Blog Posts

sábado, 5 de novembro de 2011

Bestas, 1000 Cores, e Pernas Mecânicas

Primeiro este brinquedo de Filme de 007, uma besta de Pulso(?)

Hobbyist builds wrist-mounted, laser-sighted crossbow

By Ben Coxworth

A lot of people think crossbows are pretty cool. Lasers, miniaturized things, and wearable devices also tend to rate pretty high on the neat-o-meter. It goes to follow, therefore, that a small wrist-mounted laser-sighted crossbow should have a lot of admirers. Well, laser hobbyist Patrick Priebe built just such a device, and his video of it in action has already racked up over 100,000 hits in just four days. As it turns out, the "WristBow" is just the latest of his cyberpunk-esque creations.

The device's housing, bow body and bolts (or "arrows") are all made out of aluminum. The bolt rest and trigger string guides are composed of Teflon, the trigger and bow strings are steel cable, while brass and steel were used in other areas, such as the bolt tips.

1000 cores, vê uma máquina que detecta assim Poluentes, em tempo real, visualmente,o que é nada menos que fantástico:

Environmental contaminants revealed by new thousand-color sensor

By Ben Coxworth

When any two compounds are combined, the resulting chemical reaction shows up as a specific color when natural sunlight reflects off the area where that reaction is occurring. Therefore, by assessing the colors of an object, material or environment, it is possible to determine what compounds are present within it. Unfortunately, many of those colors fall outside the mere three bands of light (red, green and blue) visible to the human eye. Spectral analysis equipment can detect a much wider range of light, but it is typically located in labs, which samples must be transported to. Now, however, a scientist from Israel's Tel Aviv University (TAU) has created a portable hyperspectral sensor, that can "see" over 1,000 colors - this means that it could be used to detect pollutants in the environment, on location and in real time

Não menos porreiro, este Andarilho Mecânico da Toyota, para ajudar Doentes e Idosos a andar!

Toyota Shows Machines to Help Sick, Elderly Move

By YURI KAGEYAMA AP Business Writer

Toyota unveiled its ambitions for high-tech health care Tuesday, displaying experimental robots that the auto giant says can lift disabled patients from their hospital beds or help them walk.

The company aims to commercialize products such as its "independent walk assist" device sometime after 2013 — seeking to position itself in an industry with great potential in Japan, one of the world's most rapidly aging nations.

Eiichi Saitoh, a professor in rehabilitation medicine, demonstrated the "walk assist" device on Tuesday, strapping the computerized metallic brace onto his right leg, which was paralyzed by polio.

He showed reporters at a Toyota facility in Tokyo how the brace could bend at the knee as needed, allowing him to walk more naturally and rise from a chair with greater ease than the walker he now uses. Wearing a backpack-like battery, Saitoh walked up and down a flight of stairs, smiling with delight.

Saitoh said he had tried Toyota's machines with patients and was confident they helped people recover more quickly from strokes and other ailments that curtailed movement.

"It may be difficult to predict the future, but the era of an aging society is definitely coming," he said. "We need partner robots to enrich our lives.

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