, o Físico Inglês que viu o que estava realmente por dentro do bocado de Sucata de Bronze em que se tinha tornado aquela Máquina Magnífica;
É que como a Máquina é feita de uma série de Engrenagens, foi julgada ser uma Máquina moderna, quando tinha mais de...
2000 anos de idade!
E finalmente, os Génios da Hublot, que pegaram no Mecanismo, e o reduziram, até caber num Relógio de pulso, com o dito relógio de Pulso incluído!!!

Leia a fascinante história desde o achado até ao relógio, aqui:

Hublot painstakingly recreates a mysterious, 2,100-year-old clockwork relic - but why?

By Loz Blain

Why on Earth would you want to strap one of these to your wrist? It barely tells the time, and it can't take pictures, tweet or connect to your Facebook. In fact, very few people would have the faintest idea what it is, or why you'd want one at all. But for those that do recognize its intricate gears and dials, this tiny, complex piece of machinery tells a vivid and incredible tale. It's a story of gigantic scientific upheaval, of adventure and shipwreck on the high seas, of war and death. A story of amazing intellect, lost riches and impossible chance - a sunken treasure that Jaques Cousteau once described as "more valuable than the Mona Lisa" - and it's connected with an ancient celebrity whose star shone so brightly that he's still a household name more than 2200 years after his death... Read on!


E para rematar, um Cavaquinho desdobrável, notícia da Ponoko:

The incredible Folding Ukulele from ‘maker of anything’ Brian Chan

extraordinary project made with Ponoko Personal Factory

Every now and then something shows up in the Showroom that simply astounds everyone of us at Ponoko.
And the Folding Ukulele from artist, craftsman, and origami genius Brian Chan is exactly the kind of thing I’m talking about.
With his design already drafted, Brian got in touch with Josh, one of our Community Support Managers, to prototype his project using laser-cutting. As you can see, the design is pretty complex, consisting of multiple flat pieces that need to fit together perfectly to create not just a 3D object — but a musical one! Josh’s reaction to project when he saw the plans? 0_0
Get ready to be zero-eyed yourself when you see Brian’s ukulele in all of its foldable and musical glory:

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